
Mills & Boon are excited to present The Anne Mather Collection – the complete works by this classic author made available to download for the very first time! These books span six decades of a phenomenal writing career, and every story is available to read unedited and untouched from their original release.Indebted to the millionaire…Dallas is horrified to learn that her younger sister is expecting a baby by irresponsible playboy Paul Stavros. But when Paul is tragically killed, his controlling, but irresistibly gorgeous billionaire father, Alexander Stavros, steps in – much to Dallas’ chagrin!Before she knows it, she and her sister are being whisked off – at his insistence – to his luxurious private island! While her sister now wants for nothing, Dallas loathes their obligation to a man who antagonises her at every turn. But with her increasing attraction to Alexander, his hold over her becomes ever more unbreakable…


An adventurous spirit has always set Beth Lowell apart in her family, creating tension with her mother, Jan, who cherishes stability.Beth, a risk taker who traverses the globe for her job, wonders how Jan, now widowed, can endure her staid, predictable life. Then a note hidden inside an antique tea set reveals that Jan has kept a shocking secret from Beth.Beth's search for the birth father she has never known takes her to an enchanting tea estate in the Himalayan foothills, accompanied by a handsome British businessman.And the revelation of a long-hidden past forces Jan to embark on her own journey–toward reconciliation with her daughter and the courage to love again.


He may be a grown man, but daredevil Last Jefferson is running away from home. Yet in escaping his own family, he runs right smack into another! Esme Hastings casts a spell under the big top as sexy magician Poppy Peabody–but being mom to her orphaned niece and nephew is her most important job.Unfortunately, convincing a judge she can provide a stable home will take more than a wave of her magic wand.Before Last takes off halfway around the world, he brings Esme and the kids back to the Malfunction Junction ranch in Texas. There's room to spare and they need to settle down, but Last can't stay. Sure, he and Esme have fun together, but it could never work. Besides, this cowboy isn't ready to be a family man. Right?


YOU ARE NOW ENTERING RIVERBEND, INDIANARiverbend…home of the River Rats–a group of small-town sons and daughters who've been friends since high school. The River Rats are all grown up now. Living their lives and learning that some days are good and some days aren't–and that you can get through anything as long as you have your friends.Mitch Sterling has a lot on his plate. He owns a hardware store that's competing with a big national chain. He's taking care of his elderly grandfather–though Granddad might argue about that–and he's a single father to a young child. On top of that, he's just met a very pregnant, very stranded, very single woman who needs a friend. And if Mitch is honest with himself, he'll admit that he wants to be more than her friend.…


Substitute groom?When bride-to-be Natasha Merrill was left virtually at the altar, devil-may-care Chase Taggart offered her a surprising way out. She could face the embarrassment of canceling her society wedding or she could marry him!In the heat of the moment it had all seemed so simple–a temporary marriage of convenience to keep the gossips at bay and Natasha's pride intact. But the day after the wedding, holed up in impossible romantic hotel in Paris with her new husband, Tasha discovered that even pretend marriages are for from simple….


Her mother remained a mystery in life…and in deathLibby Cartwright hadn't planned on inheriting a yarn shop from her estranged mother. But that was before she found her favorite childhood stuffed animal amidst the dust and moldering yarn. And before she encountered a motley crew of locals determined to resurrect the store. So what else had Mom been hiding?Running Metropolitan Knits means Libby still has lots to learn. About knitting. Motherhood (who ever said raising a daughter was easy!). And even romance. For quiet Hal O'Connell, an unlikely–and unattached–new customer, turns out to be a kindred spirit. As the Grand Reopening approaches, Libby learns to knit two together–in knitting and in life….


THE MILLIONAIRE'S MISSION Killian Shawnessy was arrogant, imposing… and worth a bundle. And it was up to feisty Cara Sinclair to deliver the brooding heir to his long-lost family. Yet after locating the mysterious millionaire, Cara discovered the sexy loner's true passion did not lie in his secret fortune. What he really desired was… her!In Killian's strong embrace, Cara's long-repressed desires were met… and mastered. Yet too soon she realized her dream lover's mind wasn't on marriage – but on a hush-hush mission he'd sworn to fulfill. Could Cara prove to Killian the power of love… before their hourglass ran out?A hidden passion, a hidden child, a hidden fortune. Revel in the unveiling of these powerful, passionate… SECRETS!


Adopting one child is challenge enough for a single woman like Suzanne Chauvin. Now that she has the chance to adopt a brother and sister who shouldn't be separated, she has to keep her life as simple as possible.Which means she doesn't have time for an added complication in the form of her neighbor Tom Stefanec. Tom knows too much about Suzanne's past…and she knows nothing about his.


When investigative journalist Natalie McCabe discovers a local investment bank is taking retirees for a ride, she's all over the case, even going undercover to get the goods on dirty brokers. But then Jason Jamison, the man she recently saw murder his wife, escapes from jail.And incognito or not, Natalie's life is in danger. Fortunately her new bodyguard, Vincent Fortune, has the brawn to keep her safe…as long as she plays by his rules.Vincent can't figure out his spitfire client. She wants security, but sneaks away as soon as she thinks she has a lead. All he knows is their attraction is growing stronger each day. And Vincent's not sure how much longer he can protect Natalie from his own desire.


Matthew had fallen for Georgia the moment he sat opposite her on a train. Accidentally walking off with the wrong mobile phone gave him the ideal opportunity to see her again.After her late husband had left her with a pile of debts, Georgia had a phobia about having a man in her life. Matthew Fraser might have been rich, he might have been wonderful with her kids, he might have continually come to her rescue… But no, she wouldn't be swayed; she wouldn't let this man under her skin.But Matthew was a patient man, and equally determined…