
Selected by Choice as a 2013 Outstanding Academic Title


Forensic Case Formulation is the first text that describes the principles and application of case formulation specifically to forensic clinical practice. Addresses risk assessment and its implications for case formulation and treatment Covers a range of serious forensic problems such as violence, sexual offending, personality disorder, and substance misuse Offers guidance in training clinicians on ways to create useful formulations


Winner of the American Journal of Nursing Book of the Year 2011 (Category: Maternal And Child Health) Building on children's natural inclinations to pretend and reenact, play therapy is widely used in the treatment of psychological problems in childhood. This book is the only one of its kind with more than 200 therapeutic activities specifically designed for working with children and teenagers within the healthcare system. It provides evidence-based, age-appropriate activities for interventions that promote coping. The activities target topics such as separation anxiety, self-esteem issues, body image, death, isolation, and pain. Mental health practitioners will appreciate its «cookbook» format, with quickly read and implemented activities.


Praise for the previous edition «An extraordinary and important book. Its approach to evidence-based practice (EBP) is very sound, realistic, and generous to the complexities of everyday practice. Reading and using this book is a must.» —Haluk Soydan, PhD, School of Social Work, University of Southern California «This book has the potential to change practice in the helping professions. Rather than focusing on how to conduct research, Practitioner's Guide to Using Research for Evidence-Based Practice instead shows readers how to understand the literature.... [The] generous use of humor and the inclusion of simple, practice-relevant examples make this book a pleasure to read.» —Aron Shlonsky, PhD, Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto «I particularly like the integration of research methods and EBP; this is the book's major innovation in my mind as it allows readers to see the connections between research and practice. [The book] also succeeds by taking very complex EBP principles and explaining them in practical terms.» —Jeffrey M. Jenson, PhD, Graduate School of Social Work, University of Denver Hands-on guidance for research-informed practice and practice-informed research Now in a second edition, Practitioner's Guide to Using Research for Evidence-Based Practice offers a clinician-oriented approach to appraising and using research as part of the EBP process. This accessible guide presents essential and practical guidance on how to integrate research appraisal into EBP endeavors to determine which interventions, policies, and assessment tools are supported by the best evidence. It introduces: Increased attention to macro-level EBP questions and studies New discussion on defining EBP, including the addition of a transdisciplinary model of EBP More detailed guidance on EBP question formulation and conducting Internet searches, including the PICO framework New content on multivariate designs, including propensity score matching, and on mixed-model and mixed-methods studies


Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy for Cancer presents an eight-week course for MBCT which has been tried and tested over ten years of clinical use, and is targeted specifically for people with cancer. There is growing evidence of mindfulness as a successful and cost-effective intervention for reducing the negative psychological impact of cancer and treatment Draws upon the author’s experience of working with people with cancer, and her own recent experience of using mindfulness with cancer diagnosis and treatment Stories from cancer patients illustrate the learning and key themes of the course Includes new short practices and group processes developed by the author


A comprehensive collection of hundreds of thought-provoking stories and activities for use in the treatment of children confronting difficult situations Storytelling and Other Activities for Children in Therapy provides professionals with the knowledge, insight, and tools to help children (ages 6 to 12) and their families work through their treatment issues using storytelling and other activities. This invaluable guide includes helpful activity sheets that gradually progress through four levels of inquiry, representing readiness for self-disclosure. Imaginative and easy-to-use, the stories and activities in this book are tied to relevant practice issues, including: Illness and disability School issues Anger and behavioral issues Social adjustment and shyness Divorce and parental separation Domestic violence Community violence Trauma and child abuse Substance abuse Death With an accompanying website allowing therapists to personalize and print stories as well as activity sheets to meet their needs and those of their clients, Storytelling and Other Activities for Children in Therapy is an important tool in easing the pain of emotionally hurt children towards a discovery of their inner strengths and resilience for life. These resources can be accessed at www.wiley.com/go/slivinske.


