
"Voici le volume nº2 de la série mystère Mackenzie White par Blake Pierce, l’auteur à succès de UNE FOIS PARTIE (bestseller nº1 ayant reçu plus de 600 critiques à cinq étoiles). Dans AVANT QU’IL NE VOIE (Un mystère Mackenzie White – Volume 2), Mackenzie White, agent du FBI en formation, fait de son mieux pour prendre ses marques au sein de l’académie du FBI à Quantico, tout en essayant de faire ses preuves en tant que femme et transfuge du Nebraska. Espérant être à la hauteur afin de devenir agent du FBI et laisser pour de bon sa vie dans le Midwest derrière elle, Mackenzie cherche à faire profil bas et à impressionner ses supérieurs. Mais tout change lorsque le cadavre d’une femme est retrouvé dans une décharge publique. Le meurtre présente de surprenantes similarités avec l’affaire du tueur épouvantail – qui avait rendu Mackenzie célèbre dans le Nebraska – et, pris dans une frénétique course contre la montre pour arrêter un nouveau tueur en série, le FBI décide de contourner le protocole et de mettre Mackenzie sur l’affaire. C’est une occasion en or pour Mackenzie, une chance qui lui est donnée d’impressionner le FBI – mais les enjeux sont des plus importants. Tout le monde ne souhaite pas la voir travailler sur cette affaire et très vite, les choses vont de travers pour elle. Alors que la pression monte et que le tueur frappe à nouveau, Mackenzie se retrouve isolée dans une mer d’agents expérimentés et elle réalise très vite que sa voix n’est pas entendue. Tout son avenir au FBI est en péril. Aussi résistante et déterminée qu’elle soit, aussi brillante et efficace dans sa chasse aux tueurs, Mackenzie se retrouve confrontée à une situation impossible à résoudre et presque hors d’atteinte. Il est possible qu’elle n’y parvienne pas et elle voit sa vie s’écrouler autour d’elle. Un thriller psychologique sombre avec un suspense qui vous tiendra en haleine, AVANT QU’IL NE VOIE est le volume nº2 d’une fascinante nouvelle série, et d’un nouveau personnage, qui vous fera tourner les pages jusqu’à des heures tardives de la nuit. Le volume 3 de la série mystère Mackenzie White sera bientôt disponible. Également disponible du même auteur Blake Pierce : UNE FOIS PARTIE (Un mystère Riley Paige – Volume 1) – bestseller nº1 avec plus de 600 critiques à cinq étoiles sur Amazon – et téléchargement gratu


Frauen werden im ländlichen Virginia tot aufgefunden – alle auf groteskte Weise getötet – und als das FBI den Fall übernimmt sind sie ratlos. Ein Serienmörder ist unterwegs, die Abstände zwischen den Morden werden immer kürzer und sie wissen, dass nur ein Agent gut genug ist um den Fall zu lösen: Spezialagentin Riley Paige. Riley ist beurlaubt, um sich von ihrer Begegnung mit dem letzten Serienmörder zu erholen, und so zerbrechlich wie sie ist, widerstrebt es dem FBI ihren brillianten Kopf zu nutzen. Trotzdem nimmt Riley, die sich ihren eigenen Dämonen entgegenstellen muss, den Fall an und ihre Suche führt sie durch die verstörende Subkultur von Puppensammlern, in die Häuser von zerbrochenen Familien, und in die dunkelsten Ecken des Verstandes eines Mörders. Während Riley sich Schicht für Schicht durch den Fall arbeitet wird ihr bewusst, dass sie es mit einem Killer zu tun hat, der verdrehter ist als sie es sich hätte vorstellen können. In einem wilden Wettlauf mit der Zeit wird Riley bis an ihr Limit gebracht – ihr Job steht auf dem Spiel, ihre eigene Familie ist in Gefahr und ihre zerbrechliche Psyche kurz vor einem Kollaps. Aber sobald Riley Paige einen Fall annimmt gibt sie nicht auf, bis er gelöst ist. Er vereinnahmt sie, führt sie in die dunkelsten Ecken ihres eigenen Verstandes, verwischt die Grenze zwischen Jäger und Gejagtem. Nach einer Reihe von unerwarteten Wendungen führen ihre Instinkte sie zu einem schockierenden Finale, das alle überrascht. VERSCHWUNDEN, ein düsterer Psychothriller mit Spannung die für Herzklopfen sorgt, ist das Debüt einer fesselnden neuen Serie – und einer faszinierenden neuen Heldin – die uns bis spät in die Nacht wachhält. Band 2 in der Riley Paige Serie ist bald erhältlich.


