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штат Орегон: S. Robinson, A. Timmons, and L. Duncan, School Exemptions and Disease Risk in Ashland, Oregon, http://library.state.or.us/repository/2006/200609210755004/index.pdf.


      Вспышка кори в Индиане: A. A. Parker, W. Staggs, G. H. Dayan, et al., Implications of a 2005 Measles Outbreak in Indiana for Sustained Elimination of Measles in the United States, New England Journal of Medicine 355 (2006): 447–455; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Import-Associated Measles Outbreak – Indiana, May – June 2005, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 54 (2005): 1073–1075.


      Осложнения после кори: P. M. Strebel, M. J. Papania, G. H. Dayan, and N. A. Halsey, Measles Vaccine в кн.: Vaccines, 5th ed., eds. S. A. Plotkin, W. A. Orenstein, and P. A. Offit (London: Elsevier/Saunders, 2008).


      Предупреждения Центров по контролю и профилактике заболеваний: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Update: Measles – United States, January – July 2008, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 57 (2008): 893–896.


      Вспышка в Сан-Диего: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Outbreak of Measles – San Diego, California, January – February 2008, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 57 (2008): 203–206; R. G. Lin II, Rise in Measles Cases Worries Health Officials, Los Angeles Times, May 2, 2008.


      Статистика по вакцинации в Калифорнии: R. G. Lin II, California School’s Risks Rise as Vaccinations Drop, Los Angeles Times, March 29, 2009.


      Вспышка кори в США, 2008 г.: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Update: Measles – United States, January – July 2008, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 57 (2008): 893–896.


      Эпидемия кори во всем мире: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Measles Outbreaks in the United States: Public Health Preparedness, Control and Response in Healthcare Settings and the Community, http://www.aab.org/aab/Measles_-_CDC.asp; R. G. Lin II, Rise in Measles Cases Worries Health Officials, Los Angeles Times, May 2, 2008; S. van den Hof, M. A. E. Conyn-van Spaendonck, and J. E. Van Steenbergen, Measles Epidemic in the Netherlands, 1999–2000, Journal of Infectious Diseases 186 (2002): 1483–1486.


      Снижение уровня вакцинации против кори в некоторых общинах: D. A. Salmon, M. Haber, E. J. Gangarosa, et al., Health Consequences of Religious and Philosophical Exemptions from Immunization Laws: Individual and Societal Risks of Measles, Journal of the American Medical Association 281 (1999): 47–53; D. R. Feikin, D. C. Lezotte, R. F. Hamman, et al., Individual and Community Risks of Measles and Pertussis Associated with Personal Exemptions to Immunization, Journal of the American Medical Association 284 (2000): 3145–3150.


      Вспышка свинки: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Update: Mumps Outbreak – New York and New Jersey, June 2009 – January 2010, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 59 (2010): 125–129.


      Коллективный иммунитет: P. E. M. Fine and K. Mulholland, Community Immunity в кн.: Vaccines, 5th ed., eds. S. A. Plotkin, W. A. Orenstein, and P. A. Offit (London: Elsevier/Saunders, 2008).


      Таммам Алудат и Уолтер Оренстайн о полиомиелите в Африке и в США: цит. по: Heightened Awareness, Renewed Commitment Needed to Eradicate Polio, Infectious Diseases in Children, June 2009.


      Статистика ХХ века по болезням, которые можно предупредить прививками: S. A. Plotkin, W. A. Orenstein, and P. A. Offit, eds., Vaccines, 5th ed. (London: Elsevier/Saunders, 2008).


      Биография Уайзмана: Фредерик Уайзман, американский кинорежиссер-документалист, http://www.museum.tv/eotv/wisemanfred.htm.


      “Безумства в Титикате”: Zipporah Films, Bridgewater Film Company, 1967.


      Рецензии на “Безумства в Титикате”: Benson and Anderson, Reality Fictions, 55; V. Canby, “Titicut Follies” Observes Life in Modern Bedlam, The New York Times, October 4, 1967; Trials: Banned in Massachusetts, Time, January 19, 1968.


      Афиша фильма “Безумства в Титикате”: https://www.movieposter.com/posters/archive/main/182/MPW-91429


      Судебное постановление по поводу фильма “Безумства в Титикате”: Benson and Anderson, Reality Fictions, xxiii.


      Запрет фильма “Безумства в Титикате”: Ibid., xxiv.


      “АКДС: прививочная рулетка”: WRC-TV, Вашингтон, 19 апреля 1982. Все цитаты и графические материалы, приведенные в этой главе, взяты из этого источника.


      Одна из форм детского церебрального паралича (ДЦП). – Прим. науч. ред.


      Реакция врачей на фильм “АКДС: прививочная рулетка”: E. R. González, TV Report on DTP Galvanizes US Pediatricians, Journal of the American Medical Association 248 (1982): 12–22.


      Реакция родителей на фильм “АКДС: прививочная рулетка”: Ibid; Hearings before the Subcommittee on Investigations and General Oversight of the Committee on Labor and Human Resources, U. S. Senate, Ninety-Seventh Congress, Second Session to Examine Adverse Drug Reactions from Immunization, Federal

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