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      Major Trends

      Many of the trends that we’ve written about in previous years are still very much in effect in 2016. Uranus has been in your sign for over five years now and those of you born before April 9 have been feeling its influence the strongest. Uranus brings sudden and dramatic change, and there is no question that most of you Aries people are in dramatically different conditions and circumstances than you were five years ago. And the change is not finished. Those of you born after April 9 are feeling this especially strongly this year. You are redefining yourself – your image and personality. You are exploring your personal freedom. Many old ties and obligations have gone by the board over the past five years. Many seemingly ‘bed rock’ structures in your life are no longer there. You have been learning to deal with major change – to find stability as the changes happen around you.

      Pluto has been in your 10th house of career since 2008 and will be there for many years to come. This shows career changes, both personal and in your industry. It also shows that you’ve been dealing with issues around death and perhaps surgeries. Many Aries have had near-death type experiences.

      Neptune has been in your spiritual 12th house since February 2012 (he flirted with this house in 2011, but entered permanently in 2012). Thus the spiritual life is very active these days and many are seeing the spiritual agenda behind all the changes and dramas that are going on. Neptune will remain in your 12th house for many years to come.

      Saturn has been in your 9th house since late 2014 and will be there for the year ahead. This is basically a happy transit that boosts your career. You’re travelling this year, but it’s more related to business, not so much for pleasure. Students at college level have to work harder on their studies.

      The main headline this year is Jupiter’s move from your 6th to your 7th house on September 10. This will make the year ahead a banner love and social year – one of the best in your life. For some of you, it will be the best you’ve ever known. Much depends on your age. Love is in the air and marriages or serious committed relationships are likely. More on this later.

      Your areas of greatest interest this year are: the body and image; health and work (until September 10); love, romance and social activities (from September 10 onwards); foreign travel, higher education, religion and philosophy; career; and spirituality.

      Your paths of greatest fulfilment this year are health and work; and love and romance (after September 10).


       (Please note that this is an astrological perspective on health and not a medical one. In days of yore there was no difference, these perspectives were identical. But now there could be quite a difference. For a medical perspective, please consult your doctor or health practitioner.)

      Health needs watching this year, especially from September 10th onwards. Three long-term planets are stressing you out. The good news is that you are paying attention here and you are not ignoring things. And this is a positive health indicator.

      It should be mentioned that if you got through the first half of 2014 with your health and sanity intact, this year will be a breeze.

      Our regular readers know that there is much that can be done to enhance the health and prevent problems from developing. The first step is to maximize your energy level. This is always the first line of defence against disease. With a high energy level the body naturally resists disease. But when energy drops, it becomes more vulnerable. In many cases people are frittering away their energy on inessential things and frivolities. In other cases, their low energy is astrological in nature. When many planets are in stressful alignment, more energy is burned just doing the normal things. It is like driving a car uphill: it takes more gas to drive uphill than to drive a similar distance on level ground. Thus there is greater vulnerability to disease.

      The second line of defence is to give more attention to the vulnerable areas in the Horoscope. These are the areas where problems are most likely to begin. If we can keep them strong – healthy and fit – we can prevent (or assuage) future problems.

      In your Horoscope these are the areas that need more attention (the reflexology points are shown in the chart below):


       The heart. You should pay attention to this area all year, but especially from September 10 onwards. Learn to relax more. Practise relaxation exercises. Avoid worry and anxiety, the two root causes of heart problems.

       The head, face and scalp. This area is always important for Aries. Regular scalp and face massage will do wonders for your health, and craniosacral therapy should be powerful this year too.

       The adrenals. Avoid anger and fear, the two emotions that stress the adrenals.

       The musculature. Good muscle tone is always important. A weak muscle can knock the spine or skeleton out of alignment and cause many other problems. Vigorous physical exercise – according to your age and stage in life – is good for you.

       The lungs, small intestine, arms, shoulders and respiratory system. These are also always important for Aries. Arms and shoulders should be regularly massaged.

       The liver and thighs (until September 10). Liver action seems more sluggish this year; a herbal liver cleanse or detox might be a good idea.

      Pluto, the planet that rules surgery, is near your Mid-heaven (and has been that way for many years now), and so you have a tendency towards surgery. Keep in mind though that detoxing will often achieve the same result, although it takes longer.

      Mercury, your health planet, is a fast-moving planet. Month to month he will be in different places and receive different kinds of aspects. Thus there are many short-term trends in health that are best dealt with in the monthly reports.

      Home and Family

      Your 4th house of home and family is not particularly prominent this year. Generally this shows a year tending towards the status quo. You’re relatively content with things as they are and have no need to make dramatic changes. There’s nothing against change by the way – you have the freedom to make changes or move if you like – but there’s just no driving need for it.

      Pluto has been in your 10th house of career for many years now – since 2008. This aspect impacts on parents and parent figures in your life. If you are male, this impacts on the father figures; if you are female it has an impact on the mother figures. It indicates many dramas in their lives such as surgeries or near-death kinds of experiences – encounters with death. In most cases these are merely encounters, but in some cases there has been actual death. These parent figures are in dialogue with the dark angel (figuratively speaking). He is around them and teaching them what they need to learn. Life is eternal, but here on earth it is short and fragile and can end at any time. They need to focus on the essentials, on the reason they came here in the first place. They seem in a more spiritual kind of period – since late 2014 – and this is probably the reason for it.

      Saturn, the planet that rules parent figures, is in harmonious aspect with you and so you seem on good terms with them. The challenges they face don’t seem to involve you personally.

      Uranus in your 1st house shows restlessness. This is not necessarily manifested as physical moves, but shows someone who lives in different places for long periods of time. There is a need for constant change.

      If you are redecorating or beautifying the home, June 21 to July 23 is an excellent time for this. It is also a good time for buying art objects for the home.

      Finance and Career

      Your 2nd house of finance is not strong this year. Generally this indicates a stable kind of financial year and I read this as a good thing. You’re basically satisfied

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