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will be like a vacation period.

      You are always idealistic about your career and your work in the world. But now that Neptune is in your 10th house (as he has been since 2012) the idealism is much stronger. Career has to be more meaningful than just making money or achieving fame. It has to be spiritually meaningful too.

      Pluto in your 8th house of transformation and regeneration for many years has forced many of you to get more serious about life. You’ve been dealing with death and near-death types of experiences – both personally and with those around you. This is sobering, but ultimately good. Many of you are involved in projects of personal transformation, and these projects are going well.

      Mercury, the ruler of your Horoscope, will be in retrograde motion four times in the year ahead. Usually this happens only three times in a year and it shows that there is more indecision in your life, more need of review and mental clarity. We will deal with these periods in the monthly reports.

      Your most important interests in the year ahead are: home and family (until September 9); children, fun and creativity (from September 10 onwards); love and romance; personal transformation, death and rebirth, occult studies and sex; career; and friends, groups and group activities.

      Your paths of greatest fulfilment in the year ahead are home and family; and children, fun and creativity (from September 10 onwards).


       (Please note that this is an astrological perspective on health and not a medical one. In days of yore there was no difference, these perspectives were identical. But now there could be quite a difference. For a medical perspective, please consult your doctor or health practitioner.)

      Health needs more attention these days. Saturn has been in stressful alignment with you since late December 2014, and Neptune has been in stressful alignment since 2012. By themselves they’re not enough to cause sickness, but when other short-term planets join the fray, you become more vulnerable. So make a special point to rest and relax more from February 18 to March 20, August 23 to September 22 and November 22 to December 21. These are your most vulnerable periods.

      Your 6th house of health and work is not strong this year. You could have a tendency to ignore your health and this could be a problem. You’ll have to force yourself to give it the attention it deserves.

      There is a lot that can be done to enhance your health and prevent problems from developing. Give more attention to the following areas (their reflexology points are highlighted in the following chart):


       The heart (especially during the vulnerable periods mentioned above). Many spiritual healers affirm that worry and anxiety are the root causes of heart problems. Replace worry with faith.

       The lungs, small intestine, arms, shoulders and respiratory system. These are always important for a Gemini. Regular arm and shoulder massage will be wonderfully beneficial.

       The colon, bladder and sexual organs. These are also always important for a Gemini. Colon action has been sluggish for some years now. It’s a little better since 2015, but needs energy. A colonic or two might be a good idea. Safe sex and sexual moderation are always important.

       The spine, knees, teeth, bones, skin and overall skeletal alignment. These have become important since 2008. Regular back massage is wonderful. There are chairs on the market that automatically massage your back and you might want to invest in one of these this year. Knee massage is good too. Give the knees more support when you exercise. Regular visits to a chiropractor or osteopath are a good idea.

       The gall bladder.

      You have made many sudden and dramatic changes to the health regime over the past two years, but things are more stable now.

      Pluto, your health planet, rules surgery and detox regimes, and you have an affinity for both. Back and/or knee surgery could be recommended this year, but get a second opinion and don’t rush into anything.

      Home and Family

      Your 4th house of home and family is a house of power this year and seems very happy.

      Jupiter, as we mentioned, entered your 4th house on August 12 of last year and he is there until September 9 of the current year. As our regular readers know, this transit generally produces a happy move or the fortunate sale or purchase of a home. The home – the living quarters – gets enlarged. Often this is by a physical move, but not necessarily. Sometimes people buy additional homes or renovate the existing home. Often they buy expensive items for the home. The effect is as if one had moved. If this hasn’t happened as yet, it is still likely in the year ahead.

      Jupiter in the 4th house enlarges the family circle. Generally this happens through birth or marriage, but often one meets people who are ‘like’ family to you. They give the same kind of emotional support you would expect from a family member.

      Geminis of childbearing age are ultra-fertile this year. A pregnancy wouldn’t be a surprise.

      Jupiter in your 4th house gives us other messages as well. Jupiter is your love planet. So, this reinforces what we said above about marriages in the family. It also shows that your social life is centred in the home and with the family. You are doing more entertaining from home as well.

      The ruler of the 7th house being situated in the 4th gives us other messages too. It shows that you’re beautifying the home. You are redecorating, perhaps repainting or landscaping and otherwise transforming the home. Most likely you’re buying objects of art and beauty for the home.

      One of the parent figures in your life is in a prosperity cycle (they have been since August last year) and seems generous and supportive. He or she needs to watch the weight these days, though.

      Jupiter in your 4th house makes this a year for making psychological progress. It reveals the wealth you possess in your subconscious mind. Your memories are a source of wealth.

      A solar eclipse on September 1 occurs in your 4th house. This can make family members more temperamental and volatile, so be more patient with them. Often it produces some family kind of crisis which requires your utmost attention. If there are problems in the home, this is when you find out about them.

      Finance and Career

      Your 2nd house of finance is not a house of power this year, Gemini. Since the Horoscope aims at a balanced development, it is normal that in certain years different areas of life are emphasized and others de-emphasized. In our culture it is always about money, money, money. But the cosmos has a different perspective. Finance is important – it is one of the twelve houses of the Horoscope – but it’s not everything. It is only a part of the whole.

      This signals a stable kind of year. I read it as basic contentment with the status quo with no pressing need to make dramatic change. However, should financial difficulties arise (and this can happen because of temporary planetary transits through the house) you probably need to focus more. You will not have been giving finance the attention it deserves.

      There has been much instability in the job for some years now. There have probably been multiple job changes – sudden and dramatic. The good news is that this year things are more stable on this front. In fact, ever since August of 2015, your job prospects have been excellent. Very nice job opportunities are happening and these seem much better, much happier, than the previous ones.

      There is more good news. When Jupiter enters Libra on September 10, he will start to make wonderful aspects to you. This will help finances – but most especially it will help your writing and communication skills. The final quarter of the year will be more prosperous than the first three quarters.

      Your financial planet, the Moon, is the fastest of all the planets – and the most changeable. Every month she moves through all the houses and signs of your chart.

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