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      “There's no one better able than Matthew Taylor to show how the emotional intelligence framework can be applied to school leaders. The Noble School Leader democratizes leadership excellence.”

      — Daniel Goleman, author of Primal Leadership: Unleashing the Power of Emotional Intelligence

      “Matt has created a new approach that takes the concepts of emotional intelligence and makes them specific to the lived realities of school leaders. You will see yourself reflected in this book, and you will walk away with deepened insight and actionable strategies for shifting the deep mindsets that can hold us back.”

      — Sara Keenan, founder and CEO of AF Accelerate

      “When Matt was a principal, he led his school to be the #1 middle school in the entire state for student growth – and then he went on to coach hundreds of other school leaders to achieve remarkable success for their students. Matt has always deeply believed in the potential of all students. What he figured out is how to help leaders develop the emotional intelligence they need to unlock the potential of the adults on their team – an essential and too‐often overlooked pre‐requisite to student success. As we navigate the unprecedented challenges facing education right now, Matt's practical wisdom will help all of us see and break through our self‐limiting ‘brick walls' so that we can be the leaders our students and teachers deserve.”

      — Dacia Toll, founder and former CEO of Achievement First

      “Matt's ingenious five‐square approach provides a practical way for everyday people like you and me to bring emotional intelligence up off the page as a concept and into our daily lives as parents, spouses, colleagues, leaders, coaches, and educators. Often what stands between us and actualizing our own capacity is a sound approach, a method by which we can again and again activate our own wherewithal and potential irrespective of the situations we find ourselves in. His years as a teacher, school administrator, leadership coach, and emotional intelligence practitioner have resulted in the practical wisdom and insight he has brilliantly weaved together and is sharing in this book. Matt's five‐square methodology will forever transform how you think of yourself, your students, and your own capacity to become an emotionally intelligent person and noble school leader!”

      — Michele Nevarez, founder and creator of the Goleman EI suite of Coaching and Training

      The Five-Square Approach to Leading Schools with Emotional Intelligence

       Matthew Taylor


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      Library of Congress Cataloging‐in‐Publication Data is Available:

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      9781119762867 (ePDF)

      9781119762928 (ePub)

      Cover Design: Paul Mccarthy

      Cover Art: Courtesy of the Author

      This book is about a kind of leadership development that we haven't paid much attention to in the education sector. Every school leader experiences the need for this approach when they have been working hard to grow a technical leadership skill and inexplicably hit a brick wall. We double down on skill and knowledge building over time, and still there's no movement. As managers we begin to assume that our leaders may not have what it takes, or that there's some fixed trait that will keep them from getting there (they just have a low bar … their awareness is too low). As leaders we just can't figure out why we don't do something (delegate to our teammates, show vulnerability) that we deeply want to do. Or we assume that some competencies are just not our strengths and that we are fixed in certain ways (I will never be good at conflict. That's just the way I am.).

      We've gotten increasingly good in our sector at technical leadership skill and knowledge building

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