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Computational Geomechanics. Manuel Pastor
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isbn 9781118535301
Автор произведения Manuel Pastor
Жанр Физика
Издательство John Wiley & Sons Limited
5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 Global to local mapping of a one‐dimensional infinite element.Figure 5.2 Two‐dimensional mapped infinite elements: (a) Lagrangian biquadra...Figure 5.3 Specified motion on the boundaries of a “shaking table box” model...Figure 5.4 A more realistic model of an “infinite” foundation with a specifi...Figure 5.5 A horizontally stratified foundation subject to vertically propag...Figure 5.6 Foundation of Figure 5.5 perturbed by the imposition of a structu...Figure 5.7 Repeatable boundary conditions. Displacement at A = displacement ...Figure 5.8 Two‐dimensional model problem and three meshes (SN, DN, and SW)....Figure 5.9 The problem of Figure 5.8. (a) Time history of horizontal displac...Figure 5.10 Substructure technique for seismic analysis of structuresFigure 5.11 A rigid prismatic foundation embedded in a half‐space subjected ...Figure 5.12 A rigid strip footing embedded in a transversely isotropic half‐...Figure 5.13 First adaptive solution of a purely plastic deformation problem....Figure 5.14 Adaptive solution of the problem of foundation collapse with an ...Figure 5.15 Failure of a rigid footing on a vertical cut. Ideal, von Mises, ...Figure 5.16 Earthquake analysis of lower San Fernando Dam (a) initial mesh; ...Figure 5.17 Discontinuous discretization in time with linear elements.Figure 5.18 Nonuniqueness – mesh size dependence in the extension of a homog...Figure 5.19 Strain softening (H = −5000): comparison of reaction vs. prescri...Figure 5.20 Work dissipation in failure of the material.Figure 5.21 One‐dimensional soil bar in pure compressive loadingFigure 5.22 Plastic strain along the bar using the gradient‐dependent porous...Figure 5.23 Distribution of plastic strain along the bar with different valu...Figure 5.24 Distribution of plastic strain along the bar with different valu...Figure 5.25 Example 1. A saturated soil layer under a periodic load.Figure 5.26 Example 1. Vertical pressure amplitude distribution. Note: Exact...Figure 5.27 Example 2. A saturated soil foundation under transient load; (a)...Figure 5.28 Example 2. Two‐dimensional foundation pressure contours computed...Figure 5.29 Test sample for validating the stabilizing characteristic of the...Figure 5.30 Pore pressures at t = 10 hours (top left), 1 day (top right), an...Figure 5.31 Displacements at t = 10 hours (top left), 1 day (top right), and...Figure 5.32 Pore pressures at different time‐stations.Figure 5.33 Sketch of the soil sample.Figure 5.34 Strain localization on the soil sample: a) contour fills of stra...
6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 Embankment deformation flow patterns and maximum effective shear ...Figure 6.2 (a) Strip load on a foundation of a weightless c–ϕ mat...Figure 6.3 Layered embankment problem (a) geometry and material properties; ...Figure 6.4 Axisymmetric sample between rough platens. Effect of degree of di...Figure 6.5 The Mohr–Coulomb trace in the mean stress – deviatoric stress pla...Figure 6.6 Load deformation characteristics (undrained conditions) for plane...Figure 6.7 The π plane section of the Mohr–Coulomb surface with ϕ ...Figure 6.8 Load‐deformation curves for ideal associated plasticity for vario...Figure 6.9 A typical example of confined seepage in a submerged structure fo...Figure 6.10 Flow under inclined pile wall in a stratified anisotropic founda...Figure 6.11 Flow under a dam through a highly nonhomogeneous anisotropic fou...Figure 6.12 Vertical section of Acciano dam (Briseghella et al. 1999; Schref...Figure 6.13 Finite element discretization with triangular elements, shades o...Figure 6.14 Contour lines of water pressure after the initial seepage analys...Figure 6.15 Contour lines of water pressure after the initial seepage analys...Figure 6.16 The investigated poroelastic column: geometry, boundary conditio...Figure 6.17 Analytical vs. numerical results for displacement at the top and...Figure 6.18 Continuously varying meshes: an element source is moving from po...Figure 6.19 Percentage errors of the numerical solutions.Figure 6.20 Embedded aquifer in a half‐space.Figure 