
Sean knows Ash from all his life. For him, he has benn always the ”little brother” of his best friend until, one morning, when he finds him in bed and he must stop denying himself the attraction between them. Love, however, is likely to arrive at the wrong time because Sean thinks only about one thing: together with its ”Shadows” and an unexpected ally, chasing revenge for the murder of their own and their parents.


In a moment casual, an event completely changes the destiny of the dear seer. He meets a new friend. The new discovery makes them travel to a stranger village. Getting there, he comes in contact with a man full of secrets. From there, he discover a new world where has an important role. What fate intends to teach in this unexpected context? Don't lose the reading of the book ”Voices of Light” and have all needed answers.


Frank meets Svetlana in the corridors of the Paris metro station. Neither is aware that their relationship is at the starting point of a difficult love affair. Through desires and doubts, suffering will be inevitable. Frank meets Svetlana in the corridors of the Paris metro station. Neither is aware that their relationship is at the starting point of a difficult love affair. Through desires and doubts, suffering will be inevitable. From being passionately in love, to one rejecting the other, this story narrates the emotional journey between a young woman who has barely lived and a man ten years her senior. While one seeks love and stability, the other is more hesitant and gets lost along the way. Fear, doubt and suspicion develop one after the other, to the point of stifling the bond that once held them together. Deception, temptation and jealousy will be the final blow. Through risky unknowns and struggles, the quest for happiness is a joyful madness that plays an important part of life. Under the Summer Sun is Emmanuel Bodin’s second book. The story revisits the characters of his previous novel, All To Play For, and acts temporally as a prequel: the first romantic encounter of our two protagonists.


HER PROTECTOROne by one the government witnesses who'd testified against a mob associate began to die–and now Tara Ford was the last witness remaining. Suddenly with a killer shadowing her every move, she was forced to rely on the protection of U.S. Deputy Marshal Brad Harrison–a man whose take-charge attitude made her temper flare and whose strong sensuality made her heart race.Brad never let emotion interfere with duty. But in close proximity with all-too-sexy Tara, he forgot all the rules. His instinct to keep her safe was as basic as his desire for her. And when he held her tenderly, he couldn't help but wonder who posed the most immediate danger–the killer or Brad's charge.


Sinu käes on üks kergelt loetav raamat koos lõbusate karikatuuridega— ebaharilik formaat juhtimisraamatule. Kas käid tööl või hoopis teed tööd? Kas oled tööga rahul või tahad enamat? Kas juhid ettevõtet või juhivad sind töötajad? See raamat aitab igal töötajal, alustaval ettevõtjal ja isegi kogenud juhil leida oma õige koha seal, kus inimene suurema osa oma elust veedab – tööl. Ivar Siimar, Trend.vc partner, investor: Autor keskendub sellele, kuidas eesmärke seada ja nendeni jõuda kultuuri ja väärtuspõhise juhtimise kaudu. Kui inimesi seob midagi enamat kui palk ja boonused, on suurepäraste tulemuste saavutamine võimalik. Just seda müstilist miskit Ivo oma kogemuste baasil analüüsib. Hea lugemine alustavatele ettevõtjatele ning värskendavaks vaatenurgaks juba kogenud juhtidele. Mattias Lepp, Click & Grow juht ja asutaja: Siia raamatusse on koondatud väga palju lihtsaid ja praktilisi põhimõtteid, mis aitavad ühel organisatsioonil kasvada ning täispotentsiaali saavutada. Mis veelgi olulisem, see raamat näitab, et ettevõtte juhtimine ning kasvamine võib olla väga lihtne ja loomulik, tuleb vaid ettevõttesse suhtuda pisut enam kui igasse teise elavasse organismi. Oleksin väga tahtnud seda raamatut lugeda siis, kui oma ettevõttega alustasin.


Дверник – деревня в Польнии, расположенная в живописной долине. Реки здесь быстры, горы высоки, жители дружны. Вот только рядом с Дверником находится Чаща – таинственный лес, живой и жестокий. Он похищает людей, лишает их воли и изменяет до неузнаваемости. В Двернике и живут Агнешка и Кася, подруги, любящие друг друга как сестры. Их счастливые дни омрачает лишь одно: они знают, что однажды им придется расстаться. Скоро в деревню прибудет Дракон, могущественный волшебник, единственный, кто может уберечь поселян от тлетворного влияния Чащи, которая не щадит ни детей, ни взрослых, оставляя в них навеки следы порчи. Но цена за освобождение от кошмара слишком высока: раз в десять лет Дракон забирает в свою башню самую красивую и самую талантливую девушку. Ни у кого нет сомнений, кто станет его следующей жертвой – Кася. Агнешка люто ненавидит Дракона и знает, что никогда не смирится с потерей. Но в этот раз он сделает неожиданный выбор, забрав ту, которая изменит жизнь всей Польнии. Наоми Новик – лауреат Мифопоэтической премии и Британской премии фэнтези, обладатель премий Nebula и Locus. Роман «Чаща» стал бестселлером New York Times и признан лучшей книгой года по версии Publishers Weekly.



