
Proceedings includes materials of the international scientific conference «RESONANCES SCIENCE», held in Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary – Russia, Moscow, 11–12 February 2016. The main objective of the conference – the development community of scholars and practitioners in various fields of science. Conference was attended by scientists and experts from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Uzbekistan, Ukraine. At the conference held e-Symposium «Finances, Investments, Credits, Law». International scientific conference was supported by the publishing house of the International Centre of research projects.


Proceedings includes materials of the international scientific conference «Scientific Discoveries», held in Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary – Russia, Moscow, 28–29 January 2016. The main objective of the conference – the development community of scholars and practitioners in various fields of science. Conference was attended by scientists and experts from Kyrgyzstan, Russia. International scientific conference was supported by the publishing house of the International Centre of research projects.


Сборник рассказов и эссе известного писателя и журналиста Владимира Коркина (Миронюка). В представленных произведениях автор, как понятно из названия, обращается к этому самому сильному и важному человеческому чувству, способному сделать из обычного человека героя или злодея, дарующему одним восторг вдохновения и низвергающему других в бездонные пропасти безумия – к любви.


Потерпев неудачу в конкурсе телеведущих, Нилуфар устраивается корреспондентом в газете и вскоре узнаёт, что жених обманывает ее. Чтобы предотвратить депрессию, она полностью отдается работе, делая серию репортажей о не очень популярных музыкантах, подорвавшихся на противотанковой мине. И вместо читательского резонанса обнаруживает, что влюбилась безнадежно. Кто и как спасает ее от новых приключений?


Proceedings includes materials of the international scientific conference «Science, Technology and Life – 2015», held in Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary – Russia, Moscow, 24-25 December 2015. The main objective of the conference – the development community of scholars and practitioners in various fields of science. Conference was attended by scientists and experts from Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Ukraine. At the conference held e-Symposium «Physics and mathematics and natural sciences», «Social Sciences and Humanities», «Construction, design and architecture.» International scientific conference was supported by the publishing house of the International Centre of research projects.


Proceedings includes materials of the international scientific conference «Science: fundamental and applied», held in Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary-Russia, Moscow, 27-28 November 2015. The main objective of the conference – the development community of scholars and practitioners in various fields of science. Conference was attended by scientists and experts from from Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia, Serbia. International scientific conference was supported by the publishing house of the International Centre of research projects.