
Escrito en un español muy ameno y ágil, el texto es suficientemente detallado sin abrumar al lector. Pastores, profesores, estudiantes y amadores de la literatura, la historia y el arte mundial se enamorarán de la forma en que el autor vincula lo sagrado con lo mundano, despertando incógnitas y pertinencias no antes consideradas. – Zaida Maldonado Pérez, – Asbury Theological Seminary (emérita)
Esta Introducción al Nuevo Testamento, animada, atractiva y actualizada, ha sido cuidadosamente diseñada para el aula. Mark Allan Powell presenta cuestiones controvertidas de manera justa, sin dictar conclusiones ni privilegiar el escepticismo sobre las perspectivas basadas en la fe. Reconocido experto en estudios del Nuevo Testamento, escribe en un estilo claro que comunica bien a estudiantes universitarios. Los capítulos aparecen en orden canónico, pero están diseñados para la asignación en cualquier orden. Además de útiles ayudas didácticas como barras laterales, mapas, tablas, cuadros,términos del glosario, diagramas y sugerencias para lecturas adicionales, este libro de texto a todo color incluye hermosas imágenes que ilustran la recepción del Nuevo Testamento a través de diferentes épocas y culturas.
"Es un recurso valioso e indispensable para todo el mundo." Javier Alanís, – Lutheran Seminary Program in the Southwest


There are moments when the spirit is mute and powerless to give utterance to its interior yearning. It feels the need of a vibrant word to rouse it from its numbness and voice its voiceless aspiration. Hence attempts to provide, in one form or another, daily thoughts for the day's round are coincident with the rising of the religious consciousness. The ancient Forest-Books or Upanishads of the Vedlc period were but the accumulated effort of great sages to help those who surrounded them in their woodland hermitage, to meet the daily problem with triumphant heart. The mediaeval breviaries and manuals of devotion were written or compiled to the same end. The present volume is another contribution to this daily sacrament of prayer and holy thought. The idea of preparing it is not of recent conception. As far back as 1812 Swami Parama-nanda wrote me from Switzerland «Other day I was thinking a little of the next book (from your letters). Can't we call it A Book of Daily Thoughts and Prayers' ? What do you think of it ?» I had written to him that the idea had come to me to gather from his later letters and certain notes of his teaching material for a companion volume to the «Path of Devotion,» made up from earlier letters. The prayers were caught with the same stealthy silent pencil at the moment of their utterance. They sound in consequence the more living note of spoken supplication. The quotations from the Scriptures are from the Swami's translations. Coming from such intimate sources, the words which follow possess special helpfulness in the intimate inward strivings of each day. They have been classified and arranged in consecutive and cumulative sequence. The thought is carried forward from day to day, so that at the end of a month a new and defined impression will be made on the character. Each day brings its salient thought to be held through the waking hours in continuous mindfulness a brief lesson amplifies this and imbeds it more deeply in the consciousness a prayer feeds and strengthens the natural upward-reaching devotional aspirations of the heart. A few lines from the Swami's sacred and illumined poems are given as a daily exercise in memorizing. Memorizing is one of the most productive of spiritual practices. It provides a rich inner library to which one can turn in the moment of emptiness or distress. A single line called up in memory will sometimes turn the thought into an entirely fresh and wholesome channel. Thus on each page will be found food for all the faculties of the aspiring spirit. The Swami's words lend themselves with peculiar aptitude to a work of this nature. His sentences have the focused, shining quality of a finely-cut gem which requires no embellishment of ornate setting. They stir the higher, holier impulses of the soul and impel to consecrated living. They carry forward by their inherent vitality and strength. The book calls for no other introduction than itself. With its tender counsel and ringing appeal it will find its way, by the force of its spiritual power, into the heart and sanctuary of every seeker whose hand it reaches. DEVAMATA. ANANDA-ASHRAMA, APRIL, 1926. JANUARY : LIVING CONSECRATION.. FEBRUARY : STEADFAST RESOLUTION "MARCH : POWER OF HOLINESS- APRIL : BLISS OF HIGHER VISION.. MAY : HUMILITY, SIMPLICITY AND PURITY OF HEABT. JUNE : FAITH AND COURAGE. JULY : ' BLESSING OF SERVICE- AUGUST : TRANQUILLITY AND CHEERFULNESS-SEPTEMBER : SELFLESS LOVE AND DEVOTION.. OCTOBER : RIGHT THOUGHT AND RIGHT ACTION. NOVEMBER : UNFALTEKING TRUST AND SURRENDER. DECEMBER : REDEEMING POWER WITHIN. 7 Be act offended if my mortal hand Lacketfe grace to offer Thee oblation. Yet this hand is Thy gift Sanctified by Thy touch. I will, use it humbly And lift this offering of love to Thy Feet. I will cherish my mind For it hath brought me thoughts of Thee I will cherish my heart For it hath given me vision of Thee And I will crown this life with a crown of bliss For it hath brought me to Thy gate.


