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randomly) [66].

      where, Xbest indicates the marks/grades obtained by the best student, Xj indicates the marks of the student, randomly selected, in the same subject, and rand generates a random number between 0 and 1. In (Equation 1.1), the D parameter randomly takes the value either 1 or 2. Marks obtained in the subjects by the best student may be increased or maybe decreased depending upon the student and the subjects. However, the primary objective of the best student in the class is to secure his/her position by continuously scoring the highest overall marks in the examination.

      Here, Xnewi is the improved performance of the ith student in that subject; Xbest and Xi are the marks/grade obtained in that subject by the best student and the ith student, respectively; mean represents the average marks obtained in the class in that particular subject and rand variable produces a random number between 0 and 1.

      where, Xi indicates the marks/grade of the ith student of the class in a subject, mean indicates the average marks obtained in that particular subject, and rand generates a random number between 0 and 1.

      where min and max are the two variables that indicate the minimum and the maximum marks of the subject, respectively, and rand generates a random number between 0 and 1.

      The process of getting interested in a subject for different students is not deterministic. It depends on the students’ psychology. So, it may be said that the selection of different categories of students is a random process.

      1.2.2 Performance of SPBO for Solving Benchmark Functions

      The performance of the algorithms selected is evaluated on the basis of the optimal result obtained and on the basis of convergence mobility. For the purposes of analysis, the algorithms are found to converge when the gap between the optimal function result and the result obtained crosses below 1×10-5. The results obtained below 1×10-5 are considered as equal to zero. The parameters of PSO, TLBO, CS and SOS are considered according to the dimension of the benchmark function. But SPBO does not have any parameter and the size of the population needs

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