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       Library of Congress Cataloging‐in‐Publication Data

      Names: Clere, Aurelien, author. | Bansal, Vinnie, author.

      Title: Machine learning with Dynamics 365 and Power Platform : the ultimate guide to apply predictive analytics / Aurelien Clere, Vinnie Bansal.

      Description: Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley, [2022] | Includes index.

      Identifiers: LCCN 2021040966 (print) | LCCN 2021040967 (ebook) | ISBN 9781119771296 (cloth) | ISBN 9781119771319 (adobe pdf) | ISBN 9781119771302 (epub)

      Subjects: LCSH: Microsoft Corporation. | Machine learning.

      Classification: LCC Q325.5 .C54 2022 (print) | LCC Q325.5 (ebook) | DDC 006.3/1—dc23

      LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2021040966 LC ebook record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2021040967

      Cover Design: Wiley

      Cover Image: © Immersion Imagery/Shutterstock

      YOU MIGHT BE WONDERING what machine learning and artificial intelligence (ML/AI) along with Microsoft Dynamics 365 and the Microsoft Power Platform have in common or even what they have to do with each other. But I might challenge you to think bigger and ask not what they have to do with each other; rather, ask how they can work together.

      It is not enough these days to just implement your enterprise resource planning (ERP) or customer relationship management (CRM) system and walk away. Sure, you can optimize and improve business processes with a new system, but if you really want to digitally transform and reduce your operating costs to see the full return on investment, then you will need to look beyond just moving your basic business processes into a new system. This is where ML/AI can come into play.

      Most organizations don't choose to replace their ERP system for the sake of replacement. Instead, ERP systems are replaced by necessity and a culmination of events and circumstances that usually require a system to be replaced. Replacing an ERP is a difficult and time‐consuming process in and of itself, but you would be remiss to not consider how you can leverage emerging technologies such as ML/AI in this process to get more value out of your investment. Whether you are considering a new ERP, or you have been running Dynamics 365 for some time, this book offers practical advice for leveraging ML/AI to achieve more with your solution.

      In my 12‐part TechTalk series on using the Power Platform to extend Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations apps, one key message throughout is about using the technologies together to bring more value at a faster pace. The authors of this book capture this essence and take it three steps further by giving you all the details you need to be successful in making your solution come to life with Dynamics 365, the Power Platform, and ML/AI.

      What I like about this book is that the authors really showcase their expertise. They provide not only real‐life examples to help you relate to your business, but they also provide the details and technical advice required to achieve similar results in your own organization. I can recall the first time I worked with Aurelien to co‐present at a virtual conference on the topic of virtual entities with Finance and Operations apps. His passion for adopting and using hot new technology was evident. The passion shown by Aurelien and Vinnie for helping the community with their knowledge and expertise has always been evident, and this book is just another great example. I believe that when you combine the passion for the technology with the passion for the community, the reader can only benefit from the knowledge and experience of the authors.

      I recommend that you read this insightful book, full of practical advice and technical guidance no matter where you are in your Dynamics 365 implementation to help shape your digital transformation.

      Rachel Profitt

      Senior Program Manager, Microsoft

      WITH MACHINE LEARNING AND artificial intelligence contributing solutions to many sectors from communication and finance to transportation, manufacturing, and even agriculture, enterprises are accelerating their adoption of AI, focusing on those initiatives that can help them achieve revenue growth and cost reduction. In this book, we want to show you how the fusion of the two technologies, Machine Learning and Dynamics 365, can help you to build solutions that can solve real‐world problems. With the knowledge in this book, you can build your own system that can help you make more efficient and intelligent business decisions. There are tons of ML applications in the market today, and the learning is endless; and, considering the intensity with which the data is growing, it's only wise to use this data to make intelligent systems for your business. This book is your companion to machine learning with Dynamics 365 and Power Platform. Whether you are a Dynamics 365 and Power Platform developer or a technical consultant or solution architect new to machine learning or someone who wants to deepen your knowledge of the latest developments, this book is the one stop.

      The book is a practical approach to understanding the concepts of machine learning and deep learning.

      The truth is that developers, technical consultants, and solution architects are constantly being assessed on their knowledge and skills. So how can they stay on top of the game?

      Goalposts in the workplace and/or projects keep moving. This might be because of new technologies such as artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML), customer demand, or simply because there is a new program director with a different vision. All these changes invariably have implications for us. So, if you want to protect your employability, you need to take charge of your personal development.

      No doubt machine learning is a highly trending technology these days for different kinds of business applications and is one of the hottest topics in AI. When combined with Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Power Platform, it can do wonders for its users, which includes getting experimental results and deriving conclusions by utilizing the past data. A blend of machine learning and Microsoft Business Applications Solutions Ecosystem (BASE) and/or Dynamics 365 and Power Platform is beneficial for businesses to make proactive decisions by using predictive data analytics. It also provides businesses the ability to utilize future predictions in order to perform operations more efficiently.

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