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Cognitive Behavior and Human Computer Interaction Based on Machine Learning Algorithms. Группа авторов
Читать онлайн.Название Cognitive Behavior and Human Computer Interaction Based on Machine Learning Algorithms
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119792086
Автор произведения Группа авторов
Жанр Программы
Издательство John Wiley & Sons Limited
Table of Contents
1 Cover
4 Preface
5 1 Cognitive Behavior: Different Human-Computer Interaction Types 1.1 Introduction: Cognitive Models and Human-Computer User Interface Management Systems 1.2 Cognitive Modeling: Decision Processing User Interacting Device System (DPUIDS) 1.3 Cognitive Modeling: Decision Support User Interactive Device Systems (DSUIDS) 1.4 Cognitive Modeling: Management Information User Interactive Device System (MIUIDS) 1.5 Cognitive Modeling: Environment Role With User Interactive Device Systems 1.6 Conclusion and Scope References
6 2 Classification of HCI and Issues and Challenges in Smart Home HCI Implementation 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Literature Review of Human-Computer Interfaces 2.3 Programming: Convenience and Gadget Explicit Substance 2.4 Equipment: BCI and Proxemic Associations 2.5 CHI for Current Smart Homes 2.6 Four Approaches to Improve HCI and UX 2.7 Conclusion and Discussion References
7 3 Teaching-Learning Process and Brain-Computer Interaction Using ICT Tools 3.1 The Concept of Teaching 3.2 The Concept of Learning 3.3 The Concept of Teaching-Learning Process 3.4 Use of ICT Tools in Teaching-Learning Process 3.5 Conclusion References
8 4 Denoising of Digital Images Using Wavelet-Based Thresholding Techniques: A Comparison 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Literature Survey 4.3 Theoretical Analysis 4.4 Methodology 4.5 Results and Discussion 4.6 Conclusions References
9 5 Smart Virtual Reality–Based Gaze-Perceptive Common Communication System for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder 5.1 Need for Focus on Advancement of ASD Intervention Systems 5.2 Computer and Virtual Reality–Based Intervention Systems 5.3 Why Eye Physiology and Viewing Pattern Pose Advantage for Affect Recognition of Children With ASD 5.4 Potential Advantages of Applying the Proposed Adaptive Response Technology to Autism Intervention 5.5 Issue 5.6 Global Status 5.7 VR and Adaptive Skills 5.8 VR for Empowering Play Skills 5.9 VR for Encouraging Social Skills 5.10 Public Status 5.11 Importance 5.12 Achievability of VR-Based Social Interaction to Cause Variation in Viewing Pattern of Youngsters With ASD 5.13 Achievability of VR-Based Social Interaction to Cause Variety in Eye Physiological Indices for Kids With ASD 5.14 Possibility of VR-Based Social Interaction to Cause Variations in the Anxiety Level for Youngsters With ASD References
10 6 Construction and Reconstruction of 3D Facial and Wireframe Model Using Syntactic Pattern Recognition 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Literature Survey 6.3 Proposed Methodology 6.4 Datasets and Experiment Setup 6.5 Results 6.6 Conclusion References
11 7 Attack Detection Using Deep Learning–Based Multimodal Biometric Authentication System 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Proposed Methodology 7.3 Experimental Analysis 7.4