
Find your purpose. Make a change. If you’re not happy, not fulfilled, feel empty and lack motivation, make a change. Don’t exist. Live. Turn things around and live a happy, successful, fulfilling life. Go on, you deserve to. Hypnotist and celebrity life-coach Benjamin Bonetti is an expert in addressing limiting beliefs, unlocking purpose and driving success. In How to Change Your Life he shows us how to uncover our ‘thing’ – how to discover what we should be doing with our lives and how to make that happen. With Benjamin’s help we can leap over hurdles, bash through barriers and drive forward towards successful and fulfilment. You will learn; How to discover your ‘thing’ – your purpose How to unleash your true potential by clearing out past beliefs and barriers. The secrets of high achievers and how to implement them yourself The real reasons why people underachieve


Правила жизни Гари Зорба. Как полезно провести время между рождением и смертью. Как найти смысл жизни. Как найти предназначение. Как расставить приоритеты в жизни. Как найти и реализовать скрытые и явные желания. Как извлечь максимальную пользу и выгоду от предметов, людей и проектов, которые встречаешь на пути. О духовной пользе изобилия предметов и людей. О вреде баланса и равновесия. Как вести себя в поражениях и победах. Как быть уникальным и отличаться от других. Как научиться смеяться и поддерживать позитивное мышление. Как повысить вероятность удачи. Как жить без учителей, советчиков, наставников и гуру.


The keys to better business from a thriving group of business owners-the Amish Business can be discouraging. According to US Department of Labor figures, only 44 percent of newly-opened firms will last four years. Amish firms, on the other hand, have registered a 95% survival rate over a five-year period. And in many cases, those businesses do remarkably well-as Donald Kraybill writes: «the phrase 'Amish millionaire' is no longer an oxymoron.» Success Made Simple is the first practical book of Amish business success principles for the non-Amish reader. The work provides a platform of transferable principles–simple and universal enough to be applied in the non-Amish world, in a wide variety of business and management settings. Learn how to develop profitable and fulfilling enterprises as Amish explain how to build fruitful relationships with customers and employees, prosper by playing to strengths, and create an effective marketing story Includes interviews with over 50 Amish business owners outline the role of relationships in business and the importance of the big picture-taking in long-term goals, the welfare of others, and personal integrity Offers ideas on practical application of Amish business practices to non-Amish businesses, with bullet summaries at the end of each chapter reviewing the most important take-away points With a focus on relationship-building and the big picture, Success Made Simple offers business owners everywhere the tools for better, smarter, more successful enterprises.


Застенчивость способна серьезно усложнить жизнь человека: она мешает работать, отдыхать и любить, отстаивать свои интересы и наслаждаться жизнью. Чтобы она не отравляла существование, важно понимать, что это такое, и какие нужны условия, чтобы вернуть себе свободу – в речах и действиях. Всемирно известный психолог Ф. Зимбардо считает, что эту проблему можно преодолеть с помощью специальных упражнений. Его книга откроет перед застенчивыми мир, полный дружелюбия и приятного общения, а их самих превратит в искусных собеседников и уверенных в себе людей. © Storytel


As GMTV anchor, I interview hundreds of people every year. However well they interview, every single person would find it easier to explain their case by following these simple principles. EAMONN HOLMES, GMTV Presenter «[Drop the Pink Elephant]…tackle[s] every aspect of personal communication in a crisp, entertaining style.» THE PLAIN ENGLISH SOCIETY «There can be no whitewash at the White House.» (Richard Nixon). These nine words turned the American nation against their President. Why? Because people hadn't linked the White House with a cover up until Nixon himself made the connection. His own denial created the story. It is perhaps the most famous Pink Elephant in history. But what exactly is a 'Pink Elephant'? Pink Elephants are the unnecessary negatives that clutter your conversation and meaning, sending out the wrong signals to anyone you communicate with. In Drop the Pink Elephant, Bill McFarlan reveals how to avoid the deadly trap of allowing poor communication skills to obscure your meaning and reduce your effectiveness. Drop the Pink Elephant is filled with helpful, simple and practical advice on how to make your words count for more. Put these straightforward lessons into practice and you will notice immediately how much more effectively you are able to communicate with others. Sharpen your conversation by: * FIRST SPOTTING, THEN DROPPING THE PINK ELEPHANT * GETTING RID OF THE JARGON * LEARNING TO SPEAK IN PICTURES * RECOGNISING WHEN YOU SHOULD APOLOGISE OR THANK PEOPLE * CAPTIVATING AN AUDIENCE N.B. No animals were hurt in the making of this book. (Can you spot your first Pink Elephant?)


Increase your employees'—and your own—productivity at work If you look out over today's workforce, you'll find millions of hard-working people who are overly tired, overly stressed, and less than enchanted with work. For organizations around the globe, this represents an incredible opportunity to improve productivity, talent retention, innovation, and overall profitability. The great paradox here is that when you take hard-working, responsible adults with a desire to succeed and a sense of responsibility and drop them into our demanding work culture, they tend to default to a way of life that sabotages their ability and best efforts to reach their goals. That's where author Andy Core comes in. Change Your Day, Not Your Life offers a proven strategy to help you become energized at work. This book is designed as a resource for work-life balance, a tool to help you increase productivity during the final two hours of work by up to 47 percent, content to fuel employee communication, and a curriculum that departments can use in weekly or monthly meetings to keep everyone working at their best. Author Andy Core is a credentialed, award-winning thought leader on increasing employee engagement, productivity, and wellness motivation; his talent lies in helping hard-working, conscientious adults thrive at work and in their personal lives Turn wasted hours into tasks accomplished by following the methods found in Change Your Day, Not Your Life.


Discover the practical skills for helping others. Whether you are considering becoming a counsellor, have to provide some form of counselling as part of your job, or are simply interested in communicating well, Counselling Skills For Dummies provides the perfect introduction to the practical basics of counselling. Starting with a thorough guide to the qualities, knowledge and skills needed to become a ‘listening helper’, the book goes on to provide a framework for a counselling session, helping you to successfully manage a potentially daunting process. Counselling Skills For Dummies, 2nd Edition: Illustrates how you can create a positive relationship between listener and speaker Teaches you how to structure a helping conversation Explains how asking the right questions are important to the progression of the relationship between speaker and listener Shows how you can better understand yourself, which is a crucial step in ensuring that you break down your own barriers to listening


Эта книга – истории реальных женщин, с которыми я знакома лично. Они помогут тебе пройти уроки жизни безболезненно, легко, по-женски.


You've read about Jack Welch, Lou Gerstner and Steve Jobs – but what can you learn about business from van Gogh and Picasso? The Fine Art of Success shows why you should look to pop-stars like Madonna or artists like Damian Hirst for guidance on innovation, competitive advantage, leadership, and a host of other business issues. Managers, marketing professionals, and students will see how these creative artists can help their organizations. Chapters include Madonna – Strategy at the dance floor; Damian Hirst – The shark is dead/How to build yourself a new market; Beuys – Understanding creativity, is every manager an artist; Picasso – Art lessons for global managers; Koons – Made in Heaven produced on eart; and Paik – Global Groove, innovation through juxtaposition. With controversial ideas, fascinating facts and memorable examples, The Fine Art of Success delivers business lessons that you'll be eager to apply.


Пошаговая схема-инструкция о том, как удачно выйти замуж по любви за успешного и подходящего мужчину, даже если вам за 35, и вокруг вас мужчин совсем не густо? Самое полное практическое руководство получить от любимого мужчины предложение и быть для него единственной. Содержит нецензурную брань.