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way, such a person has gained all that is required for going along superbly in business and social life, yes, for making a great success out of life. Far from anyone thinking him to be in despair, he is just what a human being ought to be. Naturally the world has generally no understanding of what is truly horrifying. The despair that not only does not cause any inconvenience in life but makes life convenient and comfortable is, naturally enough, in no way regarded as despair.12

      Ivan Ilych would turn his attention to it and try to drive the thought of it away, but without success. It would come and stand before him and look at him, and he would be horrified, and the light would die out of his eyes, and he would again begin asking himself whether It alone was true … He would go to his study, lie down, and again be alone with It: face to face with It. And nothing could be done with It except to look at it and shudder.14

      Do you not know that there comes a midnight hour when everyone has to throw off his mask? Do you believe that life will always let itself be mocked? Do you think you can slip away a little before midnight in order to avoid this? Or are you not terrified by it? I have seen men in real life who so long deceived themselves that at last their true nature could not reveal itself.15

      It is clear that the midnight hour is coming, but here is the trick. For Kierkegaard, we should not recoil from death but earnestly turn toward it, welcome it, and work to integrate it into our lives. Death is our teacher. It is a reminder of our temporal nature, that our time is short, and that our lives cannot be delayed or postponed until tomorrow, next month, or next year. Rilke refers to this attitude as an affirmation of our existence, a state in which we don’t run away from death but befriend it, allowing it to “come very close and snuggle up to [us].”16

      Believe me that death is a friend, maybe the only one who is never, never deterred by our actions and indecision … and this, you understand, not in the sentimental–romantic sense of a denial of life, of the opposite of life, but our friend especially then when we most passionately, most tremblingly affirm our being-here … Death is the real yes-sayer.”17

      He lives as carefree as a ne’er-do-well, and yet he buys up the acceptable time at the dearest price, for he does not do the least thing except by virtue of the absurd … Finiteness tastes to him just as good as to one who never knew anything higher.19

      The first Kathy died during dialysis. She could not make it long in the face of death. A second Kathy had to be born. This is the Kathy that was born in

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