
Книга поможет вам решать такие проблемы в поиске предназначения, смысла жизни, профессиональной реализации, как:– слабое здоровье, психосоматические заболевания;– страхи, которые обездвиживают на пути к цели;– узнаете методику Страхополагание;– научитесь использовать энергию Интереса для реализации целей;– упражнение для трансформации сознания в ресурс, повышения личной эффективности;– сделаете 2 шага к предназначению;– узнаете причины депрессии, лени, апатии и что с ними делать.


Данная книга дает ответ на вопрос о том, что из себя представляют настоящие, здоровые и вечные отношения, как романтические, так и дружеские. Она будет полезна как людям уже состоящим в отношениях, так и людям, которые еще не вступили в них. Она будет полезна всем, кто желает еще лучше понимать себя и других, кто желает узнать, как построить по настоящему счастливые отношения, и узнать, какими качествами нужно обладать, для того чтобы такие отношения создать, и как эти качества в себе развить.


В этой тетради-тренинге мы поговорим о том, что на самом деле мешает вам достигать собственных целей, и что нужно сделать, чтобы процесс достижения перестал быть мукой и страданиями, а стал интересным, простым и приятным? Для этого мы раскроем три темы:1. Как принять и полюбить себя и отказаться от вредных установок?2. Как проверить цель на истинность и правильно ее поставить?3. Как поддержать себя на пути к желанной цели?На каждую тему мы проделаем упражнения и получим заветный результат!


This critique explodes the stereotypical assumption that men are more prone than women to aggression A cogent and holistic assessment of the theoretical positions and research concerning female aggression Examines the treatment, punishment and community response to female aggressive behavior Examines topics including sexual power, serial murder and the evolution of gendered aggression Treats female aggression in its own right rather than as a counterpart to male violence


The introduction to statistics that psychology students can't afford to be without Understanding statistics is a requirement for obtaining and making the most of a degree in psychology, a fact of life that often takes first year psychology students by surprise. Filled with jargon-free explanations and real-life examples, Psychology Statistics For Dummies makes the often-confusing world of statistics a lot less baffling, and provides you with the step-by-step instructions necessary for carrying out data analysis. Psychology Statistics For Dummies: Serves as an easily accessible supplement to doorstop-sized psychology textbooks Provides psychology students with psychology-specific statistics instruction Includes clear explanations and instruction on performing statistical analysis Teaches students how to analyze their data with SPSS, the most widely used statistical packages among students


This all-embracing Handbook on the Development of Children’s Memory represents the first place in which critical topics in memory development are covered from multiple perspectives, from infancy through adolescence. Forty-four chapters are written by experienced researchers who have influenced the field. Edited by two of the world’s leading experts on the development of memory Discusses the importance of a developmental perspective on the study of memory The first ever handbook to bring together the world’s leading academics in one reference guide Each section has an introduction written by one of the Editors, who have also written an overall introduction that places the work in historical and contemporary contexts in cognitive and developmental psychology 2 Volumes


Exposes destructive patterns of communication within family cultures and provides strategies for promoting more open dialogue among family members. Equips family therapists to help clients see the barriers they place in the way of healthy communication, and adopt more constructive alternatives Provides activities designed to spark open dialogue between therapist and clients, strengthening the therapeutic relationship and facilitating family interaction Includes communication strategies for reversing disengagement, defusing power struggles, overcoming sibling rivalry, disentangling marital problems and more Offers a new understanding of family dynamics, an area in which many family therapists want to improve their skills but have struggled to find a text to guide them in doing so


This selection of in-depth, critical and comprehensive chapters on topical issues in applied health psychology features the work of key researchers and practitioners in the Australasian health system and deals with both theoretical and methodological aspects of the subject. The first health psychology text aimed specifically at regional postgraduate trainees Covers an array of topics and issues and focuses on applied aspects of clinical health and health promotion Includes both specialized topics and new frontiers of research Contextualizes health psychology teaching and learning for Australasian students


The first edition of this book introduced the Young-Bramham Programme, a pioneering approach to cognitive behavioural treatment for ADHD in adults, which was well-received by clinical and academic communities alike. Based on the latest findings in the field, the authors have expanded the second edition to incorporate treatment strategies not only for adults, but also for adolescents with ADHD. Updates the proven Young-Bramham Programme to be used not only with adults but also with adolescents, who are making the difficult transition from child to adult services New edition of an influential guide to treating ADHD beyond childhood which encompasses the recent growth in scientific knowledge of ADHD along with published treatment guidelines Chapter format provides a general introduction, a description of functional deficits, assessment methods, CBT solutions to the problem, and a template for group delivery


A definitive guide to the growing field of health psychology, which showcases contributions from academics and professionals working at the cutting edge of their discipline. Explores the field of modern health psychology, its latest developments, and how it fits into the contexts of modern healthcare, industry and academia Offers practical, real-world examples and applications for psychological theory in health care settings Provides a timely resource to support the new HPC registration of health and other psychologists Includes contributions from practitioners in a wide range of health care settings who share their own vivid personal experiences, as well as more general guidance to applying theory in practice