
Надёжный пароль состоит как минимум из восьми знаков, не содержит имени пользователя, действительного имени или названия компании, не содержит полных слов, встречающихся в словарях. Кроме этого, содержит знаки, не являющиеся буквами или цифрами): ` ~! @ # $ % ^ & * () _ – + = {} [] \ |:; " ' <>,.? / Усложняйте пароли, чтобы не усложнять потом себе жизнь!


YouTube – один из крупнейших и наиболее популярных видеохостингов в мире с миллионными ежедневными посещениями и годовыми заработками в миллиарды долларов. Кто-то приходит на площадку за развлечениями, кто-то – за информацией, которая поможет изменить жизнь, повысить самооценку, кто-то – за дополнительными знаниями. YouTube дает возможность одним поделиться информацией, опытом и знаниями, а другим – получить доступ к чему-то ценному и важному. Задачи книги просты – поделиться опытом, ответить на наиболее частые вопросы, возникающие в процессе работы, разобрать ошибки и дать решение. В формате PDF A4 сохранен издательский макет.


Хотите научиться продвигать свой сайт самостоятельно? Тогда эта книга для вас. Из неё вы пошагово узнаете, как, что и в какое время надо делать, чтобы проект рос и приносил доход. Все приведенные в книге инструкции написаны лично автором и протестированы на 189 сайтах. Когда вы дочитаете книгу до конца, вы поймете, что SEO – это не про интернет-маркетинг, но про жизнь. Поверьте, все, что вас окружает, если оно удобно и пользуется популярностью, прошло через руки SEO-специалиста. Эта книга будет крайне полезна всем, кто озадачен созданием и развитием собственного дела. Тем, кто хочет понимать, как продвинуть свой проект в сети, людям, желающим связать свою жизнь с продвижением или хотя бы его попробовать


L’obiettivo principale di qualunque strategia di ottimizzazione dei motori di ricerca è l’indicizzazione delle tue pagine web. Ma, prima ancora che questo possa avvenire, avrai bisogno che i crawler dei motori di ricerca visitino il tuo sito. A seconda del motore di ricerca, della directory e delle circostanze generali (del modo in cui inviti e attiri i crawler), la prima visita potrebbe richiedere giorni, settimane o addirittura mesi. E, se è vero che le prime visite dei crawler possono essere in qualche modo imprevedibili (o richiedere molto tempo), una volta che avrai rotto il ghiaccio, le visite future potranno essere controllate in qualche misura… L’obiettivo principale di qualunque strategia di ottimizzazione dei motori di ricerca è l’indicizzazione delle tue pagine web. Ma, prima ancora che questo possa avvenire, avrai bisogno che i crawler dei motori di ricerca visitino il tuo sito.A seconda del motore di ricerca, della directory e delle circostanze generali (del modo in cui inviti e attiri i crawler), la prima visita potrebbe richiedere giorni, settimane o addirittura mesi.E, se è vero che le prime visite dei crawler possono essere in qualche modo imprevedibili (o richiedere molto tempo), una volta che avrai rotto il ghiaccio, le visite future potranno essere controllate in qualche misura…In pratica, più spesso aggiorni le tue pagine, più spesso i crawler si presenteranno alla porta del tuo sito. Naturalmente questa è solo metà della sfida. L’altra metà è di fare in modo che i motori di ricerca e le directory indicizzino davvero le tue pagine.Per fare in modo che questo avvenga, bisogna partire dall’inizio. E l’inizio, in questo caso particolare, è lo sviluppo e il miglioramento delle pagine in modo tale che i crawler dei motori di ricerca ne siano colpiti. PUBLISHER: TEKTIME


