
Start speaking Russian today! Beginner’s Russian with Interactive Online Workbook offers an innovative, easy, and thorough way to speak, and read Russian confidently. This complete Russian course includes a user-friendly textbook and interactive online workbook. The carefully-paced, relevant lessons cover grammar and language basics in the context of everyday situations related to family, jobs, introductions, dining out, the Internet, and much more. The chapters are designed for the beginning student, and are full of photos, cartoons, games, and exercises alongside easy-to-understand lessons. In addition to the book, you have access to an interactive website full of videos, audio, and self-correcting exercises. The enriching material on the website reinforces the basics of the lessons in the book, helping you acquire Russian skills in a natural, engaging way. Thorough explanations and instructions offer a gradual introduction to the language, Cyrillic alphabet, and grammar An interactive website features correct pronunciation by native speakers and helps learners start speaking Russian right away Ideal for individual self-study or classroom use Each chapter will take 5-6 hours of classroom instruction, or approximately 10-12 hours of study for the independent learner. Students should be able to attain the ACTFL Novice High or Intermediate Low levels of proficiency by the end of the course


Este libro comprende un análisis sociolingüístico del género gramatical a lo largo de dos siglos de historia de la lengua española. Se trata de un estudio diacrónico llevado a cabo sobre un corpus que se basó en publicaciones pe-riódicas de la opinión pública de los siglos XVIII y XIX, gracias a los hablantes de dicha época que nos dejaron testimonios explícitos e implícitos sobre el género gramatical y su estrecha relación con la categoría óntica «sexo» del espacio extralingüístico. Asimismo, en este trabajo se han descrito nuevos mecanismos teóricos y sociolingüístico-cognitivos con el objetivo de entender cuándo el hablante activaría en su conciencia los rasgos de sexo, esto es, cuándo, cómo y por qué se produciría la injerencia del sexo en el español hablado y escrito a través de estructuras gramaticales concretas.


eTextbooks (ISBN 978-1-62616-143-6) are coming in August 2020! They will be available through VitalSource.com. Mastering English through Global Debate brings together rhetorical traditions and the best practices of ESL instruction to facilitate superior-level proficiency in the English language. Each chapter addresses a rich topic of debate, providing students with a set of prereading activities, texts covering both sides of a debate topic, and postreading comprehension and lexical development exercises—all of which foster the language and critical thinking skills needed for successful debates. A rhetorical methods section in each chapter integrates language and practice and prepares students for end-of-chapter debates. Using debate to develop advanced competency in a second language is a method that is finding increased interest among instructors and students alike, in both synchronous online teaching and the individual classroom. Students are prepared to participate fully in debates with their classmates—at home, abroad, or both.


Compact and comprehensive, this convenient reference contains more than 1,300 numbered entries for every occasion. Completely updated contents include vocabulary and phrases for modern technology, transportation, and communications, plus essential information for travelers and points of interest about language and culture. Contains a pronunciation guide, native food and drink list, and a 2,500-word English-Spanish dictionary. «Gets quickly to the heart of communication.»—The New York Times.


Geared toward advanced beginners, this dual-language volume offers the convenient, accessible format of English translations on pages facing the matching Spanish text. It introduces such authors as Lope de Vega, Cervantes, Alarcón, Unamuno, and Darío, and such works as El buscón, Cartas marruecas, El estudiante de Salamanca, and Santa. Contents include plays, lyric and narrative verse, and prose of many kinds—fiction, philosophy, autobiography, and more—for a generous sampling of the Spanish language's extraordinarily diverse and rich literary history.The selections begin at around 1550, at the outset of the 100 years known as the Golden Age. Excerpts from the era's major genres and authors include the works of three prominent playwrights, plus pastoral and picaresque novels, religious meditations, and a report from the New World. Three outstanding exponents of the Enlightenment appear here, in addition to contributions from the major Romantic playwrights and poets, several Realist and Naturalist novelists, and the pillars of the Generation of 1898. One-third of the selections are the works of Spanish-American writers. Accurate and up to date, this new translation by Stanley Appelbaum features a detailed Introduction with background on all of the writers and their works.


Since 1867, students of Latin and their teachers have turned to this famous guide for instruction on grammar and usage. The work of a distinguished professor who taught classics for six decades, it is celebrated for its lucid and comprehensive treatment.The first third of the text focuses on etymology, exploring inflections of the substantive and adjective; adverbs, numerals, and pronouns; inflection of the verb; and the formation of words. Subsequent chapters advance to syntax, examining simple and compound sentences; the arrangement of words and clauses; figures of syntax and rhetoric; and principal rules of syntax. The text concludes with an extended section on prosody that discusses and illustrates the conventions of Latin verse. Helpful indexes feature information on everyday Roman life, including explanations of the calendar, weights and measures, money, and names. No Latin reference collection is complete without this volume, which is equally useful for classroom and independent study.


Beginning students of Italian language and literature will welcome this bilingual anthology edited especially for their needs. Ranging from the fourteenth to the twentieth centuries, it features the works of Dante, Boccaccio, Pirandello, and fifty-two others in both the original Italian and expert English translations on the facing pages. Selections include excerpts from poetry, fiction, history, and philosophy.This is a «first reader» in the sense of its introduction to Italian literature from the 1300s to the 1920s. A solid background in Italian grammar is necessary for the fullest appreciation of the original text. The excerpts are unadulterated, not retold or simplified. Readers can sample the works of men renowned for other talents, such as Michelangelo and Galileo, and discover the original language of The Decameron, The Prince, and even Pinocchio. This self-contained anthology can be used with or without an instructor. It will thrill anyone seeking a fast-paced survey of a vital body of literature from one of the world's greatest cultural legacies.


Probably the most delightful, useful, and comprehensive elementary book available for learning spoken and written French, either with or without a teacher. Working on the principle that a person learns more quickly by example then by rule, Lemaître has assembled colloquial French conversations on a variety of subjects, as well as grammar, vocabulary, and idiom studies. Index.


Master poet Antonio Machado y Ruiz is widely regarded as one of the twentieth-century’s greatest Spanish writers. His collection of poems celebrating the region of Castile made him one of the primary voices of the Generation of 1898 — a brilliant group of writers dedicated to Spain's moral and cultural rebirth after the Spanish-American War. Machado's lyrical Campos poems, tinged with nostalgic melancholy, are powerfully introspective and meditative, revealing an evolution away from his previously ornate, Modernist style. With these magnificent poems, Machado moved toward a simpler, more authentic approach that would later distinguish all of his works.This unabridged edition of Machado's landmark Campos de Castilla is presented in a dual-language format which features an excellent new translation on pages facing the Spanish original. A fully informative introduction and comprehensive notes by the translator are also included.


Verbs are the backbone of any language, and if you can't conjugate them, you can't communicate. This compilation of more than 500 common verbs helps beginners as well as the most advanced Spanish students. Each page focuses on an individual verb, presenting full conjugations of multiple tenses, plus several sentences that illustrate common usage. This book is equally suitable as a classroom text or as a guide to independent study.