Las iglesias de América Latina han experimentado, en las últimas décadas, un rápido y notorio crecimiento numérico en un contexto de mutación religiosa y pérdida de confianza en los líderes y en las constituciones. Por consiguiente, uno de los asuntos clave de la agenda actual de las iglesias está relacionado con la necesidad de formar líderes capaces de responder tanto a los grandes desafíos dentro de las comunidades de fe como a los que emergen de la sociedad y cultura cambiantes. El propósito de este libro es responder, desde la perspectiva cristiana, a esta necesidad.


El autor asume en las páginas de este libro que el evangelio es una verdad pública y que, por tanto, es un mensaje que no queda circunscrito en los templos, ni se trata de un discurso religioso destinado a seres incorpóreos, sino un mensaje que confronta todos los factores que oprimen y cosifican a los seres humanos, y que produce una nueva humanidad en la cual desaparecen los prejuicios sociales y los mecanismos de discriminación que separan a los seres humanos.
Se trata, pues, de un análisis bastante completo, a partir del Evangelio de Lucas y otros textos bíblicos complementarios, para afirmar con claridad que Dios está del lado de los pobres, los marginados, las viudas, los huérfanos, los desechados de la sociedad, los despojados de sus derechos más básicos, los explotados y humillados por los poderes dominantes y hegemónicos. Así, nadie que lea esta obra quedará inmune a la voz del Espíritu, que cortará nuestras conciencias como espada de doble filo dado que Jesucristo nos llama a encarnar una espiritualidad integral que no separa lo espiritual de lo secular, la fe de las obras, sino que afirma el compromiso social y político como aspectos esenciales de la misión cristiana.
El libro alude a los cambios que se observan en el mundo evangélico en general y en el pentecostal en particular. Uno de estos cambios tiene que ver con la toma de conciencia acerca del papel de los cristianos en relación a la realidad social, económica, política y espiritual en la que tenemos el llamado a vivir la fe y dar testimonio de Jesucristo.


En la forma que Pablo le impartió a Timoteo su sabiduría, esta colección de cartas desde pastores de experiencia representan 480 años de ministerio en total. Los pastores jóvenes y más grandes valorarán este tesoro de asesoría amorosa y verdad que les guiará a través de los desafíos y gozos de su vocación en Cristo.Autores: Tom Ascol, Conrad Mbewe, Tedd Tripp, Ted Christman, Andy David, Martin Holdt, C.J. Mahaney, Bill Ascol, Mark Dever, Fred Malone, Raymond Perron, Ligon Duncan, Joel Beeke, Roger Ellsworth, Terry Johnson, Steve Martin, Phil Newton, Ray Ortland Jr, Geoff Thomas."Como ministro de veinticuatro años de experiencia pastoral, deseo que hubiera tenido este libro en el inicio de mi ministerio. Ahora, como profesor de seminario, quiero que todos mis alumnos tengan este libro para el comienzo de su ministerio". Dr. Don Whitney, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Senior Associate Dean, Associate Professor of Biblical Spirituality