The word ‘addiction’ these days is used to refer to a chronic condition where there is an unhealthily powerful motivation to engage in a particular behaviour. This can be driven by many different factors – physiological, psychological, environmental and social. If we say that it is all about X, we miss V, W, Y and Z. So, some people think addicts are using drugs to escape from unhappy lives, feelings of anxiety and so on; many are. Some people think drugs become addictive because they alter the brain chemistry to create powerful urges; that is often true. Others think that drug taking is about seeking after pleasure; often it is. Some take the view that addiction is a choice – addicts weigh up the pros and cons of doing what they do and decide the former outweigh the latter. Yet others believe that addicts suffer from poor impulse control; that is often true… And so it goes on. When you look at the evidence, you see that all these positions capture important aspects of the problem – but they are not complete explanations. Neuroscience can help us delve more deeply into some of these explanations, while the behavioural and social sciences are better at exploring others. We need a model that puts all this together in a way that can help us decide what to do in different cases. Should we prescribe a drug, give the person some ‘tender loving care’, put them in prison or what? Theory of Addiction provides this synthesis. The first edition was well received: ‘Throughout the book the reader is exposed to a vast number of useful observations…The theoretical aims are timely, refreshing, ambitious and above all challenging. It opens up a new way of looking at addiction and has the potential to move the field of addiction a considerable leap forward. Thus we wholeheartedly would like to recommend the book for students as well as scholars. Read and learn!’ Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs ‘The book provides a comprehensive review of existing theories – over 30 in all – and this synthesis of theories constitutes an important contribution in and of itself… West is to be commended for his synthesis of addiction theories that span neurobiology, psychology and social science and for his insights into what remains unexplained.’ Addiction This new edition of Theory of Addiction builds on the first, including additional theories in the field, a more developed specification of PRIME theory and analysis of the expanding evidence base. With this important new information, Theory of Addiction will continue to be essential reading for all those working in addiction, from student to experienced practitioner – as urged above, Read and learn!


This volume tackles key issues in the changing nature of family life from a global perspective, and is essential reading for those studying and working with families. Covers changes in couple relationships and the challenges these pose; parenting practices and their implications for child development; key contemporary global issues, such as migration, poverty, and the internet, and their impact on the family; and the role of the state in supporting family relationships Includes a stellar cast of international contributors such as Paul Amato and John Coleman, and contributions from leading experts based in North Africa, Japan, Australia and New Zealand Discusses topics such as cohabitation, divorce, single-parent households, same-sex partnerships, fertility, and domestic violence Links research and practice and provides policy recommendations at the end of each chapter


As citizens of capitalist, free-market societies, we tend to celebrate choice and competition. However, in the 21st century, as we have gained more and more choices, we have also become greater targets for persuasive messages from advertisers who want to make those choices for us. In Sold on Language, noted language scientists Julie Sedivy and Greg Carlson examine how rampant competition shapes the ways in which commercial and political advertisers speak to us. In an environment saturated with information, advertising messages attempt to compress as much persuasive power into as small a linguistic space as possible. These messages, the authors reveal, might take the form of a brand name whose sound evokes a certain impression, a turn of phrase that gently applies peer pressure, or a subtle accent that zeroes in on a target audience. As more and more techniques of persuasion are aimed squarely at the corner of our mind which automatically takes in information without conscious thought or deliberation, does 'endless choice' actually mean the end of true choice? Sold on Language offers thought-provoking insights into the choices we make as consumers and citizens – and the choices that are increasingly being made for us. Click here for more discussion and debate on the authors’ blog: http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/sold-language [Wiley disclaims all responsibility and liability for the content of any third-party websites that can be linked to from this website. Users assume sole responsibility for accessing third-party websites and the use of any content appearing on such websites. Any views expressed in such websites are the views of the authors of the content appearing on those websites and not the views of Wiley or its affiliates, nor do they in any way represent an endorsement by Wiley or its affiliates.]


Self-Harm and Violence: Towards Best Practice in Managing Risk in Mental Health Services presents the first exploration of the most effective clinical practice techniques relating to the management of risk in mental health care settings. Based on the Department of Health’s Best Practice in Managing Risk guidance document, which was developed over a 12-month period in consultation with a national expert advisory group Features contributions from many members of the group that drew up the Best Practice document – all leading theoreticians and practitioners in their particular fields – and embeds the principles laid out in the guidelines in real world practice Reveals how contemporary risk management is a multidisciplinary and collaborative enterprise in which practitioners from different professions need to engage with each other in order to achieve success