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мое путешествие, я был таким же молодым, как ты; to begin – начинать). I have never stopped (я никогда не останавливался), and now you see that I am very old and bent and wrinkled (и теперь, ты видишь, я очень стар, согбен и сморщен), while there is not a line in your face (тогда как на твоем лице нет и морщинки; line – линия, черта, штрих). I have travelled a very long road (я прошел очень длинный путь: «дорогу»), the road of Long Life (путь Долгой Жизни).” Then the boy said (тогда мальчик сказал; then – тогда, потом, затем), “I want to go to the place you came from, since it is pleasant (я хочу пойти туда, откуда ты пришел, раз это место так прекрасно; pleasant – приятный).”

      journey ['ʤɜ:nɪ], young [jʌŋ], wrinkled ['rɪŋkld], travel ['trævl], pleasant ['pleznt]

      When I began my journey I was young like you. I have never stopped, and now you see that I am very old and bent and wrinkled, while there is not a line in your face. I have travelled a very long road, the road of Long Life.” Then the boy said, “I want to go to the place you came from, since it is pleasant.”

      But the old man answered (но старик отвечал), “You can never reach it (ты никогда не сможешь добраться туда; to reach – достигать, доходить); it is the Land of Youth (это – Страна Юности); the Childhood Land (Страна Детства), men call it (/так/ люди называют ее), and those who leave it never go back (и те, кто покидают ее, никогда туда не возвращаются). It is a land of wonderful sights and sounds and dreams (это страна удивительных пейзажей, звуков и снов; sight – вид, зрелище, образ). It can be reached only from the road on the other side (к ней можно добраться только по дороге с другой стороны) you have passed that road (ты прошел мимо этой дороги) and it is too late for you now to go back to it (и теперь тебе слишком поздно туда возвращаться).”

      youth [ju:θ], those [ðǝʋz], wonderful ['wʌndǝf(ǝ)l], sight [saɪt], road [rǝʋd], other ['ʌðǝ]

      But the old man answered, “You can never reach it; it is the Land of Youth; the Childhood Land, men call it, and those who leave it never go back. It is a land of wonderful sights and sounds and dreams. It can be reached only from the road on the other side; you have passed that road and it is too late for you now to go back to it.”

      Then they were silent for a long time (потом они долго молчали; silent – молчаливый, хранящий молчание, безмолвный; time – время), and the boy looked at the old man and wondered (мальчик смотрел на старика и удивлялся). He saw that the old man's shoes were worn out from his long journey (он увидел, что башмаки старика были стоптаны от долгого путешествия; to wear out – изнашиваться) and that his feet were sore and weary (а ноги – истерзаны и утомлены; sore – больной, болезненный, чувствительный, воспаленный; weary – усталый, изнуренный, утомленный). So he gave him the extra pair of moccasins he carried (поэтому он отдал ему запасную пару мокасин, которые у него были с собой: «которые он нес»; extra – добавочный, дополнительный).

      wonder ['wʌndǝ], weary ['wɪǝrɪ], pair [peǝ], moccasins ['mɒkǝsɪnz], carry ['kærɪ]

      Then they were silent for a long time, and the boy looked at the old man and wondered. He saw that the old man's shoes were worn out from his long journey and that his feet were sore and weary. So he gave him the extra pair of moccasins he carried.

      The old man was very thankful (старик был очень благодарен). He gave the boy a little box he had in his pocket and he said (он дал мальчику маленькую коробочку, которая была у него в кармане, и сказал), “Take this box (возьми эту коробочку); you will find it will help you in times of need (ты увидишь, она поможет тебе в тяжелые времена; to find – находить, обнаруживать; need – нужда, необходимость), and it will be useful to you in your travels (и пригодится тебе в путешествиях; useful – полезный, пригодный). I am near the end of my journey (мое же путешествие близится к завершению; near – близко, около, поблизости, недалеко), and I shall need it no more (и она мне больше не понадобится). You have a long journey before you (у тебя впереди долгое путешествие).” The boy put the box in his pocket and lay down to sleep (мальчик положил коробочку в карман и лег спать; to lie down – ложиться). Then the old man went on his way (затем старик пошел своей дорогой), and the boy never saw him again (и мальчик уже никогда его не видел; to see – видеть).

      thankful ['θæŋkf(ǝ)l], pocket ['pɒkɪt], travel ['trævl], again [ǝ'ɡe(ɪ)n]

      The old man was very thankful. He gave the boy a little box he had in his pocket and he said, “Take this box; you will find it will help you in times of need, and it will be useful to you in your travels. I am near the end of my journey, and I shall need it no more. You have a long journey before you.” The boy put the box in his pocket and lay down to sleep. Then the old man went on his way, and the boy never saw him again.


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