
Новогодье – волшебное время. Каждая адептка академии Асавайн в эти дни надеется на чудо, на встречу со своей судьбой. И я не исключение. Но проснуться в одной постели с совершенно посторонним мужчиной… магистром… драконом, наконец, да еще из враждебной нам страны… Нет, об этом я точно не мечтала! Только вот никто не спрашивал, чего я хочу. Студенческая вечеринка в честь сдачи очередного экзамена, несколько капель спиртного, тайком добавленные сокурсником в бокал с соком, портал, машинально открытый хост знает куда, – и здравствуйте, приключения. Хотя, может, все и к лучшему, если впереди ждет самый невероятный на свете мужчина и… любовь.


A free collection of short stories from some of the top names in women’s fiction today. Featuring irresistible tales of love, friendship, betrayal and passion, from Claudia Carroll, Miranda Dickinson, Julia Williams and many others, The PERFECT ESCAPE is the must-have collection of the year.Each short story is followed by exclusive extracts of each of the authors upcoming titles.Everyone’s against Claire marrying Barry in Don’t Marry Barry. Claire is determined to prove them wrong. If only she could get a significant ex out of her head …Four for Home is the moving story of Jim, left by the love of his life to bring up his three young daughters …My Midsummer Miracle is the story of Lizzie, who is penniless and lonely. Before she died, Lizzie’s mother promised her some midsummer magic. This Midsummer's’ Day will Lizzie’s fortunes be changed?Amanda’s excited about her hen party in The Naughty Girls Hen Weekend. But the best laid plans never do run smoothly …In The Psychic 32-year-old lawyer Gina does nothing but work. Little does she realise that a surprise gift to see a psychic will change her life …The Goslathon is Stella Newman’s witty tribute to Hollywood heartthrob Ryan Gosling.Soldedad had thought she had finally tamed womaniser Lance in The Clause. But leopards can’t change their spots and when a mystery woman catches Lance’s eye on holiday, sparks fly …


Dog Soldiers can either be read as a full-length eBook or in 3 serialised eBook-only parts.This is PART 1 of 3.Dog Soldiers tells the story of two brave young ‘dog soldiers’ (Army bomb dog handlers), killed in action in Afghanistan with their dogs by their side, through the inspirational words of their mothers.Lance Corporal Kenneth Rowe and Lance Corporal Liam Tasker were both dog lovers from boyhood and went on to do the job they had always wanted to do. Through the soldiers’ mothers – Lyn Rowe and Jane Duffy – the book will take the reader on a journey and a celebration of the young men’s lives that begins with the two young boys growing up and fulfilling their dream to serve Queen and country as Army dog handlers – Ken Rowe with his dog, Sasha, and Liam Tasker with his canine partner, Theo. Both mothers acknowledge that their sons signed up to do the job they loved best and fell with their loyal and trusted best friend beside them.Jane Duffy said of her son, Liam Tasker: ‘I know my son died doing the job he loved. And he loved that dog as I loved my son, with every ounce of his being. To lose Liam was and still is unbearable. But for Liam to have survived without Theo? Unthinkable.’


Drawn from Paradise is David Attenborough’s journey through the cultural history of the birds of paradise, one of the most exquisite and extravagant, colourful and intriguing families of birds.From the moment they were introduced to the European mind in the early sixteenth century, their unique beauty was recognised and commemorated in the first name that they were given – birds so beautiful must be birds from paradise.In this unique exploration of a truly awe-inspiring family of birds which to this day is still shrouded in mystery, David Attenborough and Errol Fuller trace the natural history of these enigmatic birds through their depiction in western works of art throughout the centuries, featuring beautiful illustrations by such luminary artists as Jacques Barraband, William Hart, John Gould, Rubens and Breughel, to name but a few. Experienced ornithologists and general nature and art enthusiasts alike will delight in this journey of discovery of the world’s most beautiful and mysterious birds.


Return to the wizarding world and discover how director David Yates and producer David Heyman brought J.K. Rowling’s all-new adventure, the Academy Award®-nominated Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them to the big screen.Discover how director David Yates, producer David Heyman and a talented team of No-Majs brought J.K. Rowling’s Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them to the screen.Meet Newt Scamander, Magizoologist, and explore such wonders as MACUSA, United States counterpart to the Ministry of Magic, the magical secrets of Newt’s case, and the fantastic beasts themselves.Let Inside the Magic: The Making of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them take you on a filmmaking journey into 1920s New York. Learn about the film’s costumes, wands, and special effects, and find out which character's wand is made of shell, which famous wizard is Newt’s friend, which witch is a Legilimens, and which beast ends up at the zoo!Packed with exciting photos and revealing, behind-the-scenes detail from J.K. Rowling, David Yates, production designer Stuart Craig, Eddie Redmayne and other cast members, this is the definitive companion to the film, and perfect introduction to Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.


