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by the consumption of large amounts of glucose and others. A waste of energy is one of the main factors of the evolution of the human brain. It means that if woman spends more energy as a result of thinking activity, if she needs to give birth, than there is no way out: her brain must be smaller. Otherwise it just cannot be fed with energy. But this does not mean that the brain is less efficient. Its activity is focused on the perception of the people around, on the regulation of interpersonal relations, to preserve offspring, etc. In this respect, it was forced to develop faster male brain.

      This is due to the practical problems which are usually resolved by woman. A child can not say that something was wrong to it, but he "radiates" outside their concern, their pain, hunger, discomfort. The mother should be able to grasp, perceive and guess what happens to the child. In fact, she has to accept "artificial" vibrations of consciousness, namely to absorb vibrations that are not in the matter around us. Society is more "based" on the vibrations of a higher frequency than those who "makes" their own matter or substance. Men, unlike women, must better navigate in their relations with the outside material world, the oscillation frequency of which he must accept better. Hence the corresponding brain is more adapted to their perception. The role of society is constantly increasing, it is especially important now, and the role and importance of a hunter, simple getter with the growth of the labour productivity, with the growth of social division of labour has decreased. Therefore, feminized men appear in greater numbers. Men began to massively restructure their psycho-type.

      Intellect of women is more social, emotional than substantive. But men have more substantive intelligence. Indeed, the willingness to act, model the behavior is associated with the frontal lobes of the brain.

      But the main direction of evolutionary change was associated with the emergence of social intelligence, and women were ahead of men. And evolution was on the way up to copying the brain, behavior of those who had great conditions for survival. In the context of matriarchy it has to increase the influence of women in all the processes in the pack, the tribe. Women in power could regulate themselves what they need what kind of psycho-types of men should be left for the survival of the species. They left them in their image and likeness. The brain of all the people in these periods decreased, the skull became smaller, and the evolution went towards the formation of social intelligence to a greater extent than to domain work.

      The coming of the "slower" EEG rhythms to the region of 'faster' is also specific for children during their maturity. While getting older the child is increasingly integrated into the society, in which the exchange of information takes place through the vibrations of a higher frequency than those that gives us the matter around us. Therefore, this pattern is confirmed by phylogenetic and ontogeny factors.

      With the advent of patriarchy the major evolutionary changes in the skull of people have already taken place. If so, then the type of EEG, the mindset of women has to be transmitted primarily to men who are psychologically close to the women, namely to the feminized men. Indeed, if we take all the examinees with high level of feminization (men and women), they are the closest to the electroencephalogram of the women. This characteristic of EEG also concerns feminized men. In masculine women the encephalogram which was filmed during their relaxation is close to the EEG of men. But it is more pronounced in the extreme values of feminization and masculinity.

      Women and feminized men by nature tend to notice and fix the slightest change in mood, facial expression, posture, etc. The following of these nuances at the level of developed dynamic stereotypes requires more energy than just a willingness to work. Hence, perhaps, the brain began to decline, focusing on the analysis of social phenomena of interpersonal relationships. This was demanded by the new conditions, which were developed around the human consciousness. Growing role of society and the brain had to be reconstructed in order that man may better understand what is happening between people, and namely between the features of consciousness.

      Solving of survival tasks due to the joint action and due to the presence of social interaction in the family and in the tribe through the development of social intelligence has become less expensive, more successful. Greater effect was provided not by the right thinking of individual hunters, but by the degree of consistency while hunting. In developing our social intelligence, our ancestors raised the possibility of their survival.

      In this context, the main conclusion of S. Saveliev can be slightly adjusted: as a result of the evolution the people oriented toward regulation of interpersonal relations began to acquire preference to those who worked only with substantive activities: hunting, agriculture, etc. Later, this group of people occupied the highest position in the tribe first, and then in all human society. It is this group of people that began to subdue the other domain experts, when there was a surplus product.

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