""TURNED is a book to rival TWILIGHT and VAMPIRE DIARIES, and one that will have you wanting to keep reading until the very last page! If you are into adventure, love and vampires this book is the one for you!"" –Vampirebooksite.com The #1 Bestseller! TURNED is book #1 in the #1 Bestselling series THE VAMPIRE JOURNALS, which includes twelve books. In TURNED (Book #1 of the Vampire Journals), 18 year old Caitlin Paine finds herself uprooted from her nice suburb and forced to attend a dangerous New York City high school when her Mom moves again. The one ray of light in her new surroundings is Jonah, a new classmate who takes an instant liking to her. But before their romance can blossom, Caitlin suddenly finds herself changing. She is overcome by a superhuman strength, a sensitivity to light, a desire to feed–by feelings she does not understand. She seeks answers to what’s happening to her, and her cravings lead her to the wrong place at the wrong time. Her eyes are opened to a hidden world, right beneath her feet, thriving underground in New York City. She finds herself caught between two dangerous covens, right in the middle of a vampire war. It is at this moment that Caitlin meets Caleb, a mysterious and powerful vampire who rescues her from the dark forces. He needs her to help lead him to the legendary lost artifact. And she needs him for answers, and for protection. Together, they will need to answer one crucial question: who was her real father? But Caitlin finds herself caught between two men as something else arises between them: a forbidden love. A love between the races that will risk both of their lives, and will force them to decide whether to risk it all for each other… ""TURNED is an ideal story for young readers. Morgan Rice did a good job spinning an interesting twist on what could have been a typical vampire tale. Refreshing and unique, TURNED has the classic elements found in many Young Adult paranormal stories. Book #1 of the Vampire Journals Series focuses around one girl…one extraordinary girl!…TURNED is easy to read but extremely fast-paced....Recommended for anyone who likes to read soft paranormal romances. Rated PG."" –The Romance Reviews “TURNED grabbed my attention from the beginning and did not let go….This story is an amazing adventure that is fast paced and action packed from the very beginning. There is not a dull moment to be found. Morgan Rice did an awesome job bringing the reader into the story. She also made it easy to root for Caitlin and want desperately to her succeed in finding her truth….I will be looking forward to the second book in the series.” –Paranormal Romance Guild Books 1-11 now available online!


“TRANSMISSION is riveting, unexpected, and firmly rooted in strong psychological profiles backed with thriller and sci-fi elements: what more could readers wish for? (Just the quick publication of Book Two, Arrival.)” –Midwest Book Review From #1 worldwide bestselling fantasy author Morgan Rice comes a long-anticipated science fiction series debut. When SETI finally receives a signal from an alien civilization, what will happen next? A 13 year old boy, dying of a rare brain disease, is the only one able to hear and decode signals from outer space. SETI confirms it is a real signal. What is the message? How will the world react? And most of all: are the aliens coming? “Action-packed …. Rice’s writing is solid and the premise intriguing.” –Publishers Weekly, re A Quest of Heroes “A superior fantasy… A recommended winner for any who enjoy epic fantasy writing fueled by powerful, believable young adult protagonists.” –Midwest Book Review, re Rise of the Dragons “An action packed fantasy sure to please fans of Morgan Rice’s previous novels, along with fans of works such as THE INHERITANCE CYCLE by Christopher Paolini…. Fans of Young Adult Fiction will devour this latest work by Rice and beg for more.” –The Wanderer, A Literary Journal (regarding Rise of the Dragons) Book #2 in the series—ARRIVAL—is also available! Also available are Morgan Rice’s many series in the fantasy genre, including A QUEST OF HEROES (BOOK #1 IN THE SORCERER’S RING), a free download with over 1,300 five star reviews!