6.21 Numerical and analytical results for excess pore pressure versus...Figure 6.22 Numerical and analytical results for excess pore pressure versus...Figure 6.23 Analytical solutions for vertical displacements of an isolated a...Figure 6.24 Geometry and discretization of the sample.Figure 6.25 Time steps chosen for the analysis.Figure 6.26 Time history of pressure at the top of the sample for the first ...Figure 6.27 Time history of vertical top displacement (left) and top pressur...Figure 6.28 Energy norms (internal energy, coupling term energy, and total e...Figure 6.29 Time history of maximum vertical displacement (top) and pore pre...Figure 6.30 Variation in time of the applied load and automatic time steppin...Figure 6.31 Energy norms (internal energy, coupling term energy, and total e...Figure 6.32 Definition of cohesive crack geometry and model parameters.Figure 6.33 Fracture energy (a) and loading/unloading law (b) for each homog...Figure 6.34 Fracture energy (a) and loading/unloading law for the interface ...Figure 6.35 Hydraulic crack domain.Figure 6.36 Multiple advancing fracture step at the same time station.Figure 6.37 Nodal forces projection algorithm. (a) Nodal forces at time stat...Figure 6.38 Problem geometry for water injection benchmark and overall discr...Figure 6.39 Crack length time history.Figure 6.40 Crack mouth‐opening displacement (a) and mouth pressure time his...Figure 6.41 Distribution of fluid pressure and cohesive tractions within a f...Figure 6.42 Problem geometry for ICOLD benchmark and calculated crack positi...Figure 6.43 Zoom near the fracture for maximum principal stress contour.Figure 6.44 Zoom for pressure distribution within the crack and fluid lag....Figure 6.45 Principle stress map contours.Figure 6.46 Investigated cross section and loading cases: top pressure loadi...Figure 6.47 Dynamic solutions at the crack tip for fast mechanical loading: ...Figure 6.48 Wave propagation of pressure contour for mechanical loading plot...Figure 6.49 Pressure wave contour plots of dynamic solutions for water press...Figure 6.50 Pressure distribution for the current crack pattern at 0.1 secon...Figure 6.51 Pressure versus time at the injection point.
7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Sections through model KVV03 showing dimensions and transducer lo...Figure 7.2 Finite element idealisation.Figure 7.3 (a) Comparison with centrifuge results (top) input motion (bottom...Figure 7.4 Numerical results of excess Pore Pressure at Point I (PPT2628) us...Figure 7.5 Centrifuge model configurations for Class A predictions – VELACS ...Figure 7.6 VELACS Centrifuge model No. 1: (a) instrumentation, finite elemen...Figure 7.7 VELACS Centrifuge model No. 3: (a) instrumentation, finite elemen...Figure 7.8 VELACS Centrifuge model No. 11: (a) instrumentation, finite eleme...Figure 7.9 (a) Schematic model configuration of test MMD1 (Dewooklar et al 2...Figure 7.10 (a) Static deflection of the wall (b) total lateral earth pressu...Figure 7.11 Comparison with centrifuge test MMD1 (Dewooklar et al 2009) (a) ...Figure 7.12 Comparison with centrifuge test MMD1 (Dewooklar et al 2009) (a) ...
8 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 Comparison of the numerical solutions for water pressure (two‐pha...Figure 8.2 Comparison of the two‐phase flow solutions with switching at p c =...Figure 8.3 Comparison of two‐phase flow solutions with switching at p c = 2 k...Figure 8.4 Comparison of the two‐phase flow solution with switching at p c = ...Figure 8.5 Comparison of the gas pressure profiles (the two‐phase flow solut...Figure 8.6 Profiles of vertical displacement (a), water pressure (b), air pr...Figure 8.7 Profile of saturation of air storage modeling in an aquifer with ...Figure 8.8 Vertical settlement versus load level in one‐dimensional elastic ...Figure 8.9 Vertical settlement versus normalized time in the one‐dimensional...Figure 8.10 Vertical settlement vs. normalized time in the one‐dimensional e...Figure 8.11 For the model drawn, vertical settlement, normalized with respec...Figure 8.12 Saturation and relative permeability vs. hydraulic head.Figure 8.13 Water pressure versus time, normalized with respect to applied l...Figure 8.14 (a) Model description and normalized settlement of the top node ...Figure 8.15 Deformed mesh for flexible footing, the fully saturated case: th...Figure