
Директор информационной службы (CIO.ru) – журнал для менеджеров, отвечающих за идеологию, стратегию и реализацию информационной поддержки бизнеса, руководителей ИТ-подразделений предприятий и организаций. В номере: Тема номера: Химия и фармацевтика Химия: активизация процессов Крупные предприятия одной из наиболее быстро растущих отраслей – химической промышленности – продолжают автоматизацию бизнес-процессов, начатую в преддверии вхождения России в ВТО, и к ним присоединяются небольшие и средние компании. Атом в 3D Юрий Ибраев, главный специалист по управлению ИТ-активами, финансами и проектами Новосибирского завода химконцентратов, – о движении предприятия к «цифровому производству» и сопутствующих этому проблемах. Энергетика бюджетирования Екатерина Гудкова, начальник отдела методологии бюджетирования управления экономики и финансового контроллинга госкорпорации «Росатом», – о роли информации и ИТ-службы в бюджетировании. Симулятор для диспетчера В РГУ нефти и газа им. И. М. Губкина важную роль в повышении качества подготовки студентов играют созданные на базе современных технологий научно-технические комплексы. Одним из них стал Центр производственно-диспетчерского управления режимами нефтегазодобывающих и нефтегазотранспортных комплексов, реализованный компанией Auvix. Без неприятных сюрпризов Наём «правильных» специалистов, максимально полно удовлетворяющих потребностям компании, является ключевым фактором ее успешного существования. Очень многие организации уделяют рекрутингу поистине огромное внимание. Любопытно, что при этом далеко не все кадровые решения оказываются верными. Время защищать мобильность Если заранее не принять мер по предотвращению мобильных инцидентов, то никакая круглосуточная активность бизнеса не сможет окупить убытки от излишней активности пользователей. и многое другое


An emblematic figure of the early 20th century, Paul Klee participated in the expansive Avant-Garde movements in Germany and Switzerland. From the vibrant Blaue Reiter movement to Surrealism at the end of the 1930s and throughout his teaching years at the Bauhaus, he attempted to capture the organic and harmonic nature of painting by alluding to other artistic mediums such as poetry, literature, and, above all, music. While he collaborated with artists like August Macke and Alexej von Jawlensky, his most famous partnership was with the abstract expressionist, Wassily Kandinsky.


The strict prohibition on the representation of the human form has channeled artistic creation into architecture and architectural decoration. This book is a magical tour through Central Asia – Khirgizia, Tadjikistan, Turkmenia, and Uzbekistan – a cradle of Ancient civilisations and a repository of the Oriental arts inspired by Buddhism and Islam. There are magnificent, full-colour photographs of the abandoned cities of Mervand Urgench, Khiva, the capital of the Kharezm, with its mausoleum of Sheikh Seid Allahuddin, and, the Golden Road to Samarkand, the Blue City, a center of civilisation for 2,500 years.


Когда все государства мира оказываются не в силах совладать с морскими пиратами, орудующими у Сомалийского побережья, заботу о безопасности торговых судов и экипажей принимают на себя парни из частной охраны. В основном это ветераны российских спецподразделений, достаточно повидавшие за годы службы. И когда волею обстоятельств вместо обычного рейса по сопровождению сухогруза им приходится принимать участие в страшной и непонятной игре, развернувшейся вокруг золотого запаса ливийского лидера Муаммара Каддафи, ценой проигрыша вполне может стать их собственная жизнь. Поэтому бывшему подполковнику морской пехоты Иванову и его товарищам приходится применить всю свою профессиональную подготовку и боевой опыт, чтобы вернуться домой без потерь…


Housed in the Hermitage Museum along with other institutes, libraries, and museums in Russia and the republics of the former Soviet Union are some of the most magnificent treasures of Persian Art. For the most part, many of these works have been lost, but have been catalogued and published here for the first time with an unsurpassed selection of colour plates. In a comprehensive introduction, Vladimir Lukonin, Director of the Oriental Art section of the Hermitage Museum, and his colleague Anatoli Ivanov have broadly documented the major developments of Persian Art: from the first signs of civilisation on the plains of Iran around the 10th century BCE through the early 20th century. In the second part of the book they have catalogued Persian Art giving locations, origins, descriptions, and artist biographies where available. Persian Art demonstrates a common theme which runs through the art of the region over the past three millennia. Despite many religious and political upheavals, Persian Art whether in its architecture, sculpture, frescoes, miniatures, porcelain, fabrics, or rugs; whether in the work of the humble craftsmen or the high art of court painters displays the delicate touch and subtle refinement which has had a profound influence on art throughout the world.


This book explains and celebrates the richness of English churches and cathedrals, which have a major place in medieval architecture. The English Gothic style developed somewhat later than in France, but rapidly developed its own architectural and ornamental codes. The author, John Shannon Hendrix, classifies English Gothic architecture in four principal stages: the early English Gothic, the decorated, the curvilinear, and the perpendicular Gothic. Several photographs of these architectural testimonies allow us to understand the whole originality of Britain during the Gothic era: in Canterbury, Wells, Lincoln, York, and Salisbury. The English Gothic architecture is a poetic one, speaking both to the senses and spirit.


William Hogarth wrote his Analysis of Beauty in 1753, during the Age of Enlightenment. Through this captivating text, he tends to define the notion of beauty in painting and states that it is linked, per se, to the use of the serpentine lines in pictorial compositions. He calls it the line of beauty . His essay is thus dedicated to the study of the composition of paintings, depending on the correct use of the pictorial lines, light, colour, and the figure's attitudes. These timeless concepts have been applied by several artists through the centuries. Paintings from every period have here been chosen to support this demonstration. They allow us to explore the various manners in which beauty can be expressed in painting.


The English school of painting was officially recognised at the beginning of the 18th century through the work of William Hogarth. It includes works by the most famous English artists, such as Thomas Gainsborough, Joseph Mallord William Turner, John Constable, Edward Burne-Jones, and Dante Gabriel Rossetti. This subject is introduced with a very unique text, published in 1882: a French study of English pictorial art. The author, Ernest Chesneau, was highly-cultured, an art historian and inspector of Fine Arts. He explains the beginnings of this school which excels in portraiture and landscapes, and reminds us of the English brilliance regarding watercolours, not forgetting to include the work of the Pre-Raphaelites.


Over the course of history, many wars have changed the political and cultural landscape of our world. While these events are defined by their upheaval and violence, they frequently contribute to the formation of the identity of entire generations or groups of people, and thus have significant cultural effects. Despite the physical and emotional destruction that occurs during these turbulent periods, they have inspired prolific artistic creation. In the wake of traumatic events over the centuries, a myriad of artists have produced works that immortalise the most dramatic moments of these wars in order to establish them in history forever. This book presents beautiful images depicting famous battles and war scenes, accompanied by the iconic text of the legendary Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu, as well as texts documenting notable moments of different wars, each written by well-known writers. From Uccello’s The Battle of San Romano to Picasso’s Guernica, this work offers a captivating look at artworks inspired by war and what they reveal about humanity’s history.


Art Deco style was established on the ashes of a disappeared world, the one from before the First World War, and on the foundation stone of a world yet to become, opened to the most undisclosed promises. Forgetting herself in the whirl of Jazz Age and the euphoria of the “Années Folles”, the Garçonne with her linear shape reflects the architectural style of Art Deco: to the rounded curves succeed the simple and plain androgynous straight line… Architecture, painting, furniture and sculpture, dissected by the author, proclaim the druthers for sharp lines and broken angles. Although ephemeral, this movement keeps on influencing contemporary design.