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Artificial Intelligence, 5G, and IoT: Security 14.1 Introduction 14.2 Understanding IoT 14.3 Artificial Intelligence 14.4 5G Network 14.5 Emerging Partnership of Artificial Intelligence, IoT, 5G, and Cybersecurity 14.6 Conclusion References

      22  15 Intelligent Connectivity and Agriculture 15.1 Introduction 15.2 The Potential of Wireless Sensors and IoT in Agriculture 15.3 IoT Sensory Technology with Traditional Farming 15.4 IoT Devices and Communication Techniques 15.5 IoT and all Crop Stages 15.6 Drone in Farming Applications 15.7 Conclusion References

      23  16 Applications of Artificial Intelligence, ML, and DL 16.1 Introduction 16.2 Building Artificial Intelligence Capabilities 16.3 What is Machine Learning? 16.4 Deep Learning 16.5 Machine Learning vs. Deep Learning Comparison 16.6 Feature Engineering 16.7 Applications of Machine Learning 16.8 Applications of Deep Learning 16.9 Future Trends References

      24  17 Big Data and Artificial Intelligence: Strategies for Leading Business Transformation 17.1 Introduction 17.2 Big Data 17.3 Machine Learning‐Based Medical Systems 17.4 Artificial Intelligence for Stock Market Predictions 17.5 Trends in AI and Big Data Technologies Drive Business Innovation 17.6 Advancements and New Entries 17.7 AI and Production 17.8 AI and ML Operations Research 17.9 Collaboration Between Machines and Humans 17.10 Generative Designs 17.11 Adapting to a Changing Market References

      25  Index

      26  End User License Agreement

      List of Tables

      1 Chapter 3Table 3.1 IoT protocols and specification.

      2 Chapter 4Table 4.1 Mobile generation technology evolution and comparison (Desai 2019...

      3 Chapter 16Table 16.1 DL and ML differences (Guru99 2019).

      List of Illustrations

      1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 Hype cycles for emerging technologies, 2020 (Panetta 2020).Figure 1.2 The critical role of fusion of IoT, 5G, and AI in different indus...

      2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 Investment and usage of the most popular technologies.Figure 2.2 The fusion of 5G, AI, and IoT (GSMA International 2018).

      3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 IoT network from connectivity to human value (i‐SCOOP).Figure 3.2 IIOT categories of enabling technologies (Benardos 2017).Figure 3.3 The adoption and impact path of the industrial Internet (World Ec...

      4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Wireless networks evolution (Senate RPC 2019).Figure 4.2 (a) KPI comparison of 4G and 5G (International Telecommunication ...Figure 4.3 KPI for three 5G use cases of eMBB, mMTC, and uRLLC (Lee, 2016)....Figure 4.4 5G and real‐time mobile applications and services (Desai 2019).Figure 4.5 High‐level characteristics of proposed 5G frequency bands (metasw...

      5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 AI revenue, top 10 use cases, world markets – 2025 (TM Capital 20...Figure 5.2 Sectors leading to AI adoption technology (TM Capital 2017).Figure 5.3 Global healthcare AI market growth through 2024 (TM capital 2017)...Figure 5.4 Enterprise AI companies, 2020.

      6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 IoT map illustration and definition (i‐Scoop).

      7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 The most demanding 5G services (GSMA 2019).

      8 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 Digital Twin model (Boschert and Rosen 2016).Figure 10.2 Tools for Digital Twin (Botkina et al. 2018).Figure 10.3 Digital Twin model presentation (Grieves 2014).Figure 10.4 Enabling technologies of Digital Twin modules (Hribernik, Wuest,...Figure 10.5 Digital Twin connectivity (Zhang et al. 2019).Figure 10.6 Enabling technologies of Digital Twin (Zhang et al. 2019).

      9 Chapter 11Figure 11.1 The number of monthly active Facebook users worldwide 2008–2020 ...Figure 11.2 Maturity of uses of Artificial Intelligence in banking and payme...Figure 11.3 AI and banking fear not (Sorrentino 2018).Figure 11.4 Smart city cases for AI‐powered IoT‐enabled technology (Packt 20...Figure 11.5 Vertical and horizontal competition (Brinker 2016).Figure 11.6 Deploying predictive analytics (Just 2017).Figure 11.7 How companies are currently using AI (Vaghela 2019).

      10 Chapter 12Figure 12.1 The car of the future is electrified, autonomous, shared, connec...Figure 12.2 The global market of AIC automotive systems (Intellias 2020).Figure 12.3 Connected car leadership landscapes (EQUINX in Harrison and Mert...

      11 Chapter 13Figure 13.1 Applications of a Smart Grid in different use cases.

      12 Chapter 14Figure 14.1 Evolution

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