In BEVOR ER BRAUCHT (ein Mackenzie White Mysterie – Buch 5) findet sich Special Agentin Mackenzie White in einem Fall wieder, den sie so noch nie erlebt hatte: Das Opfer ist weder Mann noch Frau – sondern ein Paar. Das dritte Paar das in diesem Monat Zuhause Tod aufgefunden wurde. Während Mackenzie und das FBI herauszufinden versuchen, wer glücklich verheiratete Paare tot sehen will, führt sie die Suche in eine verstörene Welt und Subkultur. Sie lernt schnell, das nicht alles so perfekt hinter den Gartenzäunen von perfekten Vorstadtgärten ist, wie es scheint – und die Dunkelheit auch bei den glücklichsten Familien lauert. Während ihre Suche sich in ein tödliches Katz- und Mausspiel verwandelt, erkennt Mackenzie, die immer noch damit beschäftigt ist den Mörder ihres eigenen Vaters zu finden, dass sie zu tiefgründig ist – und das der Mörder den sie sucht, wahrscheinlich das trügerischste von allen ist: überraschend normal. Ein dunkler Psychothriller mit garantierten Herzklopfen, BEVOR ER BRAUCHT ist Buch #5 aus einer der fesselnden neuen Reihen – mit einem charmanten neuem Charakter- der Sie garantiert bis spät abends lesen lässt. Buch #6 in den Mackenzie White Mysterie Reihen wird bald erhältlich sein.


“TRANSMISSION is riveting, unexpected, and firmly rooted in strong psychological profiles backed with thriller and sci-fi elements: what more could readers wish for? (Just the quick publication of Book Two, Arrival.)” –Midwest Book Review From #1 worldwide bestselling fantasy author Morgan Rice comes RETURN, book #4 in a long-anticipated science fiction series. Can Kevin and Chloe survive alone in outer space? Can Luna, alone on planet Earth, avoid capture? All hope seems lost for Kevin and Chloe as their escape pod hurtles into nothingness, as they run out of rations and supplies. All hope seems lost for Luna as the aliens outnumber and encircle her. If there any hope left for humanity? “Action-packed …. Rice’s writing is solid and the premise intriguing.” –Publishers Weekly, re A Quest of Heroes “A superior fantasy… A recommended winner for any who enjoy epic fantasy writing fueled by powerful, believable young adult protagonists.” –Midwest Book Review, re Rise of the Dragons “An action packed fantasy sure to please fans of Morgan Rice’s previous novels, along with fans of works such as THE INHERITANCE CYCLE by Christopher Paolini…. Fans of Young Adult Fiction will devour this latest work by Rice and beg for more.” –The Wanderer, A Literary Journal (regarding Rise of the Dragons) Also available are Morgan Rice’s many series in the fantasy genre, including A QUEST OF HEROES (BOOK #1 IN THE SORCERER’S RING), a free download with over 1,300 five star reviews!


