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Суворе випробування 16-кілометровим підсумковим маршем, під час якого відбувається урочистість з наданням рекрутам звання „морпіх”».


      Joey E. Klinger, “Analysis of the Perceptions of Training Effectiveness of the Crucible at Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego” (PhD diss., Naval Postgraduate School, 1999); S. P. Dynan, Updating Tradition: Necessary Changes to Marine Corps Recruit Training (Quantico, Va.: Marine Corps Command and Staff College, 2006); M. C. Cameron, Crucible Marine on Point: Today’s Entry-Level Infantry Marine (Quantico, Va.: Marine Corps Command and Staff College, 2006); Michael D. Becker, “ ‘We Make Marines’: Organizational Socialization and the Effects of ‘The Crucible’ on the Values Orientation of Recruits During US Marine Corps Training” (PhD diss., Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 2013); Benjamin Eiseman, “Into the Crucible: Making Marines for the 21st Century,” Military Review 80, no. 1 (2000): 94; Terry Terriff, “Warriors and Innovators: Military Change and Organizational Culture in the US Marine Corps,” Defense Studies 6, no. 2 (2006): 215-47; Antonio B. Smith, United States Marine Corps’ Entry-Level Training for Enlisted Infantrymen: The Marginalization of Basic Warriors (Quantico, Va.: Marine Corps Command and Staff College, 2001); William Berris, Why General Krulak Is the Marine Corps’ Greatest Strategic Leader (Carlisle Barracks, Penn.: U.S. Army War College, 2011); Terry Terriff, “Of Romans and Dragons: Preparing the US Marine Corps for Future Warfare,” Contemporary Security Policy 28, no. 1 (2007): 143-62; Marie B. Caulfield, Adaptation to First Term Enlistment Among Women in the Marine Corps (Boston: Veterans Administration Medical Center, 2000); Craig M. Kilhenny, “An Organizational Analysis of Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego” (PhD diss., Naval Postgraduate School, 2003); Larry Smith, The Few and the Proud: Marine Corps Drill Instructors in Their Own Words (New York: W. W. Norton, 2007); Thomas M. Cook, Raymond W. Novaco, and Irwin G. Sarason, “Military Recruit Training as an Environmental Context Affecting Expectancies for Control of Reinforcement,” Cognitive Therapy and Research 6, no. 4 (1982): 409-27; Ross R. Vickers Jr. and Terry L. Conway, The Marine Corps Basic Training Experience: Psychosocial Predictors of Performance, Health, and Attrition (San Diego: Naval Health Research Center, 1983); Ross R. Vickers Jr. and Terry L. Conway, “Changes in Perceived Locus of Control During Basic Training” (paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association: Toronto, Canada, August 24–28 (1984); Thomas M. Cook, Raymond W. Novaco, and Irwin G. Sarason, Generalized Expectancies, Life Experiences, and Adaptation to Marine Corps Recruit Training (Seattle: Washington University: Department of Psychology, 1980); R. R. Vickers Jr. et al., The Marine Corps Training Experience: Correlates of Platoon Attrition Rate Differences (San Diego: Naval Health Research Center, 1983).


      Rosalie A. Kane et al., “Everyday Matters in the Lives of Nursing Home Residents: Wish for and Perception of Choice and Control,” Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 45, no. 9 (1997): 1086-93; Rosalie A. Kane et al., “Quality of Life Measures for Nursing Home Residents,” The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences 58, no. 3 (2003): 240-48; James R. Reinardy and Rosalie A. Kane, “Anatomy of a Choice: Deciding on Assisted Living or Nursing Home Care in Oregon,” Journal of Applied Gerontology 22, no. 1 (2003): 152-74; Robert L. Kane and Rosalie A. Kane, “What Older People Want from Long-Term Care, and How They Can Get It,” Health Affairs 20, no. 6 (2001): 114-27; William J. McAuley and Rosemary Blieszner, “Selection of Long-Term Care Arrangements by Older Community Residents,” The Gerontologist 25, no. 2 (1985): 188-93; Bart J. Collopy, “Autonomy in Long Term Care: Some Crucial Distinctions,” The Gerontologist 28, supplement (1988): 10–17; Elizabeth H. Bradley et al., “Expanding the Andersen Model: The Role of Psychosocial Factors in Long-Term Care Use,” Health Services Research 37, no. 5 (2002): 1221-42; Virginia G. Kasser and Richard M. Ryan, “The Relation of Psychological Needs for Autonomy and Relatedness to Vitality, Well-Being, and Mortality in a Nursing Home: Effects of Control and Predictability on the Physical and Psychological Well-Being of the Institutionalized Aged,” Journal of Applied Social Psychology 29, no. 5 (1999): 935-54; James F. Fries, “The Compression of Morbidity,” The Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly: Health and Society 83, no. 4 (2005): 801-23; Richard Schulz, “Effects of Control and Predictability on the Physical and Psychological Well-Being of the Institutionalized Aged,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 33, no. 5 (1976): 563.


      У відповідь на імейл щодо перевірки фактів Габіб розширив свій коментар і сказав, що не слід вважати, ніби пацієнти не розуміють відчуттів, і радше «це справа вираження відчуттів, а не самих відчуттів. Вони можуть згадати, що відчували раніше, і нема доказів того, що вони не зможуть відчути це знову. Натомість, оскільки у них нема проявів пошуку задоволення, вони виглядають так, ніби нечутливі. Це інтригуюче спостереження, бо свідчить про те, що інтенсивність відчуттів залежить від здатності особи прагнути задоволення або винагороди».


      Бранч (англ. brunch, скорочення від breakfast – сніданок і lunch – ланч) – пізній сніданок. (Прим. ред.)


      Alex Roberts, “What a Real Study Group Looks Like,” Yale School of Management, MBA Blog, August 31, 2010, http:// som.yale.edu/what-real-study-group-looks.


      Джулія Розовскі написала у відповіді на імейл з питаннями щодо перевірки фактів: «У моїй дослідній групі було кілька членів, з якими я здружилася, проте мені набагато ближчою залишалася моя цільова група з вивчення конкретного випадку».


      “Yale SOM Team Wins National Net Impact Case Competition,” Yale School of Management, November 10, 2011, http://som.yale.edu/news/news/yale-som-team-wins-national-net-impact-case-competition.


      Розовскі написала у відповіді на імейл з питаннями щодо перевірки фактів:

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