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      However, if you are experiencing financial difficulties, the Horoscope is explaining why. Most probably you’re not paying enough attention to them. You’re distracted by other things and not focusing here as you should. With an empty money house it will be challenging to focus on this area – you might not be in the mood for it – but you need to force yourself.

      Venus is your financial planet. Thus, your social skills, your ability to get on with others, are very important in financial matters. Aries people are not known for their social skills – they are independent types – but if you want to earn more and attain your financial goals, these skills need to be beefed up.

      Venus as your financial planet shows other things too. Who you know is just as important as how much you actually have. Your friends tend to be rich and this is like money in the bank – though it will never appear on any financial statement. Wealth of friendship is a form of wealth.

      With Venus as your financial planet you have a natural affinity for the beauty industry – for fashion, cosmetics, fragrances, art and jewellery. These are viable as investments, businesses or jobs.

      Jupiter enters your 7th house in September, bringing opportunity for a lucrative kind of business partnership or joint venture. If you own a company a merger could happen too.

      Jupiter has been in your 6th house of health and work since August 12, 2015 and remains there until September 9. This is an excellent aspect for job seekers and many of you have landed dream jobs in the past year. And, if you have not, it can still happen in the year ahead. You seem in demand. These opportunities can be in foreign lands or with foreign companies.

      Those of you who employ others have been increasing the workforce of late and this trend continues in the year ahead. Generally this is a sign of success.

      With Pluto in your 10th house since 2008, career has been a strong focus. As we mentioned, there are many changes going on here – changes in your industry, changes in the hierarchy of your company, changes in governmental regulations that affect you. The rules of the game have been changing for many years. Many of you have actually changed the career path in the past few years – and it could still happen this year or in future years (Pluto is a slow-moving planet). The symbolism depicts ‘death and rebirth’. An old career, career path or career approach dies and is reborn in another form. Pluto in the 10th house tends to career success. It produces storms and crisis, but also a strong focus on the career. It is this intense, laser-like focus that brings success.

      Your career planet, Saturn, is also making nice aspects to you. So, you’re comfortable with your career and seem to be enjoying it. Bosses seems kindly disposed to you – another big plus. Later in the year, Jupiter will start making nice aspects to your career planet and this will bring promotion and elevation. This happens from September 10 onwards.

      Your willingness to travel plays a role in your career success.

      Love and Social Life

      This is really the main headline for the year. Your 7th house has been more or less dormant for many years. This year, from September onwards, it becomes powerful and happy.

      Serious love has been complicated for many years. Uranus in the 1st house is not the best aspect for love. It is good for serial relationships but not for marriage. Perhaps you blamed your partners, but really the problem was with you. You have been very independent, self-willed and rebellious. You wanted (and still want) a lot of personal freedom, and this is difficult in a serious relationship. By definition a serious relationship is a limitation of personal freedom. You’ve had five years of personal freedom and now maybe it is time to settle down. What I see happening is that you’ll meet someone who makes you feel this way. Somehow you’ll be able to combine your need for freedom with a committed kind of relationship.

      Wealth is always a romantic turn-on for you, and this year more so than normal. The person who fits the psychological profile of your love is someone educated and refined. Perhaps religious. A minister or professor – a mentor type – fits the bill. You have the aspects of someone who falls in love with a professor, guru or religious leader. Foreigners are unusually appealing too. And it wouldn’t surprise me if you met this person in a foreign country. Physical beauty is also a factor here.

      However, there are other scenarios. You could meet this person at your church, synagogue, mosque or ashram – or through the introduction of fellow worshipers. You could also meet him or her at university or university functions. These venues are not only conducive for romance, but for social opportunities in general.

      Jupiter is the planet of religion and philosophy – and in your chart he is even more like this, as he is the ruler of your 9th house. Thus aside from wealth, education and personal appearance, there is a need for philosophical compatibility with your lover. This doesn’t mean that you have to agree on every point, but you should be on the same page about things like the meaning of life and what is important in that life. Philosophical differences have sunk more relationships than has ever been reported. And, in your case, it is unusually important.

      If you are already married (and we give you credit for holding things together) you can work through problems in the marriage by taking trips to foreign lands, by taking courses as a couple and by worshipping together as a couple. These things tend to harmonize the upper mental body.

      Those of you working towards your second marriage also have wonderful love opportunities this year – only there’s no need to rush into anything. Let love develop slowly and naturally. Those working towards a third marriage have a static love year, but the social life in general will be active.

      Whatever marriage you’re in, the social life expands this year. New and important friends are coming into the picture.


      Many of the trends we’ve written about in previous years are still in effect now. Long-term planets indicate long-term projects. These things are not achieved overnight.

      Saturn in your 9th house – like last year – is testing your religious and philosophical beliefs. They get ‘reality checked’. This is not always a pleasant thing. We tend to be very attached to our beliefs, and when they are challenged we feel we are personally challenged. But the end result is good. Some beliefs might be right, but need some modification. Some could be wrong and need to be eliminated. The end result will be a more stable, more realistic belief system. And it will serve you well in years to come.

      Your spiritual planet Neptune in your 12th house is also involved in the testing of your beliefs. Many of you are having actual spiritual experiences – supernatural kinds of experiences – and revelations through dreams and through teachers. These will challenge long-held beliefs about the nature of life and reality. Spiritual revelation and experiences could also cause career changes, or a change in the way you approach your career.

      Neptune will spend a lot of time on an eclipse point this year, which indicates a lot of spiritual change in your life: change of practice, attitudes and perhaps even teachings and teachers. It shows much instability in a spiritual organization you’re involved with.

      Uranus, still in your 1st house, shows that you need to get comfortable with change and apparent instability. As in previous years, your challenge is to make change your friend. Don’t resist it, flow with it. Change brings insecurity, but in the end it is good. Uranus is about breaking attachments – and we all have many. Attachment to a person, a job, a situation, a physical kind of appearance. These attachments hold us back. We should be happy when they’re broken.

      Pluto in your 10th house shows more involvement with death and death issues. The cosmos is educating you about these things and they do need to be understood better. They do not need to be feared, but understood. When this happens, life goes better. Fear of death is perhaps the main obstruction to freedom and to our heartfelt goals.

      Jupiter in your 6th house at the beginning of the year will show you the power of prayer in health issues. You respond well to this. Prayer changes the vibration of the body.

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