""A book to rival TWILIGHT and VAMPIRE DIARIES, and one that will have you wanting to keep reading until the very last page! If you are into adventure, love and vampires this book is the one for you!"" –Vampirebooksite.com {regarding Turned} RESURRECTED is Book #9 of the Bestselling series THE VAMPIRE JOURNALS, which begins with TURNED (Book #1)–a FREE download! In RESURRECTED, 16 year old Scarlet Paine finds herself changing in mysterious ways. She is becoming sensitive to light, able to read peoples’ thoughts, and is faster and stronger than she’s ever been. She doesn’t understand what’s happening to her, and tries to ignore it. But she can only dismiss it for so long. Caitlin Paine, her mom, knows too well what’s happening to her daughter. She underwent the same transformation to vampire once, centuries ago. But now, in the present day, as a mere human, she has no memory of it. All she has is the journal she found in the attic—her mysterious vampire journal—telling of her exploits in another time and place, and of the vampire race being eradicated. But was there one exception to the rule? Could it be that Scarlet, her daughter, is the last remaining vampire on earth? As Scarlet tries to fight who she’s becoming, she also tries to fight her intense feelings for Blake, a boy in her grade who she has a crush on. She can’t tell, though, if he’s into her, and with the big Halloween dance just days away, the pressure is on. She would do anything for Blake to ask her. But Vivian, the meanest of the popular girls, is also on Blake’s radar, and she’ll do anything to make Blake hers—and to make Scarlet’s life a living hell. Luckily Scarlet has her own clique of friends to back her up, including her best friends Maria and Jasmin. They, too, have guy troubles—but it isn’t until Sage appears, the mysterious new boy, that her friends become obsessed. Scarlet finds herself attracted to him, too—and is surprised when it is her, of all the girls in the school, that he pays attention to. But her mind is set on Blake, at least for now, and she continues to hope he’ll ask her to the dance. Just when it seems that Scarlet has what she wants, her body changes. Soon it may be impossible for her to be near her fellow humans. Soon, she may have to choose between her desire to live and her desire for love. Books #3–#11 in THE VAMPIRE JOURNALS are now also available! Morgan Rice's new trilogy, THE SURVIVAL TRILOGY, a post apocalyptic thriller, is now also available for sale. And Morgan's new epic fantasy series, the #1 Bestselling THE SORCERER'S RING, comprising 10 books and counting, is now also available–with the first book, A QUEST OF HEROES, as a FREE download!


“Napisany po mistrzowsku thriller! Autor doskonale zbudował postacie i tak dobrze przedstawił ich psychologiczną stronę, że czujemy jakbyśmy byli w ich głowach, czuli ich strach i cieszyli się ich sukcesami. Fabuła jest niezwykle inteligentnie zbudowana i utrzymuje w napięciu do samego końca. Liczne zwroty akcji sprawią, że nie zaśniesz, dopóki nie przeczytasz tej książki aż do ostatniej strony.” –Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (o książce Porwana) Na północy stanu Nowy Jork ktoś morduje kobiety i wiesza ich ciała owinięte łańcuchami. Ze względu na nietypowy charakter morderstw oraz całkowity brak śladów, wezwane do zdarzenia FBI zleca sprawę jedynej osobie, na którą mogą liczyć w tym przypadku: Riley Page. Riley, próbująca się otrząsnąć po ostatniej sprawie, niechętnie podejmuje się kolejnego zadania, nadal przekonana, że dawny seryjny morderca nadal żyje i ją prześladuje. Wie jednak, że jej umiejętność wejścia w umysł zabójcy oraz jej obsesyjna natura są niezbędne do rozwikłania tej zagadki i nie jest w stanie odmówić – nawet jeśli oznacza to dla niej przekroczenie własnych granic. W czasie poszukiwań Riley wnika mocno w umysł mordercy, odwiedza sierocińce, szpitale psychiatryczne i więzienia, próbując zrozumieć głębię jego psychozy. Kiedy zdaje sobie sprawę z tego, że ma do czynienia z prawdziwym psychopatą, wie, że nie minie dużo czasu zanim ten znowu uderzy. Jednak kiedy jej praca wisi na włosku, jej własna rodzina staje się celem, a jej krucha psychika zaczyna się łamać, może ją to wszystko przerosnąć – i być za późno na działanie. PORWANA to mroczny thriller psychologiczny z trzymającym w napięciu suspensem. Jest to druga książka z nowej, porywającej serii – z ulubioną bohaterką – która nie pozwoli ci przerwać lektury do późnych godzin nocnych. Książka nr 3 z serii o Riley Paige już jest dostępna!


