Различные книги в жанре Программы, доступные для чтения и скачиванияАннотация
Turn your Mac into a productivity powerhouse with Office 2021! Long gone are the days when Microsoft's powerful office suite was just for Windows users. Mac enthusiasts are also able to pop open ubiquitous apps like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint on their preferred desktop or laptop! But if you're new to Microsoft Office on the Mac—or you just need a hand with some of its latest features—you should check out Office 2021 For Macs For Dummies. This handy guide will show you how to conquer the essentials of all the key apps that make Office 2021 such a productivity booster. You'll also discover: Brand-new features, like an improved dark mode and better accessibility capabilities How to share documents directly in a collaborative setting How Microsoft's Text Predictions work in various apps in Office 2021 Ideal for Mac-lovers who can't escape the lure of Microsoft's iconic office software, Office 2021 For Macs For Dummies is a can't-miss resource that will help you successfully blend the reliable computing power of your Mac or MacBook with the productivity power of Microsoft Office.
Your secret weapon to understanding—and using!—one of the most powerful influences in the world today From your Facebook News Feed to your most recent insurance premiums—even making toast!—algorithms play a role in virtually everything that happens in modern society and in your personal life. And while they can seem complicated from a distance, the reality is that, with a little help, anyone can understand—and even use—these powerful problem-solving tools! In Algorithms For Dummies, you'll discover the basics of algorithms, including what they are, how they work, where you can find them (spoiler alert: everywhere!), who invented the most important ones in use today (a Greek philosopher is involved), and how to create them yourself. You'll also find: Dozens of graphs and charts that help you understand the inner workings of algorithms Links to an online repository called GitHub for constant access to updated code Step-by-step instructions on how to use Google Colaboratory, a zero-setup coding environment that runs right from your browser Whether you're a curious internet user wondering how Google seems to always know the right answer to your question or a beginning computer science student looking for a head start on your next class, Algorithms For Dummies is the can't-miss resource you've been waiting for.
Learn to make your digital photos *pop* with easy-to-follow help using AI-powered software from Adobe With no prior photography or editing experience necessary, Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic For Dummies delivers a must-have walkthrough for taking your photos to the next level using Adobe’s powerful consumer software. You’ll learn the fundamentals of opening your pictures, managing your photo library, and fixing common problems—like redeye and poor lighting—before jumping into more advanced topics, like creating slideshows and troubleshooting problems. The perfect place to begin learning how to improve your family photos, Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic For Dummies also helps you discover: How to take control of and organize your photo library How to apply common artificial intelligence-powered photo enhancements with the click of a mouse Ways to share your photos with the world, both digitally and on paper The premier jumping-off point for aspiring photo editors everywhere, this book is a can’t-miss resource for anyone who wants to make the most of their digital photo collection and for professionals who want to expand their design skillset by learning Adobe Lightroom Classic.
An effective and practical study aid to the new OCP Java SE 17 Developer certification exam In the OCP Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 17 Developer Study Guide: Exam 1Z0-829 , you'll find accessible and essential test prep material for the in-demand and practical OCP Java SE 17 Developer certification. Providing comprehensive coverage of all OCP Java SE 17 exam objectives and competencies, the Study Guide offers you access to all the skills and knowledge you'll need to succeed on the test and in the field as a new or experienced Java developer. This book provides material on records, sealed classes, text blocks, dates, streams, controlling program flow, using the Java object-oriented approach, handling exceptions, working with arrays and collections, and more. You'll also get: Intuitively organized information that aligns with the competencies tested on the exam and those required by real-world Java developers Opportunities to practice and develop skills that remain in high demand in the IT industry Access to the Sybex online learning center, with chapter review questions, full-length practice exams, hundreds of electronic flashcards, and a glossary of key terms Perfect for anyone prepping for the brand-new OCP Java SE 17 credential, OCP Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 17 Developer Study Guide: Exam 1Z0-829 is also a can't-miss reference for practicing and aspiring Java developers seeking to learn or reinforce their foundational skills in Java programming and improve their performance on the job.
BIOINFORMATICS AND MEDICAL APPLICATIONS The main topics addressed in this book are big data analytics problems in bioinformatics research such as microarray data analysis, sequence analysis, genomics-based analytics, disease network analysis, techniques for big data analytics, and health information technology. Bioinformatics and Medical Applications: Big Data Using Deep Learning Algorithms analyses massive biological datasets using computational approaches and the latest cutting-edge technologies to capture and interpret biological data. The book delivers various bioinformatics computational methods used to identify diseases at an early stage by assembling cutting-edge resources into a single collection designed to enlighten the reader on topics focusing on computer science, mathematics, and biology. In modern biology and medicine, bioinformatics is critical for data management. This book explains the bioinformatician’s important tools and examines how they are used to evaluate biological data and advance disease knowledge. The editors have curated a distinguished group of perceptive and concise chapters that presents the current state of medical treatments and systems and offers emerging solutions for a more personalized approach to healthcare. Applying deep learning techniques for data-driven solutions in health information allows automated analysis whose method can be more advantageous in supporting the problems arising from medical and health-related information. Audience The primary audience for the book includes specialists, researchers, postgraduates, designers, experts, and engineers, who are occupied with biometric research and security-related issues.
Компьютерная графика. Рейтрейсинг и растеризация (pdf+epub) - Гэбриел Гамбетта
Библиотека программиста (Питер)Аннотация
За красивыми образами анимационного фильма и реалистичной средой популярных видеоигр скрываются загадочные алгоритмы. В этой книге вы познакомитесь с двумя основными направлениями современной графики: рейтрейсингом и растеризацией. Такая литература пугает новичков из-за большого количества математики. Но только не в этом случае. Познакомьтесь с 3D-рендерингом без длинных формул! Вы создадите полноценные рабочие рендеры – рейтрейсинг, симулирующий лучи света и их отражение от объектов, растеризатор 3D-моделей, научитесь создавать реалистичные отражения и тени, а также отрисовывать сцены с любой точки обзора. Наглядные примеры с псевдокодом позволят без проблем создавать рендеры на любом языке, а живые JavaScript-демки каждого алгоритма вдохновят на самостоятельные подвиги. После покупки предоставляется дополнительная возможность скачать книгу в формате epub.