Guía de conversación para padres y pastores
Nuestra cultura está llena de mensajes confusos sobre género e identidad. Si usted es un padre o alguien involucrado en el ministerio de jóvenes o niños que quiere enseñar fielmente la Biblia, este libro es para usted, pues proporciona una guía práctica paso a paso para articular la enseñanza de la Escritura sobre el género a los niños y los jóvenes a medida que crecen. Cada capítulo contiene temas de conversación y consejos para cada edad y etapa, desde preescolar hasta la escuela secundaria y más allá. Ayudará a las familias a enseñar la cosmovisión cristiana de una forma clara y consistente a lo largo de la vida del niño. Sea usted padre, mentor, pastor o amigo, este libro lo ayudará a encontrar claridad en un mundo lleno de confusión.
En un mundo lleno de opiniones sobre género, sexualidad, raza y verdad, no necesitamos ser más estridentes; sino más claros. Necesitamos ser convincentes y competentes para responder las preguntas que enfrenta la próxima generación, y hacerlo de una manera que sea amorosamente inteligente y que honre a Dios.


The Dialogues on the Incarnation presented in this book show a group of four preachers as they endeavored to help the people in their church make theological sense at a time when optimism and fear were intermingled. Although the details of life in the early 2020s differ from those in the 1960s when these sermons were delivered, preachers today face a similar challenge–to proclaim a Christian vision that interprets the interior experience of listeners and the dynamics of the outer world where strife, epidemic disease, and global warming dominate the news. These sermons show how preachers can draw upon their own insights and upon biblical scholarship, history, theology, ethics, philosophy, and psychology as they proclaim their gospel message. In the year when Doctor Martin Luther King Jr. and Senator Robert Kennedy were assassinated, these dialogues were described as «an experiment in preaching.» They now are published, nearly sixty years later, to encourage and instruct a new generation of church leaders to continue the pastoral challenge of talking about God when most people are afraid.


Although many people today reject Christianity for intellectual reasons, greater numbers of people are rejecting Christianity because it does not engage their imagination. Christians must not only demonstrate that the Christian worldview is true, but that it is also good, beautiful, and relevant. The Good News of the Return of the King: The Gospel in Middle-earth is a book that endeavors to show the truth, goodness, and beauty of Jesus Christ, the gospel, and the biblical metanarrative by engaging the imagination through J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, as well as The Hobbit and The Silmarillion. In this book, I propose that J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings is a story about what Jesus' parables are about: the good news about the return of the king. As a work of imaginative fiction similar to Jesus' parables, The Lord of the Rings can bypass both intellectual and imaginative objections to the gospel and pull back the «veil of familiarity» that obscures the gospel for many.


How does Paul assess Israel's error with reference to the law in Romans 9:30–10:13, and what solution does he present? In the years since the dawn of the New Perspective on Paul, interpreters continue to discuss what the Mosaic law required and how Paul described Israel's plight and solution. In this work, Richard Winston argues for a traditional law-gospel explanation of a central passage in Paul's discussion of faith and the law (Rom 9:30–10:13), defending the viewpoint that Paul critiqued Israel for seeking to obtain a right standing with God by obeying the law (as the law requires), and presenting faith in Christ as the solution for their problem. Throughout the discussion, special attention is given to how Paul rightly interprets the Old Testament to show that it is in agreement with his argument.


In the last fifty years, the history of World Christianity has been disproportionally shaped, if not defined, by African Pentecostalism. The objective of this volume is to investigate and interrogate the critical junctures at which World Christianity invigorates and is invigorated by African Pentecostalism. The essays of the thinkers gathered here examine the general relationships between World Christianity and Africa and the specific interplays between World Christianity and African Pentecostalism. Scholars from multiple disciplines, continents, and countries evaluate how the theological scholarship and missional works of eminent African intellectual Johnson Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu have contributed to the scholarly understanding of how Global Christianity has been mediated by its reception in Africa. They also investigate how African Pentecostalism has been shaped by its contact with the diverse forms of Christianity in Africa and the rest of the world.
With contributions from:
Opoku Onyinah Harvey C. Kwiyani Kirsteen Kim Craig S. Keener Charles Prempeh Kenneth R. Ross Trevor H. G. Smith Vivian Dzokoto Chammah J. Kaunda Felix Kang Esoh Patrick Kofi Amissah Caleb Nyanni Marleen de Witte Oluwaseun Abimbola Philomena Njeru Nwaura Faith Lugazia Dietrich Werner Allan H. Anderson