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is zero for Gaussian distributed signals. Often the signals are considered ergodic, hence the statistical averages can be assumed identical to time averages so that they can be estimated with time averages.

      The negentropy of a signal x(n) [11] is defined as:


      where x Gauss(n) is a Gaussian random signal with the same covariance as x(n) and H(.) is the differential entropy [12] defined as:

      and p(x(n)) is the signal distribution. Negentropy is always nonnegative.

      Entropy, by itself, is an important measure of EEG behaviour particularly in the cases in which the brain synchronization changes such as when brain waves become gradually more synchronized when the brain approaches the seizure onset. It is also a valuable indicator of other neurological disorders presented in psychiatric diseases.

      The KL distance between two distributions p 1 and p 2 is defined as:

      A number of different dissimilarity measures may be defined based on the fundamentals of signal processing. One criterion is based on the autocorrelations for segment m defined as:


      The autocorrelation function of the mth length N frame for an assumed time interval n, n + 1, …, n + (N − 1), can be approximated as:


      Then the criterion is set to:



      where m refers to the mth frame of the EEG signal x(n). A third criterion is defined from the spectral error measure of the periodogram. A periodogram of the mth frame is obtained by Fourier transforming of the correlation function of the EEG signal:


      where images is the autocorrelation function for the mth frame as defined above. The criterion is then defined based on the normalized periodogram as:


      and thereby computational complexity can be reduced in practise. A fourth criterion corresponds to the error energy in autoregressive (AR) ‐based modelling of the signals. The prediction error in the AR model of the mth frame is simply defined as:

      where p is the prediction order and ak (m), k = 1, 2, …, p, are the prediction coefficients. For certain p the coefficients can be found directly (for example by using Durbin's method) in such a way to minimize the error (residual) between the actual and predicted signal energy. In this approach it is assumed that the frames of length N

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