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with the release of two alpha particles, it is necessary to have a proton with an energy of 1.613245483 MeV, and only in this case it will be assumed that the final energy of the proton, after passing the Coulomb barrier at the nuclear radius, will be 0.25 eV, due to what does a proton become, what is called «thermal» and the effective cross-section of this nuclear reaction is already measured in huge units – kBn.

      But today there is no LCC class accelerator on the whole planet, not to mention a detailed type, having a common LCC-EPD-20 encoding, which could give a proton energy equal to 2,312691131 MeV for the first, 1,978142789 MeV for the second, 1,613245483 MeV for the third and 4,457595117 MeV for the fourth reaction, not because this energy is not achievable, by no means, this energy is scanty in accelerator physics, since modern particle accelerators appear with energies in GeV and TeV. The reason for the difficulty of achieving such results is precisely the accuracy, accelerators can give energy in 1 MeV, 1.5 MeV or 2 MeV, that is, specific values whose accuracy does not exceed 1 or 2 orders of magnitude (by order we mean the order of the fraction or more precisely the negative degree of the base of the exponential function, that is, 10, presented in the module), and as you can see, much greater accuracy is needed for this experiment.

      The importance of research on resonant nuclear reactions has been repeatedly stated in a number of scientific articles and ongoing research, and a special monograph «The use of accelerators and the phenomena of collisions of elementary particles with high-order energy for generating electrical energy» was devoted to this. The Electron Project», in which 6 nuclear reactions were described in detail, in 4 of which the process of bombarding a target made of beryllium, boron, aluminum and lithium with protons took place, and in 2 of them, the target was bombarded with lithium-6 and lithium-7 deuterons, due to which they stood out along with the main product reactions were carried out by alpha particles, and also a whole complex of other particles, which, after deviations in the MHD generator, were represented as an electric current.

      Speaking about the described scientific work, it is important to note that it was primarily a theoretical work in which calculations of extremely high values took place in connection with the current, when the charges of the beams are extremely large, as are the currents, reaching several kA. And only at the end more approximate data were taken into account. In this case, the calculation is also carried out at the moment when the currents are small and more close to the real ones. For comparison, the currents in the newly created DC-280 cyclotron did not reach a value of 1 A, but were measured only in mA.

      The same parameters can be given for the EG-2 SOKOL electrostatic accelerator, now owned by the Research Institute of Semiconductors and Microelectronics at the National University of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

      Therefore, in order to carry out this kind of nuclear reactions, when special conditions are necessary, they must once again be specified and clarified, as close as possible to the real values. In addition, if we dwell in detail on the mechanism of reactions, we get a picture from the fact that, as indicated, it is important to have a special device – an accelerator of charged particles, which could impart more energy in the amount of several MeV, for a charged particle. After that, this particle would come across a target of a certain substance, thanks to which a certain nuclear reaction took place. At the same time, a number of processes occur, one of which is overcoming the Coulomb barrier, that is, even if a nuclear reaction occurs with an energy output, the particle must still expend some energy to carry out this action, but if you choose a general combination as follows, so that such an amount of energy is expended, so that eventually a small amount remains by turning the incoming particle into a slow one, the probability of this reaction passing sharply increases to not small values, already after the Coulomb barrier, when Coulomb forces are no longer taken into account and the process takes place at a nuclear radius, as indicated.

      Thus, it is important to create an LCU that would give energy to charged particles with a 9—10 order, which significantly increases the efficiency of the entire system under study and leads to a more accurate determination of the Coulomb and other barriers of any reaction. At the same time, this LCC has a number of advantages along with all available accelerators, since, to begin with, it is a combination of two classes of accelerators: cyclic and linear.

      Speaking of accelerators, it is important to note that accelerators themselves are simple, in which particles are accelerated by an electric field, the whole principle is based on this. It is also impossible to doubt that the time has finally come for the reaction of the first resonant nuclear reactions at the first LCC. After all, if we resort to history, then, for example, the very first accelerator was built in 1930 by Lawrence Berkeley. The first accelerators are considered to be the accelerators of 1931, when a 23 cm ring cyclotron was created at the University of California to accelerate hydrogen ions with an energy of 1 MeV. A 28 cm ring proton cyclotron with an energy of 1.2 MeV was also developed in Berkeley in 1932. There, at the University of California, Berkeley, a 68 cm ring deuterium cyclotron with an energy of 4.8 MeV was developed from 1932 to 1936; a 94 cm ring deuterium cyclotron with an energy of 8 MeV was developed from 1937 to 1938; a 152 cm ring tritium cyclotron with an energy of 16 MeV was developed from 1939 to the present time; from 1942 to the present The operating time is 467 cm ring cyclotron for various charged particles with an energy of more than 100 MeV. At the same time, in 1932, a proton electrostatic proton accelerator with an energy of 0.7 MeV Cockcroft-Walton was constructed at the Cavendish Laboratory, acting thanks to the voltage multiplier of Ernest Thomas Sinton Walton and Sir John Douglas Cockcroft (winners of 1951), already better known as the Cockcroft-Walton voltage multiplier.

      Also known are Harvard accelerators (1949—2002), Oak Ridge National Laboratory (1943-present) for protons and uranium nuclei with energies from 160 MeV. Synchrotrons were also created, known as the cosmotron at Brookhaven National Laboratory, 1953—1968. 72 meters for protons at 3.3 GeV, also the Birmingham sychrotron, Bevatro, the Saturn accelerator, the Russian synchrophasotron in Dubna, the Proton cyclotron at CERN. Listing accelerators can be quite a long process, not to mention describing each one, due to the difference in their types, characteristics and physics. Therefore, there is no room for doubts about the passage of a sufficient path in this area on the part of world science to begin research and work in the design of the newest resonant-type cyclotron.

      The purpose of this research work is the complete development of the charged particle accelerator «LCU-EPD-20» (linear cyclotron accelerator proton-deuterium cyclotron for the Electron project with an energy of up to 20 MeV, with a high order), for a detailed study of resonant nuclear reactions.

      The objectives of this study are:

      • Study of the general system of operation, physics and history of accelerators;

      • Development of an electric acceleration system (RF system);

      • Calculation of parameters and algorithm for creating a magnetic system;

      • Study of the vacuum system and development of a method to achieve the required vacuum level;

      • Development of a system for monitoring the action of the accelerator and giving the necessary level of energy;

      • Development of the mechanism and physics of detecting the results obtained;

      • Creation of technology for mathematical modeling of the charged particle accelerator system;

      • Description of variations of accelerator operation using examples of resonant nuclear reactions.

      The object of this study is a resonance type charged particle accelerator LCU-EPD-20.

      The subject of the study is the study of the process of creating a resonance-type charged particle accelerator, and the technology of conducting experiments on this accelerator.

      For this study, an instrumental, empirical and theoretical research method was applied (with some reservations), which gave the necessary important results.


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