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the female brain. In their evolution our ancestors took the best both from men and from women. Of course, in different nations the ratio of male and female in the brain was formed in different ways. Each ethnic group has its own weight ratio of male and female brain. But in all ethnic groups the dependence can be traced: the front part of the brain is the male, and the rear is the female.

      Men have more hippocampus, more nerve cells. Women have less hippocampus, and the nerve cells are less, but they are best used


      Senses are more developed in women. Their skin has ten times more receptors than male skin. During certain times of the menstrual cycle the odor sense of women is hundred times more sensitive than of men. She perceives pheromones of other people better through the special body organ (Vomero Nasal Organ). Therefore, women better guess sexual desire and emotions experienced by human – fear, anger, sadness …, they have the better visual memory.

      Men adapted better to the hunting and moving to greater distances. They had to silently follow the prey, even for more than one day. But then they had to seek their cave again: alone or with their relatives. According to some data, the pre-historical person met only about 150 persons. The brain of the woman is good for the growing and learning of children, and it supposes the verbal interconnection in the relatively limited space. At the biological level a man was programmed for competition and a woman – for cooperation (see: Serge Ginger and others).

      Men are often more kinesthetic than women, namely they perceive the world through movement and action. Women are more auditory than men. Women speak without thinking, and men act without thinking. Woman listens by two hemispheres of the brain normally, and men – by one. Women are more talkative. The talk of others is perceived through sighs, eye movements, head, change of posture, etc.

      Woman remembers more details than a man for whom the remembering of the important is the summarizing thought. At the age of 9 years old the girls outperform boys for two years in the development of verbal intelligence. Having more developed verbal intelligence, women are more involved in verbal interaction and communication. Men are more capable of action, competition. All these things are reflected in the structure of the brain of men and women.

      Here is the most sufficient opinion concerning this matter: “The strong differences between male and female brain at the level of organization of some parts of the cortex of the forebrain were revealed. Changing of the lobes of the brain has shown that by men the front half of the brain is more voluminous, and by women – the rear." (Buchstab, 1884). "The part (insula cerebri) of the male brain is significantly different from the part of the female brain. In the male brain the central sulcus part (sulcus centralis insulae) is well expressed in 80% of cases, and in the female brain it is expressed in 65%. Long groove (sulcus longus insulae) in men is found only in 23%, and in women in 35% of cases”. [13]

      Previously, social motivators had the feminine origin; they had empathy, female sensitivity. Let us call them social motivators with the features of empathy. Social motivators with traits of empathy feel other people and empathy came into force in accordance with their interests. This allowed the tribes to maintain up to 200 – 300 people, where the head of the tribe was a woman-mother, sometimes her brother. Matriarchy in force of the empathetic property of women was not the absolute power of the latter. It was a harmony of interests of everyone supported by women. And for the sake of everyone, for the most part they agreed to cast out the tribe of those who shook the great power of bringing people together. This force was beneficial psychologically and economically, since it gave the opportunity to increase the social division of labour – the most important factor of the productivity growth in the community. It was woman-like wisely, but the most capable and the most antisocial members of the tribe sometimes suffered.

      Yes, it is the latent force of human development. It is hidden behind the relationship of struggle and cooperation between the various psycho-types of people – men and women, social motivators and domain experts. Later it became also the relationship of struggle and cooperation between other psycho-types: extroverts and introverts and others. The further the society went in its development, the greater was the typological diversity inherent to it, the greater role in its development was played by the relationship between the different psychological types. But it is the hidden motive force of social development.

      More and more different psycho-types appear with the growth of the social division of labour. The social motivators with the empathic features were changed by the social motivators without the expressed empathy; they were more cunning, more egoistic social motivators with other relative features of a person, which are not good from the social point of view. The women were more often replaced by men.

      Social motivators with traits of empathy played a positive role in history. They still perform important tasks in society, rallying it, reaching a balance of interests of different social groups of people of different psychological types. Over time, especially with the development of language, with the advent of the possibility of semantic deception, there was the increasing number of social motivators who use their skills for personal, selfish interests.

      The relationship between social motivators and specific domain experts are important, but it is the latent power of historical development. This force acts nowadays. There are studies of historians and psycho-physiologists referring to this matter.

      1.2 Social motivators and domain experts: psycho-physiological substantiation of various psycho-types

      In the scientific and educational center "Biryuch" under the direction of the candidate of psychological sciences Kustov V.N the experiment was conducted, during which the remote transmission of human response to pain was recorded. Information was filmed with the specially designed antenna device which was amplified, transmitted to the ADC and visualized on a computer screen. There is no doubt about it: the prick of the tested resulted in the sudden change of the signal on the computer. There is only one feature. As the injections continued the amplitude of the reaction reduced until substantially minimum was unrecorded.

      The interpretation of this experiment has many aspects. There were opinions that the crucifixion of Christ on the cross, his unbearable pain was the signal that touched the souls of all people. There were also other opinions. But the fact remains that there are such fields, such media that people do not realize, that are not fully understood, but they use it. This information is the basis of so-called soft power which acts constantly, but when and how – this information can be recognized only by a few.

      Most likely this information link, the given power is used by the traditional healers, psychics. It is possible that the priests of ancient Egypt had the ability to read the information … But this ability may also disappear. Some psychics for various reasons lost their ability to healing. Most often this happened when they develop a passion for money for treatment, failure to free patient’s pain with a departure from the principles of morality and decency, from the Divine principles.

      Therefore, the understanding of the intellectual, human information capabilities is wider than it is usually presented in the traditional science, it can not be reduced to the work of the brain. And this is not some kind of anti-scientific idea. This idea can be considered at least as the scientific hypothesis. Though, it became the fact of science and real life long time ago.

      A woman's brain is better suited to social interaction. She feels the child and keeps him alive. She feels the behavior of males, controlling their reproductive behavior and asks for their help in the difficult moments of her existence. It's surprisingly subtle behavior, and at the same time it is highly intelligent behavior. But this intelligence is somewhat different from the ways of killing animals.

      However, any hypothesis, especially the original, must be checked. In this purposes we used the Electroencephalographic equipment. About one thousand people were surveyed. These are men and women aged from 20 to 45 years, working with a capability to managerial functions in managerial positions. They were comprehensively examined with the most modern methods. The survey results were recorded in the data sheet of the individual. They were supplemented by observations of the behavior of the

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