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So you can be up one day and down the next. One day you’re full of enthusiasm and optimism, the next, lethargic. These short-term trends are best covered in the monthly reports.

      In general we can say that your best financial days in a given month are the New and Full Moons and when the Moon is in Virgo (until September 9) and Libra (after September 9). A waxing Moon is financially better than a waning Moon.

      When Jupiter enters your 5th house on September 10 you can earn from your personal creativity. It becomes more marketable. This transit will also bring luck in speculations. The cosmos doesn’t have to prosper you in this way, but this can be one of its avenues. When intuition urges it might be wise to invest harmless sums in a lottery or some other speculation after this date.

      Your favourable financial numbers are 2, 4, 7 and 9.

      Career – your life work – seems more important than finance this year. You might take a pay cut to get a job with more prestige and status – and not everyone thinks this way. A successful career tends to lead to money. But with you the career comes first.

      Neptune, your career planet, spends many months on the South Node of the Moon this year. He also gets eclipsed. So there are career changes afoot and probably for the better. In addition to this there are two eclipses in your 10th house – a solar eclipse on March 9 and a lunar eclipse on September 16. This reinforces what we have said above.

      In general you need a spiritual kind of career, as we mentioned. But the glamour industries – film, photography, music and dance – would also fit the bill.

      Love and Social Life

      The love life is very complicated this year – especially until September 9. Singles will still date and socialize but not as much as usual. The social life is much toned down.

      Further, Jupiter, your love planet, is in stressful aspect with you until September 9. A current relationship is being severely tested. If it is fundamentally sound it will survive – though it will take more work and effort. But the flawed ones are likely to dissolve.

      Jupiter in the sign of Virgo is not especially good for love. Not in your case, anyway. Love, which is something of the heart, becomes too mental and analytical. If you’re not careful you’ll overanalyse yourself out of a relationship. Analysis is good later on, but not during romantic moments. Also, the love planet in Virgo can make a person too perfectionistic in love matters. Any little flaw can be magnified out of all proportion. The good points can get lost. Criticism is another issue with the love planet in Virgo. There is nothing that will destroy the feeling of romance faster than destructive criticism. You need to avoid this like the plague. (In many cases it’s not you who is like that, but your partner – you can be attracting these kinds of people these days.)

      You can make the love life better by avoiding these pitfalls. You deserve perfect love but it is seldom handed to us on a silver platter. It is something that we work on and develop. It’s a long-term project. As long as the relationship is better today than it was yesterday, you’re on the road to perfect love. If you must criticize the beloved, choose an appropriate time – and do your best to phrase it in a constructive manner.

      People get intellectual and analytical about love to avoid pain. But they often create more pain with this approach.

      With Jupiter in your 4th house until September 9, love and love opportunities are found close to home – there’ll be no need to travel far and wide. Family and family connections play a huge role in love. Family members are playing cupid this year.

      You are attracted to people with strong family values, to people with whom you can share feelings. Emotional intimacy seems just as important as physical intimacy. You also seem attracted to older, more settled kinds of people – corporate and managerial types.

      When the love planet enters Libra on September 10, the attitude changes. Love becomes more about fun. You gravitate towards the person who can show you a good time. Someone you can laugh with. Love opportunities happen at the normal places – parties, the theatre, resorts and places of entertainment.

      Marriage is not likely this year – nor is it advisable. There’s no need to rush into anything.


      Saturn in your 7th house of love and Jupiter in Virgo can make you seem cold, distant and unfeeling to others. Even if you aren’t like that – they feel this. And this can further dampen the love life. Thus this year it will be good to practise sending love and warmth to others. You will have to work on this consciously. Make it a project.

      With Jupiter in your 4th house this year, you’re going to experience Nature’s therapeutic system. Periodically an emotional spring-cleaning is in order and Nature goes about setting the stage for it. The subconscious mind is filled with untapped riches, with wisdom and knowledge gained by past experience and with abilities unhindered by space and time. But these can’t be accessed if there is too much baggage there too: resentment, false ideas, false opinions, etc. These are in need of resolution. So with Jupiter in your 4th house you will feel more nostalgic. Old memories will arise spontaneously. You’ll find yourself daydreaming of the past at odd moments. At night you’ll have dreams of the past. These are all significant and should be noted. Perhaps most importantly, you’ll be remembering old, unresolved love relationships. Don’t try to suppress these things. The idea is to look at them from your present perspective, from your present state of consciousness. Things that seemed ‘disastrous’ when they happened are now seen as perhaps good things. You can laugh about them. Your personal history is not being rewritten – the facts are still the facts – but it is being reinterpreted in the light of greater maturity.

      All of this will happen naturally, without a human therapist. However, a good human therapist can be of invaluable assistance to speed the process.

      Part of the problem in the love life is that you might be living in the past. You might be trying to duplicate some happy kind of relationship, or trying to duplicate past pleasures. More likely, you’re trying to avoid past pains and disappointments. You have a tendency this year to leave the ‘now’. Past pleasures were wonderful, but new pleasures and new dimensions in love are constantly unfolding. Things you never imagined. Why block it?

      Often with this aspect, an old flame come back into the picture. In many cases it is the actual person. In other cases it is someone with the same physical and psychological patterns as the old flame. Sometimes it is someone who reminds you of a parent figure at a younger age. These things generally don’t lead to anything serious, but they help to resolve old issues of the past. When these are resolved you are ready to move on. Nature is very smart.

      It’s a very good idea to keep a journal of your dreams and experiences – especially this year.


      Best Days Overall: 1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 19, 20, 29, 30

      Most Stressful Days Overall: 6, 7, 13, 14, 26, 27

      Best Days for Love: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 26, 27

      Best Days for Money: 9, 10, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 29, 30

      Best Days for Career: 4, 5, 13, 14, 21, 22, 31

      You begin your year with the Western, social sector of your chart most dominant. Mercury, your ruling planet, is very distant from you. You’re far away from yourself and focused on the needs of others. This is as it should be. Personal power, personal self-confidence, is much weaker this month – Mercury is retrograde most of the month. Perhaps this is a good thing. Your way is probably not best these days. Let others have their way, so long as it isn’t destructive. Adapt yourself to situations as best you can. In a few months, when the planetary power shifts to the East, it will be easier to make changes.

      At times like this it’s good to remember that ‘my strength is made perfect in your weakness’. When we rely on a Higher

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