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9.7 Summary References

      14  10 Multilevel Converters and Applications 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Multilevel Inverters 10.3 Traditional Multilevel Inverter Topologies 10.4 Advent of Active Neutral Point Clamped Converter 10.5 Conclusion References

      15  11 A Quasi Z-Source (QZS) Network-Based Quadratic Boost Converter Suitable for Photovoltaic-Based DC Microgrids 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Proposed Converter 11.3 Steady-State Analyses 11.4 Comparison with Other Structures 11.5 Converter Analyzes in Discontinuous Conduction Mode (DCM) 11.6 Simulation Results 11.7 Real Voltage Gain and Losses Analyzes 11.8 Dynamic Behavior of the Proposed Converter 11.9 The Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) 11.10 Conclusions 11.11 Appendix References

      16  12 Research on Protection Strategy Utilizing Full-Scale Transient Fault Information for DC Microgrid Based on Integrated Control and Protection Platform 12.1 Introduction 12.2 Topological Structure and Grounding Model of Studied Microgrid 12.3 Fault Characteristics of DC Microgrid 12.4 DC Microgrid Protection Strategy 12.5 Simulation Verification 12.6 Conclusion References

      17  13 A Decision Tree-Based Algorithm for Fault Detection and Section Identification of DC Microgrid Acronyms Symbols 13.1 Introduction 13.2 DC Test Microgrid System 13.3 Overview of Decision Tree-Based Proposed Scheme 13.4 DC Microgrid Protection Using Decision Tree Classifier 13.5 Performance Evaluation 13.6 Conclusion References

      18  14 Passive Islanding Detection Method Using Static Transfer Switch for Multi-DGs Microgrid 14.1 Introduction 14.2 Islanding 14.3 Static Transfer Switch (STS) 14.4 Proposed Scheme of Islanding 14.5 Flow Chart 14.6 Simulation Results 14.7 Experimental Results 14.8 Conclusion References

      19  Index

      20  Also of Interest

      21  End User License Agreement

      List of Tables

      1 Chapter 1Table 1.1 Grounding configurations comparison [11, 30, 71–75].Table 1.2 DC microgrids protection challenges, problems and solution methodology...Table 1.3 DC microgrid protection strategies merits and demerits.Table 1.4 PDs assessment based on Cost, Efficiency, Reliability, and Fast operat...

      2 Chapter 4Table 4.1 Cost coefficients.Table 4.2 Power ratings of DGs.Table 4.3 Optimization results.

      3 Chapter 5Table 5.1 Classical approach of EMS.Table 5.2 Meta-Heuristic approach of EMS.Table 5.3 Artificial intelligence approach of EMS.Table 5.4 Model predictive, stochastic and robust programming approach of EMS.Table 5.5 DC microgrid subsystem’s parameters.

      4 Chapter 6Table 6.1 Classification of hydro power plants in India.Table 6.2 Training and testing of ANN architecture data accuracy.

      5 Chapter 7Table 7.1 Comparison between distributed secondary control techniques for DC Mic...Table 7.2 Parameters used in the Stability Analysis of Hybrid Control (Reprinted...Table 7.3 Simulation/Experimental Parameters of Hybrid Control (Reprinted with p...Table 7.4 Parameters used for the stability analysis on unique vs control (Repri...Table 7.5 Simulation/experimental parameters used in unique vs control. (Reprint...

      6 Chapter 8Table 8.1 Modeling techniques with example.Table 8.2 Type of analyses carried out in modeling methods.Table 8.3 Time-domain characteristics.Table 8.4 Black box vs. white box modeling approach.Table 8.5 Example for Leverrier’s algorithm.Table 8.6 Techniques for model order reduction.

      7 Chapter 9Table 9.1 Voltage gain in different types of three-to-three phase matrix convert...

      8 Chapter 10Table 10.1 Switching states of DCMLI.Table 10.2 Switching states of FCMLI.Table

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