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3.9 but with a different approach for regularization. The reconstructed three‐dimensional density profile (Gibert et al., 2021) presents a low‐density region located below the southern part of the lava dome near the summit. The position of this low density corresponds to most presently active fumaroles on the dome. Considering that the electrical conductivity model poses a conductive region there, they conclude that the region is porous and highly altered due to the presence of thermal fluids. In this region of the lava dome, a temporal variation of muon flux associated with hydrothermal activities was also observed (Jourde et al., 2016).

      Contrary to the success of 3D imaging, Rosas‐Carbajal et al. (2017) point out a non‐negligible offset between the density estimated from muography and that from gravity. In the case of La Soufrière de Guadeloupe lava dome, such offset amounts to 0.47 g/cm3. Specifically, muography tends to yield lower density compared to the apparent density estimated from gravity data. In other words, muography detectors placed on the mountain slope perceive flux higher than expected. As an immediate solution, Rosas‐Carbajal et al. (2017) propose to separate the density sensed by gravity data ( ρ g ) and the density sensed by muography data ( ρ μ ) and relate the two vectors with an unknown constant bias (Δρ), written as ρ g = ρ μ + (Δρ, Δρ, ⋯, Δρ)T. This constant density bias is solved together with ρ μ . Lelièvre et al. (2019) derived a comprehensive formulation for estimating this sort of constant density bias.

      The addition of surface gravity data helps to constrain the solution when the number of muography stations is small. In the case of Fig. 3.5, where only one muography station is given, the gravity data contributes greatly to locating the high‐density lava block. However, the impact of the gravity data would be not so impressive when the target is covered by several muography detectors. According to the numerical simulation by Jourde et al. (2015), the addition of gravity data is only effective when the target is surveyed by one or two muography detectors; gravity data are almost useless when the target is sampled by more than two muography sites. However, significant improvement of the resolution is obtained in deeper regions which are not covered by muography paths, because a fraction of information brought by muography data is transferred to the deep regions coupled to gravity data (Jourde et al., 2015). As technology for particle detection improves, it will be easier to install multiple muography detectors surrounding the target volcano. If the density distribution of the mountain above the muography detectors is accurately determined from only muon tomography, the gravitational contribution can be straightforwardly calculated and removed for density distribution analysis of deeper parts of volcanoes. How does the volcanic conduit extend to the deep reservoir? Is it filled with solidified magma or vacant, thus complying with deformation? These questions could be addressed by the joint analysis. One such measurement is ongoing at Mount Omuro scoria cone, Izu Peninsula, Japan, where more than ten muography detectors made of emulsion films are installed around the volcano (Nagahara & Miyamoto, 2018).

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