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in disparate images. The visual angle can serve as a “range finder.” An object is deemed close if the projection lines from both eyes intersect before the plane of fixation, thus triggering a converging oculomotor response; for a distant object, the projection lines intersect beyond the plane of fixation, serving as an oculomotor stimulus for divergence.

Schematic illustration of binocular disparity and the perception of stereoscopic depth.

      Processing Retinal Disparity

      Retinal disparity is resolved in the visual cortex that has the unenviable task of reconstructing a three‐dimensional image from the projection of this image on two two‐dimensional retinas. The segregation between the outputs of the two eyes is still maintained at the first cortical synapse, that is, the simple cells populating layer 4 of the striate cortex. Binocular interaction begins when these cells output to adjacent layers of the striate cortex and to extrastriate visual areas, where many of the neurons receive binocular input and act as disparity detectors. The disparity‐sensitive neurons of the occipital cortex act as “low‐level” detectors of spatial disparity and process stereopsis; additional neurons in the parietal lobe, inferotemporal cortex, and other cortical areas process “high‐level” cues such as texture, shading, and motion to construct a three‐dimensional image of the visual field.


      Stereoacuity is the measurement of the smallest detectable stereoscopic depth. Just like visual acuity, it is measured in arc minutes or arc seconds (see the following section on visual acuity). It is largely determined by the distance of the object, as obviously smaller disparities can be detected for nearby objects than for distant objects. For example, at a distance of 25 cm some humans can detect a depth of 25 μm! Of course, such fine discrimination is not possible for objects 100 m away. However, stereoacuity is also determined by other stimulus parameters such as color, contrast, orientation, size, duration of exposure, location (central or peripheral), and luminance.

      Humans and Old World primates possess three opsins, thus allowing them trichromatic vision. The green photopigment is the most abundant in the human retina, while the blue is the scarcest. Total color blindness, which is very rare, usually refers to rod monochromacy (or achromatopsia) where the patient has no cones at all and no color vision. Cone monochromats potentially have limited color vision under lighting conditions where both the rods and their single type of cones are active. Most color vision‐deficient human subjects have dichromatic vision, either missing or having a mutated form of the red (protanopia or protanomaly, most frequent), green (deuteranopia or deuteranomaly), or blue opsin (tritanopia or tritanomaly, least frequent). Hence, they perceive colors but, for example, a protanope will perceive red and green objects to have very similar color, but will readily discriminate between isoluminant blue and green (or red) objects.

      Some species are monochromats. Rod monochromacy is mainly found in some fish species, whereas marine mammal species and a few terrestrial mammalian species, including the owl monkey, are cone monochromats.

      Some dichromats, including many rodents, such as the mouse, rat, gerbil, and Siberian hamster, have a specialized short‐wavelength opsin that peaks in the UV range of the spectrum rather than in the blue. Hence, they have extended the spectral range of the electromagnetic radiation that they can perceive. Furthermore, some dichromats that have “regular” S‐ and M/L‐cone pigments, such as the reindeer and dog (and most likely the cat, too), have lenses transmitting UV light, which enables them to see in the UV part of the spectrum using their regular cone pigments.

      Many modern‐day reptilian, avian, and fish species still have all four ancestral photopigments, including an additional short‐wavelength opsin with peak absorbance in the UV or violet range (355–450 nm) that humans and most domestic mammals have lost, and have thus tetrachromatic vision.

      Birds have developed additional unique mechanisms for color vision. Their double cones are used for fine spatial discrimination (visual acuity), while single cones are used for color vision. Oil droplets found in the cones of birds contribute to color perception by filtering out different wavelengths of incoming light and shifting the wavelength sensitivity of the photoreceptor.

      Visual Acuity

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