""A book to rival TWILIGHT and VAMPIRE DIARIES, and one that will have you wanting to keep reading until the very last page! If you are into adventure, love and vampires this book is the one for you!"" –Vampirebooksite.com (regarding Turned) OBSESSED is Book #12—and the final book—of the bestselling series THE VAMPIRE JOURNALS, which begins with TURNED (Book #1). In OBSESSED, 16 year old Scarlet Paine races to save her true love, Sage, before he is killed at the hand of the Immortalists. Alienated from her friends and family—and with only one night left before Sage is wiped out—Scarlet is forced to choose whether to sacrifice it all for him. Caitlin and Caleb race desperately to save their daughter, still determined to find a way to cure Scarlet and to end vampirism for all time. Their quest leads them to one shocking secret after the next as they seek to find the ancient, lost vampire city, hidden deep beneath the Sphinx in Egypt. What they find may just change the destiny of the vampire race for all time. Yet it may still be too late. The Immortalist nation is intent on killing Scarlet and Sage, while Kyle, too, is on a murderous rampage, turning Vivian and the entire high school into his own vampire army, set on destroying the town. In OBSESSED, the shocking finale of the 12 book series THE VAMPIRE JOURNALS, Scarlet and Caitlin will be left with a monumental choice—one that will change the world forever. Will Scarlet make the ultimate sacrifice to save Sage’s life? Will Caitlin give up everything to save her daughter? Will they both risk everything for love? “Morgan Rice proves herself again to be an extremely talented storyteller….This would appeal to a wide range of audiences, including younger fans of the vampire/fantasy genre. It ended with an unexpected cliffhanger that leaves you shocked.” –The Romance Reviews (regarding Loved)


""A book to rival TWILIGHT and VAMPIRE DIARIES, and one that will have you wanting to keep reading until the very last page! If you are into adventure, love and vampires this book is the one for you!"" –Vampirebooksite.com (Turned) LOVED is Book #2 in the #1 Bestselling series THE VAMPIRE JOURNALS, which begins with Book #1, TURNED! In LOVED (Book #2 in the Vampire Journals), Caitlin and Caleb embark together on their quest to find the one object that can stop the imminent vampire and human war: the lost sword. An object of vampire lore, there is grave doubt over whether it even exists. If there is any hope of finding it, they must first trace Caitlin’s ancestry. Is she really the One? Their search begins with finding Caitlin’s father. Who was he? Why did he abandon her? As the search broadens, they are shocked by what they discover about who she really is. But they are not the only ones searching for the legendary sword. The Blacktide Coven wants it, too, and they are close on Caitlin and Caleb’s trail. Worse, Caitlin’s little brother, Sam, remains obsessed with finding his Dad. But Sam soon finds himself in way over his head, smack in the middle of a vampire war. Will he jeopardize their search? Caitlin and Caleb’s journey takes them on a whirlwind of historic locations—from the Hudson Valley, to Salem, to the heart of historic Boston—the very spot where witches were once hung on the hill of Boston Common. Why are these locations so important to the vampire race? And what do they have to do with Caitlin’s ancestry, and with who she’s becoming? But they may not even make it. Caitlin and Caleb’s love for each other is blossoming. And their forbidden romance may just destroy everything they’ve set out to achieve…. “LOVED, the second book in the Vampire Journals series, is just as great as the first book, TURNED, and jam packed with action, romance, adventure, and suspense. If you loved the first book, get your hands on this one and fall in love all over again.” –Vampirebooksite.com “THE VAMPIRE JOURNALS series has had a great plot, and LOVED especially was the kind of book you will have trouble putting down at night. The ending was a cliffhanger that was so spectacular that you will immediately want to buy the next book, just to see what happens. As you can see, this book was a huge step up in the series and receives a solid A.” –The Dallas Examiner Books 1-11 now available online!