
Discover a comprehensive exploration of recent developments and fundamental concepts in the applications of metasurfaces. In Electromagnetic Metasurfaces: Theory and Applications , distinguished researchers and authors Karim Achouri and Christophe Caloz deliver an introduction to the fundamentals and applications of metasurfaces and an insightful analysis of recent and future developments in the field. The book describes the precursors and history of metasurfaces before continuing on to an exploration of the physical insights that can be gleaned from the material parameters of the metasurface. You’ll learn how to compute the fields scattered by a metasurface with known material parameters being illuminated by an arbitrary incident field, as well as how to realize a practical metasurface and relate its material parameters to its physical structures. The authors provide examples to illustrate all the concepts discussed in the book to improve and simplify reader understanding. Electromagnetic Metasurfaces concludes with an incisive discussion of the likely future directions and research opportunities in the field. Readers will also benefit from the inclusion of: A thorough introduction to metamaterials, the concept of metasurfaces, and metasurface precursors An exploration of electromagnetic modeling and theory, including metasurfaces as zero-thickness sheets and bianisotropic susceptibility tensors A practical discussion of susceptibility synthesis, including four-parameters synthesis, more than four-parameters synthesis, and the addition of susceptibility components A concise treatment of scattered-field analysis, including approximate analytical methods, and finite-difference frequency-domain techniques Perfect for researchers in metamaterial sciences and engineers working with microwave, THz, and optical technologies, Electromagnetic Metasurfaces: Theory and Applications will also earn a place in the libraries of graduate and undergraduate students in physics and electrical engineering.



Kvantemekanikken er en fantastisk og forunderlig teori. Den blev formuleret i 1920'erne og beskrev universets mindste byggesten som paradoksale og uforudsigelige: Elektroner kan tilsyneladende vAere flere steder pa en gang, og malinger pa dem giver altid tilfAeldige resultater. Den nye teori blev en enorm succes, men fortolkningen af den splittede samtidig tidens storste videnskabsmAend, sAerligt Niels Bohr og Albert Einstein.Denne bog gennemgar kvantemekanikkens og fysikkens udvikling i det 20. arhundrede – og giver indblik i de nyeste opdagelser af, hvordan den atomare verden fungerer. Kvantemekanikken er i dag fundamentet for vores forstaelse af den mikroskopiske verden, og forskere forsoger nu at udnytte teoriens sAerheder i revolutionerende teknologier – fx i kvantecomputere, der kan udfore beregninger, det ville tage almindelige computere milliarder af ar at lose.


Jeg vil vide, hvordan Gud skabte verden. Jeg onsker at kende hans tanker – resten er detaljer. Sadan sagde Albert Einstein (1879-1955), og han stod ved sit ord. Mere end nogen anden var Einstein arkitekten bag det 20. arhundredes nye verdensbillede, hvor begreber som tid og rum fik en radikalt anden betydning end tidligere.I Einsteins univers redegores for den beromte fysikers placering i videnskabshistorien, og hovedtrAekkene i hans vigtige bidrag til relativitetsteori, kvantefysik og kosmologi forklares. Bogen gennemgar ogsa Einsteins filosofiske og religiose standpunkter, ligesom den beskriver hans samfundsmAessige engagement og politiske holdninger. For selv om fysikken var det vigtigste i Einsteins liv, sa folte han en stAerk moralsk pligt til at engagere sig i verden uden for videnskaben.



Det er noget mAerkeligt noget, universet. Det indeholder alt fra honsefodder og gulerodder til enorme galaksehobe, der strAekker sig over millioner af lysar. Og hvordan gik det nu til? Endnu har vi vist ikke opdaget de helt rigtige naturlove til at forsta, hvordan et lille, varmt og tAetpakket punkt udviklede sig til alt mellem himmel og jord. Her hjAelper desvAerre ingen kAere Einstein. Godt at vi har Steen Hannestad, stjerneforsker ved Aarhus Universitet, til at forklare os, hvordan verden hAenger sammen.


· A pocket guide filled with fascinating information about clouds, cloud families, optical phenomena, and more · Filled with interesting facts about 7 cloud families, 19 different cloud formations, and all their unique characteristics, composition, appearance, cause, and weather conditions · Also includes fun facts about rainbows, ice crystal light shows, haloes, arcs, sun dogs, sun pillars, and other optical phenomena · Features stunning high-quality photography of each cloud formation · Its compact size makes it fun and easy to flip through for fast and fun reading


Heat is a branch of thermodynamics that occupies a unique position due to its involvement in the field of practice. Being linked to the management, transport and exchange of energy in thermal form, it impacts all aspects of human life and activity. <p>Heat transfers are, by nature, classified as conduction, convection (which inserts conduction into fluid mechanics) and radiation. The importance of these three transfer methods has resulted – justifiably – in a separate volume being afforded to each of them. This second volume is dedicated to radiation. After recalling photometry, the calculation of luminance is addressed using the theory of the black body and associated laws: Stefan, Wien. The reciprocal radiation of two surfaces in total influence is discussed extensively, and the case of finished surfaces is also considered. <p>Heat Transfer 2 combines a basic approach with a deeper understanding of the discipline and will therefore appeal to a wide audience, from technician to engineer, from doctoral student to teacher-researcher.


Electromagnetic Waves 2 examines antennas in the field of radio waves. It analyzes the conditions of use and the parameters that are necessary in order to create an effective antenna. This book presents antennas’ definitions, regulations and fundamental equations, and describes the various forms of antennas that can be used in radio: horns, waveguides, coaxial cables, printed and miniature antennas. It presents the characterization methods and the link budgets as well as the digital methods that make the fine calculation of radio antennas possible. Electromagnetic Waves 2 is a collaborative work, completed only with the invaluable contributions of Ibrahima Sakho, Hervé Sizun and JeanPierre Blot, not to mention the editor, Pierre-Noël Favennec. Aimed at students and engineers, this book provides essential theoretical support for the design and deployment of wireless radio and optical communication systems.


Learn more about hydraulic technology in hydraulic systems design with this comprehensive resource   Hydraulic Fluid Power  provides readers with an original approach to hydraulic technology education that focuses on the design of complete hydraulic systems. Accomplished authors and researchers Andrea Vacca and Germano Franzoni begin by describing the foundational principles of hydraulics and the basic physical components of hydraulics systems. They go on to walk readers through the most practical and useful system concepts for controlling hydraulic functions in modern, state-of-the-art systems.  Written in an approachable and accessible style, the book’s concepts are classified, analyzed, presented, and compared on a system level. The book also provides readers with the basic and advanced tools required to understand how hydraulic circuit design affects the operation of the equipment in which it’s found, focusing on the energy performance and control features of each design architecture. Readers will also learn how to choose the best design solution for any application.  Readers of  Hydraulic Fluid Power  will benefit from:  Approaching hydraulic fluid power concepts from an “outside-in” perspective, emphasizing a problem-solving orientation Abundant numerical examples and end-of-chapter problems designed to aid the reader in learning and retaining the material A balance between academic and practical content derived from the authors’ experience in both academia and industry Strong coverage of the fundamentals of hydraulic systems, including the equations and properties of hydraulic fluids  Fluid Power Fundamentals  is perfect for undergraduate and graduate students of mechanical, agricultural, and aerospace engineering, as well as engineers designing hydraulic components, mobile machineries, or industrial systems.