Simple, laidback food that bursts with flavour; fresh, inspiring recipes using favourite everyday ingredients – no one does fantastic easy cooking like Bill Granger.Simple, laidback food that bursts with flavour; fresh, inspiring recipes using favourite everyday ingredients – no one does fantastic easy cooking like Bill Granger.Bill Granger has long been a champion of no-fuss food. Bill is a restaurateur and self-taught cook, but also a working father who cooks for his family every night. Easy is inspired by years of getting delicious, satisfying meals on the table quickly using everyday ingredients from the fridge or store cupboard, all in Bill’s inimitable easygoing style.In this stunning new cookbook, Bill takes 16 well-loved and accessible main ingredients – from a chicken breast, fillet of fish, cut of lamb or tin of beans to berries, chocolate and a chunk of good cheese – and offers simple yet original dishes.Easy includes 100 delicious recipes, from satisfying meat and fish, to flavour-packed vegetarian dishes and bakes, bold salads and tasty pasta, and finally mouth-wateringly easy sweet things.Great food. Big Flavours. No worries. That’s what Bill is all about.Recipes include:Chilli Garlic Chicken with Sour Cream MashTandoori Fish with Cucumber Tomato SaladGoulash with Gnocchi Lamb with Torn Bread and Apricot StuffingFennel Roasted Rack of Pork with Maple SyrupLight Butter ChickenManchego-Crusted Pork with Romesco SauceTaleggio and Pancetta Baked PastaRice Salad with Broad Beans, Asparagus and Smoked TroutBaked Leek and Goats Cheese Risotto and Apple and Celery SaladPotato, Courgette and Mozzarella FrittersCinnamon Chocolate MousseGinger Pear Upside Down Pudding


«За моей спиной не осталось ни одного советского солдата»… Этими словами последнего командующего Ограниченного контингента советских войск в Афганистане генерал-лейтенанта Б.В. Громова 15 февраля 1989 г. окончилась Афганская война. Война, длившаяся десять долгих лет… Автор данной книги, генерал-полковник Б.В. Громов, в общей сложности пять с половиной лет служил в Афганистане. Под его руководством был спланирован и осуществлен вывод советских войск из Афганистана. Но книга, которую вы держите в руках – это не только воспоминания последнего командующего ОКСВА. На основе множества документов автор анализирует причины ввода 40-й армии на территорию Афганистана, рассказывает о боевых действиях, проблемах и неудачах Ограниченного континента советских войск.


Происходит серия странных и страшных убийств. След ведёт сквозь тысячелетия, к загадочным предсказаниям Дельфийского Оракула, в которых сказано о книге Аполлона, которую охраняет сам Зевс.


«Дар Смерти (начало)» – первая книга трилогии, в которой сибирская ведьма и финалистка 13-ой «Битвы экстрасенсов» Елена Голунова на примере историй из жизни рассказывает об особенностях магии и ее применении: как ставить памятник и следить за ним; что делать, если на вас навели порчу и вы нашли подклад; почему нельзя проводить магические ритуалы самим; как усилить или аннулировать оберег; что такое родовая ветвь и какую силу она несет; как трактовать сны при помощи обращения к родовой ветке и многое другое. Цель книги – оградить вас и ваших близких от ошибок в жизни, которые могут привести к краху. Помочь решить проблемы и устранить последствия, связанные с ними. Она поможет вам обрести силу и защитить семью от недругов.


Что может ожидать человека, враждебной волей превращенного в громадного черного пса без малейшей возможности освободиться? Только деградация и смерть. Точно так думал и сам герцог эт Верис, которого враги издевательски обратили в собаку. Что может получится, если веселую и рослую толстушку-хохотушку вышвырнуть в чужой мир? Да ничего хорошего. Так думала Маргарита Ясновская и тоже была недалека от истины. А если их соединить вместе? Будут много приключений. И обязательно любовь и спасение, на радость друзьям и на зло врагам. Потому что тогда сила мужества сумеет обернуться верностью и благородством, а чисто женская слабость – любящей силой. Читайте историю приключений герцога – черного пса и травницы Маргариты!