
Former air force pilot Max Taylor has gained something of a reputation with the high-society ladies he shuttles around on his charter airline service.And the rumor mill has been out of control since he's become a chapter in the tell-all book written by a late congressman's widow! Looking to lie low while the courts restore his good name, Max has decided to hide out with his grandfather in the tiny town of Trouble, Pennsylvania.Sabrina Cavanaugh isn't the sultry, mysterious heiress she's pretending to be. In fact, she's a junior book editor who happens to be on a mission – to nail Max Taylor for the womanizing creep he is. Having worked hand in hand with the loose-lipped widow in writing her memoirs, there's no way Sabrina's going to let some spoiled (and hot) flyboy kill her career-making project with a lawsuit.It looks as if the love of a lifetime is on the horizon.


Part-time college student and full-time single mom Jessica Bowman returns to Alabama to raise her little boy, Nathan, in the only home she's ever known.The last person she expects to see is Chad Martin, her first love. He doesn't know that Jessica's been keeping a secret from him. What he does know is that he never stopped loving her. But Jessica realizes that her silence stands in the way of their reunion.If she takes a leap of faith and reveals the truth, will she find that love and forgiveness are the sweetest Valentine gifts of all?


When Detective James Munro discovered a cameo necklace on a New York City street, he hoped only to return the keepsake to its rightful owner. He certainly didn't expect that owner to be so adorable and perfect for him.Indeed, Southern belle Constance Beaulieu was beautiful and as set on showing her gratitude as James was on running away from romance….Constance was amazed when the necklace she thought lost forever mysteriously resurfaced–all thanks to the gruff, strangely compelling lawman who returned it. Her family legend told of the cameo's power to bring true love to its wearer…and Constance hoped the charm would work its magic on this detective of her dreams.



All Chloe Baxter wants for her birthday is one kiss from hottie Riley Connelly. She gets that and more.That one kiss leads to the most amazing one-night stand of her life. Sex with Riley is beyond spectacular. But when morning comes, she's resigned to returning to real life. Except that for Chloe, real life has gotten complicated. Her big job promotion has landed her in the middle of Riley's undercover investigation.Worse, he wants her to spy on her employers. Can she betray the people she cares about for a man she can't keep her hands off? And if survival means choosing between her head and her heart, Chloe's not sure which one will hurt worse if she loses it. . . .


Small-Town Girl, Big-Time CrushAmy Wilson longs to escape the pointed barbs and knowing looks that come with having a certain reputation in a small town. A temp job with CEO Jack Shepard seems to offer a way out, if only she can stay focused on her goal.Former Olympic athlete Jack is as relationship-phobic as they come, so he's not worried that the soul-shattering kiss he and Amy shared will affect their working partnership. She's a girl who's going places, but Jack starts to wish that maybe he could tag along for the ride…



What do a plain-Jane professor and a handsome swashbuckler have in common? A passion that defies all the odds…Dear Diary,Women dream of a handsome moat walking into their lives but it usually doesn't happen. Well, it happened to me today! Swarthy ocean archaeologist Rafael Adriano with his eye patch and alpha-male arrogance is a modern-day pirate come to life.With my rambunctious nieces visiting for the Summer, I have enough problems without Rafael endeavouring to conduct research in my home for clues leading to some historical shipwreck, the Isabela. I can't believe he offered to play nanny in exchange for access to the house–or that I agreed.If only he'd stop looking at me as if he knows my deepest desires.Cora


Working as a nanny for the rather gruff, yet extremely good-looking Luke Armstrong's spirited daughter seems like just the challenge Gaby Michaels needs to kick-start her new life!Arriving at the Old Boathouse on the rugged coast of Devon, Gaby can see that the rift between Luke and his daughter can only be bridged if Luke allows himself to be healed, as well. But in helping to fix this family, Gaby realizes she wants to be more than just the nanny–she wants to be a mother to Heather–and a wife to Luke.
