
Книга 5 охватывает все разделы курса физики для инженерно-технических специальностей высших учебных заведений и отвечает программе по физике. Изложение ведется без громоздких математических выкладок, большое внимание уделено разъяснению физической сути явлений и описывающих их понятий, а также преемственности современной и классической физики. Для студентов инженерно-технических специальностей высших учебных заведений. Может быть использо- вано преподавателями всех типов средних учебных заведений, а также студентами техникумов и колледжей.


Soft-Switching Technology for Three-phase Power Electronics Converters Discover foundational and advanced topics in soft-switching technology, including ZVS three-phase conversion In Soft-Switching Technology for Three-phase Power Electronics Converters, an expert team of researchers delivers a comprehensive exploration of soft-switching three-phase converters for applications including renewable energy and distribution power systems, AC power sources, UPS, motor drives, battery chargers, and more. The authors begin with an introduction to the fundamentals of the technology, providing the basic knowledge necessary for readers to understand the following articles. The book goes on to discuss three-phase rectifiers and three-phase grid inverters. It offers prototypes and experiments of each type of technology. Finally, the authors describe the impact of silicon carbide devices on soft-switching three-phase converters, studying the improvement in efficiency and power density created via the introduction of silicon carbide devices. Throughout, the authors put a special focus on a family of zero-voltage switching (ZVS) three-phase converters and related pulse width modulation (PWM) schemes. The book also includes: A thorough introduction to soft-switching techniques, including the classification of soft-switching for three phase converter topologies, soft-switching types and a generic soft-switching pulse-width-modulation known as Edge-Aligned PWM A comprehensive exploration of classical soft-switching three-phase converters, including the switching of power semiconductor devices and DC and AC side resonance Practical discussions of ZVS space vector modulation for three-phase converters, including the three-phase converter commutation process In-depth examinations of three-phase rectifiers with compound active clamping circuits Perfect for researchers, scientists, professional engineers, and undergraduate and graduate students studying or working in power electronics, Soft-Switching Technology for Three-phase Power Electronics Converters is also a must-read resource for research and development engineers involved with the design and development of power electronics.


Discover the most recent advances in electromagnetic vortices  In  Electromagnetic Vortices: Wave Phenomena and Engineering Applications , a team of distinguished researchers delivers a cutting-edge treatment of the research and development of electromagnetic vortex waves, including their related wave properties and several potentially transformative applications.  The book is divided into three parts. The editors first include resources that describe the generation, sorting, and manipulation of vortex waves, as well as descriptions of interesting wave behavior in the infrared and optical regimes with custom-designed nanostructures. They then discuss the generation, multiplexing, and propagation of vortex waves at the microwave and millimeter-wave frequencies. Finally, the selected contributions discuss several representative practical applications of vortex waves from a system perspective.  With coverage that incorporates demonstration examples from a wide range of related sub-areas, this essential edited volume also offers:  Thorough introductions to the generation of optical vortex beams and transformation optical vortex wave synthesizers Comprehensive explorations of millimeter-wave metasurfaces for high-capacity and broadband generation of vector vortex beams, as well as OAM detection and its observation in second harmonic generations Practical discussions of microwave SPP circuits and coding metasurfaces for vortex beam generation and orbital angular momentum-based structured radio beams and their applications In-depth examinations of OAM multiplexing using microwave circuits for near-field communications and wireless power transmission Perfect for students of wireless communications, antenna/RF design, optical communications, and nanophotonics,  Electromagnetic Vortices: Wave Phenomena and Engineering Applications  is also an indispensable resource for researchers at large defense contractors and government labs.



This second volume in the series, “Sustainable Energy Engineering,” covers reservoir characterization, a huge part of the production process and crucial to the power generation supply chain. Long though of as not being “sustainable,” newly discovered sources of petroleum and newly developed methods for petroleum extraction have made it clear that not only can the petroleum industry march toward sustainability, but it can be made “greener” and more environmentally friendly. Sustainable energy engineering is where the technical, economic, and environmental aspects of energy production intersect and affect each other. This collection of papers covers the strategic and economic implications of methods used to characterize petroleum reservoirs. Born out of the journal by the same name, formerly published by Scrivener Publishing, most of the articles in this volume have been updated, and there are some new additions, as well, to keep the engineer abreast of any updates and new methods in the industry. Truly a snapshot of the state-of-the-art, this groundbreaking volume is a must-have for any petroleum engineer working in the field, environmental engineers, petroleum engineering students, and any other engineer or scientist working with reservoirs.


Wie selbstverständlich gehen wir Menschen davon aus, in unserem Denken und Handeln frei und grundsätzlich auch zur Selbstlosigkeit fähig zu sein. Für Matern handelt es sich dabei um tief verwurzelte Illusionen des Menschen über sich selbst. Schritt für Schritt zeigt er anhand hochinteressanter Studien aus der Hirnforschung und Verhaltensbiologie, wie determiniert der Mensch in seinem Denken und Handeln ist und dass wir aufgrund unserer genetischen Fundierung nur dann zu scheinbarer Selbstlosigkeit und Nächstenliebe in der Lage sind, wenn wir in irgendeiner Form davon profitieren.
Der Jesuitenpater Anthony de Mello hat bereits vor 40 Jahren darüber geschrieben und darauf aufbauend entwickelt Matern ein Weltbild der Akzeptanz der Wirklichkeit, das es uns ermöglicht, negative Emotionen wie Ärger, Wut oder Hass zu vermeiden und einen Weg zur Versöhnung mit uns selbst zu finden.


The major topical and societal issues of energy transition and environmental conservation have benefited from the contribution of nanotechnologies and nanomaterials. Nanomaterials, including carbon-based newcomers, have helped to improve in particular the performance of energy storage and conversion devices. <br />Some of these nanomaterials, including fullerenes, carbon nanotubes, nanodiamonds and carbon dots, were discovered well before the 2000s. Others are more recent, including graphene (the leading material of the 21st century) as well as many mineral materials developed at the nano scale: atomic clusters, metal or semiconductor nanoparticles, two-dimensional inorganic materials, metal-organic frameworks (MOF) and luminescent quantum dots. All of these are involved in the realization of devices for energy purposes. <br />Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials for Energy provides a critical analysis of the latest work in the fields of batteries, photovoltaics, fuel cells and catalysis as well as lighting, with the advent of light-emitting diodes.


This book presents a global and synthetic vision of planetology – the study of objects in the Solar System. In the past several decades, planetology has undergone a real revolution, marked in particular by the discovery of the Kuiper belt beyond Neptune, the discovery of extrasolar planets, and also by the space exploration of ever more distant objects. Today, it is at the crossroads of many disciplines: astronomy, geophysics, geochemistry and biology.<br /><br /><i>The Solar System 2</i> studies the outer Solar System: satellites and rings of giant planets, small bodies and dwarf planets. It also deals with meteorites and cosmochemistry, as well as the formation and dynamics of the Solar System. It addresses the question of the origin of life and extraterrestrial life, and presents all of the methods in the study of planetology.

