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so there are really five independent coefficients.

      In the next few sections, we will study exemplary cases of director axis orientation and deformation, and we will show how these Leslie coefficients are related to other commonly used viscosity coefficients.

      3.5.3. Flows with Fixed Director Axis Orientation

      In terms of the orientation of the director axis, there are three distinct possibilities involving three corresponding viscosity coefficients:

      1 η1: is parallel to the velocity gradient, that is, along the x‐axis (θ = 90°, ϕ = 0°).

      2 η2: is parallel to the flow velocity, that is, along the z‐axis and lies in the shear plane x‐z (θ = 0°, ϕ = 0°).

      3 η3: is perpendicular to the shear plane, that is, along the y‐axis (θ = 0°, ϕ = 90°).

      These three configurations have been investigated by Miesowicz [19], and the ηs are known as Miesowicz coefficients. In the original paper, as well as in the treatment by deGennes [3], the definitions of η1 and η3 are interchanged. In deGennes notation, in terms of ηa, ηb, and ηc, we have ηa = η1, ηb = η2, and ηc = η3. The notation used here is attributed to Helfrich [6], which is now the conventional one.

      To obtain the relations between η1,2,3 and the Leslie coefficients α1,2,…,6, one could evaluate the stress tensor σαβ and the shear rate Aαβ for various director orientations and flow and velocity gradient directions. From these considerations, the following relationships are obtained [3]:

      (3.62)StartLayout 1st Row eta 1 equals one half left-parenthesis alpha 4 plus alpha 5 minus alpha 2 right-parenthesis comma 2nd Row eta 2 equals one half left-parenthesis alpha 3 plus alpha 4 plus alpha 6 right-parenthesis comma 3rd Row eta 3 equals one half alpha 4 period EndLayout

      In the shear plane xz, the general effective viscosity coefficient is actually more correctly expressed in the form [20]

      (3.63)eta Subscript e f f Baseline equals eta 1 plus eta 2 cosine squared theta plus eta 2

      in order to account for angular velocity gradients. The coefficient η1,2 is related to the Leslie coefficient α1 by

      (3.64)eta Subscript 1 comma 2 Baseline equals alpha 1 period

      3.5.4. Flows with Director Axis Reorientation

      The viscous torque ModifyingAbove normal upper Gamma With right harpoon with barb up Subscript v i s consists of two components [3]: one arising from pure rotational effect (i.e. no coupling to the fluid flow) given by gamma 1 ModifyingAbove n With ampersand c period circ semicolon times ModifyingAbove upper N With right harpoon with barb up and another arising from coupling to the fluid motion given by gamma 2 ModifyingAbove n With ampersand c period circ semicolon times ModifyingAbove upper A With ampersand c period circ semicolon ModifyingAbove n With ampersand c period circ semicolon. Therefore, we have

      Here ModifyingAbove upper N With right harpoon with barb up is the rate of change of the director with respect to the immobile background fluid, given by

      (3.67)ModifyingAbove upper N With right harpoon with barb up equals StartFraction italic d n Over italic d t EndFraction minus ModifyingAbove omega With ampersand c period circ semicolon times n comma