Expert guidance on the art and science of driving secure behaviors Transformational Security Awareness empowers security leaders with the information and resources they need to assemble and deliver effective world-class security awareness programs that drive secure behaviors and culture change. When all other processes, controls, and technologies fail, humans are your last line of defense. But, how can you prepare them? Frustrated with ineffective training paradigms, most security leaders know that there must be a better way. A way that engages users, shapes behaviors, and fosters an organizational culture that encourages and reinforces security-related values. The good news is that there is hope. That’s what Transformational Security Awareness is all about. Author Perry Carpenter weaves together insights and best practices from experts in communication, persuasion, psychology, behavioral economics, organizational culture management, employee engagement, and storytelling to create a multidisciplinary masterpiece that transcends traditional security education and sets you on the path to make a lasting impact in your organization. Find out what you need to know about marketing, communication, behavior science, and culture management Overcome the knowledge-intention-behavior gap Optimize your program to work with the realities of human nature Use simulations, games, surveys, and leverage new trends like escape rooms to teach security awareness Put effective training together into a well-crafted campaign with ambassadors Understand the keys to sustained success and ongoing culture change Measure your success and establish continuous improvements Do you care more about what your employees know or what they do ? It's time to transform the way we think about security awareness. If your organization is stuck in a security awareness rut, using the same ineffective strategies, materials, and information that might check a compliance box but still leaves your organization wide open to phishing, social engineering, and security-related employee mistakes and oversights, then you NEED this book.


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is arguably the most significant tool that marketeers have to push online content. As the hub of the computational engineering fields, SEO encompasses technical, editorial and link-building strategies, and is an integral part of our daily lives. As important as it is ubiquitous, SEO is needed for the development of a brand's website and online reputation. When a website is live, one of its priorities is to drive organic traffic towards it, in order to attract visibility. In order to achieve such an aim, many proactive measures must be put in place, advice followed and tips implemented. There should also be an understanding of the holistic connection between a website's HTML sources, content management system and its relationship with external websites too (SEO off-site). There are many different search engines in the world and depending on the international boundary, one web browser usually dominates the landscape. Google features prominently in SEO Management, but this book also goes into detail regarding Baidu SEO (China), Yandex SEO (Russia) and Naver SEO (South Korea). There is also guidance given on how to manage a SEO project.


It’s a bargain! The definitive guide to buying and selling success on eBay Want to know the best way to get rid of some of that clutter laying around the house and make some cash? Or sell that beautiful jewelry you made recently? It might be time to take a quick trip to a market with more than 175 million buyers and start a global bidding war. eBay remains the easiest way to sell to hungry consumers worldwide and to uncover incredible bargains and unique items for yourself in the process. Marsha Collier, longtime eBay business owner and one of their first elite PowerSellers, shares 20+ years of expertise to fast-track you to becoming a trusted buyer and seller on the site. You’ll find out how to set up your account, market effectively, and master shipping and payment, as well as how to find the best bargains for yourself and close those sweet, sweet deals. Establish your eBay store Find techniques to make your listings stand out Make money and friends with social media Bid or buy outright Whether you’re a bargain hunter or bargain seller, declutterer or aspiring eBay tycoon, eBay for Dummies has what you need. Put your bid on it right now!


The only official study guide for the new CCSP exam CCSP (ISC) 2 Certified Cloud Security Professional Official Study Guide is your ultimate resource for the CCSP exam. As the only official study guide reviewed and endorsed by (ISC) 2 , this guide helps you prepare faster and smarter with the Sybex study tools that include pre-test assessments that show you what you know, and areas you need further review. Objective maps, exercises, and chapter review questions help you gauge your progress along the way, and the Sybex interactive online learning environment includes access to a PDF glossary, hundreds of flashcards, and two complete practice exams. Covering all CCSP domains, this book walks you through Architectural Concepts and Design Requirements, Cloud Data Security, Cloud Platform and Infrastructure Security, Cloud Application Security, Operations, and Legal and Compliance with real-world scenarios to help you apply your skills along the way. The CCSP is the latest credential from (ISC) 2 and the Cloud Security Alliance, designed to show employers that you have what it takes to keep their organization safe in the cloud. Learn the skills you need to be confident on exam day and beyond. Review 100% of all CCSP exam objectives Practice applying essential concepts and skills Access the industry-leading online study tool set Test your knowledge with bonus practice exams and more As organizations become increasingly reliant on cloud-based IT, the threat to data security looms larger. Employers are seeking qualified professionals with a proven cloud security skillset, and the CCSP credential brings your resume to the top of the pile. CCSP (ISC) 2 Certified Cloud Security Professional Official Study Guide gives you the tools and information you need to earn that certification, and apply your skills in a real-world setting.

