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Sultonali Mukaramovich Abduraxmonov

      Illustrator Shukurullo Yo'lbarsovich Usmonov

      Cover design Ibratjon Xatamovich Aliyev

      Cover design Boxodir Xoshimovich Karimov

      Cover design Xolidaxon To'lqinovna Aliyeva

      Proofreader Ibratjon Xatamovich Aliyev

      Proofreader Boxodir Xoshimovich Karimov

      Proofreader Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Vavilova

      Proofreader Oqiljon Axmedovich G'ofurov

      Proofreader Botirali Rustamovich Jalolov

      Proofreader Sultonali Mukaramovich Abduraxmonov

      Translator Ibratjon Xatamovich Aliyev

      Translator Boxodir Xoshimovich Karimov

      Translator Gulnoza Masxariddinovna Umarova

      Translator Dilorom Shavkatovna Karimova

      Photographer Ibratjon Xatamovich Aliyev

      Photographer Boxodir Xoshimovich Karimov

      Photographer Foziljon Oripovich Obidov

      © Ibratjon Xatamovich Aliyev, 2023

      © Muzaffar Auliyaxonovich Muxammadiyev, 2023

      © Yusubjon Tadjibayevich Dodobayev, 2023

      © Sultonali Mukaramovich Abduraxmonov, 2023

      © Muminjon Shavkatjonovich Yuldashev, 2023

      © Sherzod Boxodirovich Karimov, 2023

      © Boxodir Xoshimovich, 2023

      © Botirali Rustamovich Jalolov, 2023

      © Sirojiddin Fayozovich Ergashev, 2023

      © Dilfuza Aminovna Yusupova, 2023

      © Azamjon Rakupjanovich Xamroqulov, 2023

      © Xojiakbar Nematjanovich Matkarimov, 2023

      © Abror Qaxxorovich Tadjibayev, 2023

      © Dilshod Maxmudovich Ergashev, 2023

      © Abdumannob Abdurasulovich Jumaboyev, 2023

      © Javohir Buriyevich Toshov, 2023

      © Muqaddas G'ofurovna Maraimova, 2023

      © Ezozxon Musajonovna Ismoilova, 2023

      © Farruh Po'latjon o'g'li, 2023

      © Mirjalol G'ulomjon o'g'li, 2023

      © Umarboy Omanovich Odamov, 2023

      © Uktam Rahimovich Salomov, 2023

      © Sardorbek Ma'rifovich Yusupov, 2023

      © Vladimir Remennoy, 2023

      © Foziljon Oripovich Obidov, 2023

      © Dilorom Shavkatovna Karimova, 2023

      © Shukurullo Yulbarsovich Usmonov, 2023

      © Muxammad Sutonaliyevich Tairov, 2023

      © Adumalik Abduvahobovich Xaliqov, 2023

      © Shavkat Samiddinovich Saitov, 2023

      © Olmoson Muxammadovidovich Mamatov, 2023

      © Bobirjon Eldor o'g'li, 2023

      © Dilshod Quldoshaliyevich Yuldoshaliyev, 2023

      © Salim Madraximovich Otajonov, 2023

      © Yakub Usmonovich Usmonov, 2023

      © Tursun Axmedovich Axmedov, 2023

      © Ro'zimatjon Anvarjon o'g'li, 2023

      © Dilnoza Toptiyevna Qo'chqorova, 2023

      © Anora Karimovna Yusupova, 2023

      © Sayyora Saidakbarovna Kukiyeva, 2023

      © Farruh Murodonovich Sharofutdinov, 2023

      © Farhad Mamirovich Abduraxmonov, 2023

      © Erkin Ibragimovich Xamidov, 2023

      © Jaxongir Valiserovich Yusualiyev, 2023

      © Zulfiya To'lanjonovna Xasanova, 2023

      © Baxtiyor Sultanbayevich Yadgarov, 2023

      © Alimardon Erkinovich Axmadjonov, 2023

      © Alisher Xamidovich Borotov, 2023

      © Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Vavilova, 2023

      © Oqiljon Axmedovich G'ourov, 2023

      © Mohigul Rahimjon qizi, 2023

      © Akmaljon Axmadaliyevich Qo'chqarov, 2023

      © Zafarjon Obidjon o'g'li, 2023

      ISBN 978-5-0059-1752-2 (т. 6)

      ISBN 978-5-0059-1753-9

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system


      Mukhamediev Auliyakhon Mukhamedovich (16.08.1906—22.10.1988)

      The famous scientist-hydrobiologist, one of the founders of the fisheries industry in Uzbekistan and in the republics of Central Asia, academician of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan Auliyakhon Mukhamedovich Mukhamediev, was born on August 16, 1906, in Margilan. His father Mukhamedkhoja Dadakhodjaev, who taught at the Ferghana Russian-Native School, died in 1913 and the seven-year-old Avliekhon learned the hard work of finding a livelihood very early. By 1917, he acquired the specialty of a khan-atlas weaver and worked for hire under the guidance of his elder brother Mukhamediev Valikhon, having independently mastered the course of secondary school and received a certificate of maturity, in 1920-1927 he worked in the secretariat of the county executive committee, then in the department of public education of Margilan.

      In 1928-1929, he studied at the preparatory department of the Uzbek State University in Samarkand, and from January 1, 1930, he became one of the first students of the Central Asian State Pedagogical Institute, which reopened in Ferghana, where boys and girls from Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan studied – it was the first university that trained personnel teachers for schools throughout the region. Until 1940 . Almost the entire staff of the teachers of the Fergana Pedagogical Institute (present-day Fergana State University) consisted of professors and associate professors who arrived from Moscow.

      At their lectures, A. Mukhamediev delved into the basics of physics, mathematics, chemistry and biology with great interest; among them, the lectures of Professor Sergei Vasilyevich Averintsev, a world—renowned hydrobiologist, were especially interesting; despite the fact that classes were held in Russian and despite the professor's strict requirements for students, his lectures on zoology they were very exciting, and therefore Auliyakhon Mukhamediev decided that he would certainly become a zoologist.

      Since 1936, at the invitation of the professor, he becomes an assistant at the Department of Zoology of the Fergana Pedagogical Institute and gets acquainted with the methods of hydrobiological research, goes on the first expeditions to reservoirs, collects zooplankton – microscopically small crustaceans – the main representatives of the animal world of rivers, lakes, ponds and rice fields of the Fergana Valley. Another, very significant mentor A. Mukhamediev was his scientific adviser Arvid Liboryevich Bening, professor of the St. Petersburg Zoological Institute (ZIN) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, with whom he constantly communicated, as well as with other scientists – founders of hydrobiological science, as well as with professors of the Central Asian (now National) University of the Republic of Uzbekistan A. L. Brodsky, T. Z. Zahidov, by A. T. Tulaganov and many other specialists. By the beginning of the Second World War and the evacuation to Central Asia of a large number of people from the European part of the country, A. Mukhamediev is working

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