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      One of the most striking properties of liquid crystals is their ability to flow freely while exhibiting various anisotropic and crystalline properties. This dual nature of liquid crystals makes them very interesting materials to study; it also makes theoretical formalism very complex.

      We begin our discussion by reviewing first the hydrodynamics of an ordinary fluid. This is followed by a discussion of the general hydrodynamics of liquid crystals. Specific cases involving a variety of flow‐orientational couplings are then treated.

      3.5.1. Hydrodynamics of Ordinary Isotropic Fluids

       position vector: ,

       velocity: ,

       density: ,

       pressure: , and

       forces in general: .

Schematic illustration of an elementary volume of fluid moving at velocity v (r, t) in space.

      (3.50)rho left-parenthesis ModifyingAbove r With right harpoon with barb up comma t right-parenthesis equals constant

      For all liquids, in fact for all gas particles or charges in motion, the equation of continuity also holds

      (3.52)nabla dot ModifyingAbove v With right harpoon with barb up equals 0 period

      The equation of motion describing the acceleration d ModifyingAbove v With right harpoon with barb up slash italic d t of the fluid elements is simply Newton’s law:

      Studies of the hydrodynamics of liquids may be centered around this equation of motion, as we identify all the various origins and mechanisms of forces acting on the fluid elements and attempt to solve their motion in time and space.

      (3.53b)StartFraction d ModifyingAbove v With right harpoon with barb up Over italic d t EndFraction equals StartFraction partial-differential ModifyingAbove v With right harpoon with barb up Over partial-differential t EndFraction plus left-parenthesis nabla dot ModifyingAbove v With right harpoon with barb up right-parenthesis ModifyingAbove v With right harpoon with barb up period

      The force on the right‐hand side of Eq. (3.53a) comes from a variety of sources, including the pressure gradient −Δρ, viscous force ModifyingAbove f With right harpoon with barb up Subscript v i s, and external fields ModifyingAbove f With right harpoon with barb up Subscript e x t (electric, magnetic, optical, gravitational, etc.). Equation (3.53a) thus becomes