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Many Sizes and Shapes of Capacitors Calculating Time Constants for Resistor/Capacitor Networks Combining Capacitors Putting Capacitors to Work Charging and Discharging a Capacitor Project 13: Charging and Discharging a Capacitor Blocking DC while Passing AC Project 14: Blocking Direct Current Chapter 4: Working with Inductors What Is Magnetism? Examining Electromagnets Inducing Current Calculating RL Time Constants Calculating Inductive Reactance Combining Inductors Putting Inductors to Work Chapter 5: Working with Diodes and LEDs What Is a Semiconductor? Introducing Diodes The Many Types of Diodes Using a Diode to Block Reverse Polarity Project 15: Blocking Reverse Polarity Putting Rectifiers to Work Building Rectifier Circuits Project 16: Rectifier Circuits Introducing Light Emitting Diodes Using LEDs to Detect Polarity Project 17: An LED Polarity Detector Chapter 6: Working with Transistors What’s the Big Deal about Transistors? Amplifying with a Transistor Using a Transistor as a Switch An LED Driver Circuit Project 18: A Transistor LED Driver Looking at a Simple NOT Gate Circuit Building a NOT Gate Project 19: A NOT Gate Oscillating with a Transistor Building an LED Flasher Project 20: An LED Flasher Wrapping Up Our Exploration of Discrete Components

      7  Book 3: Working with Integrated Circuits Chapter 1: Introducing Integrated Circuits What Exactly Is an Integrated Circuit? Looking at How Integrated Circuits Are Made Integrated Circuit Packages Using ICs in Schematic Diagrams Powering ICs Avoiding Static and Heat Damage Reading IC Data Sheets Popular Integrated Circuits Chapter 2: The Fabulous 555 Timer Chip Looking at How the 555 Works Understanding 555 Modes Using the 555 in Monostable (One-Shot) Mode Using the 555 in Astable (Oscillator) Mode Using the 555 in Bistable (Flip-Flop) Mode Using the 555 Timer Output Doubling Up with the 556 Dual Timer Making a One-Shot Timer Project 21: A One-Shot 555 Timer Circuit Making an LED Flasher Project 22: An LED Flasher Using a Set/Reset Switch Project 23: An LED Flasher with a Set/Reset Switch Making a Beeper Project 24: An Audible Beeper Chapter 3: Working with Op-Amps Looking at Operational Amplifiers Understanding Open Loop-Amplifiers Looking at Closed Loop-Amplifiers Using an Op-Amp as a Unity Gain Amplifier Using an Op-Amp as a Voltage Comparator Adding Voltages Working with Op-Amp ICs

      8  Book 4: Beyond Direct Current Скачать книгу