
In RISEN (Book #6 of the Vampire Legends), Rachel Wood embarks on a mission to find her grandmother in New Orleans, and to learn the secret of who she really is. Her travels take her deep into mysterious territory, as she searches for her roots, and for an explanation of all that is happening to her.
Benji will not give up on her, even though she can’t remember who he is. He is still in love with her, and more determined than ever to find her and rescue her—before it is too late.
Rachel’s brother struggles to keep from giving in to his dark side, as he grapples to come to terms with his new power. Her sister, Sarah, tries to come to grip with her new life at Syracuse, while learning what it means to be a vampire herself.
Rob, driven by his love for Rachel, fights to shake off the influence of the dark coven. He will have to fight for Rachel’s love, hoping her loss of memory will also mean she has forgotten her love for Benji.
It will be a race to save Rachel’s life as all these forces converge in an ancient cemetery in New Orleans. But there comes a shocking twist, and by then, it may all even be too late…
Will Rachel finally remember her true love? And will she be willing to sacrifice it all for him?
RISEN is book #6 of the Bestselling Vampire Legends series (following SWORN, TAKEN, BITTEN, CHOSEN and AWAKENED).


In AWAKENED (Book #5 of the Vampire Legends), Rachel Wood wakes in Benji’s arms—except there is one problem: she cannot remember who Benji is. Heartbroken, Benji lets her go, as she insists on leaving him and returning home.
Rachel arrives back in her home in Pennsylvania, and her dad and brother Mark are shocked to see her. She is even more surprised at their reaction: she can’t remember what happened exactly, but she feels sure that she was only away for a single night. Why is everyone acting so crazy, so surprised to see her?
Rachel, not remembering anything else, insists on resuming her normal life. She insists on returning to her old high school in Pennsylvania, where she runs into all of her old friends, who are equally startled to see her. A new love interest arrives in her life, while she tries to shake dreams of strange omens, and of Benji, who she still doesn’t remember. She also tries to fight these strange hunger pangs that are overtaking her.
In the meantime, Rob is as set as ever on finding Rachel, and he crosses the world, wreaking destruction, to get her. Benji, too, is determined to save her, to make her remember their love—while Hunter and Penelope and Matilda are on a mission to find the Waverly Tablet and prevent Violet from conquering the world.
It will be a race to the end while all these forces try to converge on Rachel. But by the time they reach her, she may even be gone herself…
Will Rachel remember her true love? What choice will she make?
AWAKENED is book #5 of the Vampire Legends series (following SWORN, TAKEN, BITTEN and CHOSEN), and is also a standalone novel.


Rachel Wood wakes after having just taken the leap of faith with Benji with the Blue Tablet to find he is mortally injured. Rachel embarks on a journey to save her love—a journey which will take her deep into the heart of the gravest danger. Is she willing to give up her life to save her one and only true love? How much is she willing to sacrifice?


Rachel Wood wakes in a castle to find herself turned into a vampire. She longs for home, for a normal life. But she is changing too fast. When she learns Benji is in danger, she realizes she has to find him. She will stop at nothing to be with him—even if it means having to choose between life and death.


Rachel Wood finally learns the secret that her new boyfriend, Benji, has been hiding: he is a vampire. She discovers his world in the mysterious Lyndvia Castle on the Hudson River. But just as their romance is blossoming, Benji’s twin brother shows up with a message that might mean the end for them all. Rachel will have to decide how much she wants to sacrifice to be with the love of her life.


In BEVOR ER BRAUCHT (ein Mackenzie White Mysterie – Buch 5) findet sich Special Agentin Mackenzie White in einem Fall wieder, den sie so noch nie erlebt hatte: Das Opfer ist weder Mann noch Frau – sondern ein Paar. Das dritte Paar das in diesem Monat Zuhause Tod aufgefunden wurde. Während Mackenzie und das FBI herauszufinden versuchen, wer glücklich verheiratete Paare tot sehen will, führt sie die Suche in eine verstörene Welt und Subkultur. Sie lernt schnell, das nicht alles so perfekt hinter den Gartenzäunen von perfekten Vorstadtgärten ist, wie es scheint – und die Dunkelheit auch bei den glücklichsten Familien lauert. Während ihre Suche sich in ein tödliches Katz- und Mausspiel verwandelt, erkennt Mackenzie, die immer noch damit beschäftigt ist den Mörder ihres eigenen Vaters zu finden, dass sie zu tiefgründig ist – und das der Mörder den sie sucht, wahrscheinlich das trügerischste von allen ist: überraschend normal. Ein dunkler Psychothriller mit garantierten Herzklopfen, BEVOR ER BRAUCHT ist Buch #5 aus einer der fesselnden neuen Reihen – mit einem charmanten neuem Charakter- der Sie garantiert bis spät abends lesen lässt. Buch #6 in den Mackenzie White Mysterie Reihen wird bald erhältlich sein.