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Kitzeln Sie das Beste aus Ihrem iPad heraus
Mit dem iPad kann man weitaus mehr, als im Internet surfen und E-Mails verschicken. Das schicke Tablet vereint Computer, Fotoalbum, Navigationsgerät, E-Book-Reader, Tageszeitung, Multimediazentrale und vieles mehr! Mit diesem Buch entdecken Sie, was Ihr iPad alles zu bieten hat, wie Sie es am einfachsten und schnellsten bedienen, es ganz nach Ihren Wünschen einrichten und vor unerlaubtem Zugriff schützen. Außerdem verrät Ihnen Sebastian Schroer, welche Apps Ihr Leben vereinfachen, bereichern oder einfach jede Menge Spaß machen!
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Автор произведения Sebastian Schroer
Жанр Зарубежная образовательная литература
Серия For Dummies
Stop being a prisoner to your PC!
Need a PC problem fixed in a pinch? Presto! Troubleshooting & Maintaining Your PC All-in-One For Dummies offers 5 books in 1 and takes the pain out of wading through those incomprehensible manuals, or waiting for a high-priced geek to show up days or weeks after you need them. Arming you with everything you need to get that pesky PC working for you ASAP, this handy guide walks you through all the steps to restoring whatever's making your PC go rogue —so you can get back to making it work for you.
There's nothing worse than firing up your PC only to discover it's inexplicably unresponsive. With this guide, you'll gain all the skills and insight you need to need to bring it back to life —and to prevent it from ever leaving you in the lurch again.
Find out what's behind common PC problems
Solve email and web woes, both big and small
Perform regular maintenance and get serious about backups
Troubleshoot to find solutions to your issues and learn proper maintenance to head off future headaches!
Your PC problems aren't as big as you think! Take matters into your own hands with the helpful instruction provided inside this book!
The complete beginner's guide to DSLR photography
It doesn't matter if your camera says Canon, Nikon, or Sony on the outside. If a passion for photography is on your inside, this all-encompassing guide will be your new best friend. Packed with instruction on how to take your photos from so-so to stunning, Digital SLR Photography All-in-One For Dummies gives you all the easy-to-follow guidance you need to capture stills, portraits, action shots, and moments in time you'll be proud to share.
Clocking in at over 600 pages, this no-nonsense guide covers it all! From controlling light, color, focus, and exposure to editing images to improve the final product—and everything in between—it's the only guide to DSLR photography you need. If you've caught the photography bug but aren't sure where to turn to improve your skills, you can bank on building an impressive portfolio with the simple tips and tricks provided inside!
Set the right exposure in any situation
Know when to use flash and when to turn it off
Edit your images into masterpieces
Take better photos of people and places
Get ready to develop your photographer's eye and start snapping shots like the pros.
A true professional's guide to C# 6
Professional C# 6 and .NET Core 1.0 provides complete coverage of the latest updates, features, and capabilities, giving you everything you need for C#. Get expert instruction on the latest changes to Visual Studio 2015, Windows Runtime, ADO.NET, ASP.NET, Windows Store Apps, Windows Workflow Foundation, and more, with clear explanations, no-nonsense pacing, and valuable expert insight. This incredibly useful guide serves as both tutorial and desk reference, providing a professional-level review of C# architecture and its application in a number of areas. You'll gain a solid background in managed code and .NET constructs within the context of the 2015 release, so you can get acclimated quickly and get back to work.
The new updates can actively streamline your workflow, with major changes including reimagined C# refactoring support, a new .NET Web app stack, and the .NET compiler platform that makes C# and Visual Basic compilers available as APIs. This book walks you through the changes with a comprehensive C# review.
Explore the new Visual Studio templates for ASP.NET Core 1.0, Web Forms, and MVC
Learn about the networking switch to HttpClient and ASP.NET Web API's replacement of WCF Data Services
Work with the latest updates to the event log, Windows Runtime 2.0, and Windows 8.1 deployment and localization
Dig deep into the new .NET 5.0 GC behaviors and the Migrations addition to ADO.NET
Microsoft has stepped up both the cadence and magnitude of their software releases. Professional C# 6 and .NET Core 1.0 shows you everything you need to know about working with C# in a real-world context.
Master VBA automation quickly and easily to get more out of Excel
Excel VBA 24-Hour Trainer, 2nd Edition is the quick-start guide to getting more out of Excel, using Visual Basic for Applications. This unique book/video package has been updated with fifteen new advanced video lessons, providing a total of eleven hours of video training and 45 total lessons to teach you the basics and beyond. This self-paced tutorial explains Excel VBA from the ground up, demonstrating with each advancing lesson how you can increase your productivity. Clear, concise, step-by-step instructions are combined with illustrations, code examples, and downloadable workbooks to give you a practical, in-depth learning experience and results that apply to real-world scenarios.
This is your comprehensive guide to becoming a true Excel power user, with multimedia instruction and plenty of hands-on practice.
Program Excel's newest chart and pivot table object models
Manipulate the user interface to customize the look and feel of a project
Utilize message boxes, input boxes, and loops to yield customized logical results
Interact with and manipulate Word, Access, PowerPoint, and Outlook from Excel
If you're ready to get more out of this incredibly functional program, Excel VBA 24-Hour Trainer, 2nd Edition provides the expert instruction and fast, hands-on learning you need.
Meie aju on kohanenud küttide ja korilaste eluviisiga. Tänapäeval elame aga hoopis teistsuguses maailmas. See vastuolu viib süstemaatiliselt esinevate mõtlemisvigade tekkimiseni – neil võib olla hävitav mõju meie majanduslikule olukorrale, karjäärile, tervele meie eluõnnele. Rolf Dobelli võtab luubi alla kõige riukalikumad mõtlemisvead, mille otsa me ikka ja jälle komistame. Ja nii saamegi teada, miks me oma teadmisi järjekindlalt tegelikust suuremaks peame (ja teisi inimesi lollimaks, kui nad tegelikult on), miks miljonite inimeste heakskiit asja õigeks ei muuda ja me ikka karjainstinktiga kaasa läheme, või miks me hoolimata kõigest usume teooriaid, mis on teaduslike meetodite abil valeks tunnistatud. Rolf Dobelli tekstid pakuvad nii erakordselt kasulikke teadmisi kui ka lugemisnaudingut. „Selgelt mõtlemise kunst“ oli ilmudes ülimalt populaarne, raamat tõusis Saksamaal ja Šveitsis käsiraamatute müügitoppi ning püsis Saksa Der Spiegeli menukite topis 30 nädalat järjest esikohal. Rolf Dobelli (sündinud 1966) on ettevõtja, kirjanik ja kolumnist. Dobelli lõpetas St. Galleni ülikooli Šveitsis, kus ta sai ka majandusfilosoofias doktorikraadi. Ta oli mitme Swissairi tütarfirmade juht ning asutas koos sõpradega maailma suurima majandusalaste raamatute ja artiklite sisukokkuvõtteid avaldava kirjastuse getAbstract. Dobelli kuulub Šveitsi-Ameerika kaubanduskoja ja Life Science Zurich juhatustesse. Ta on ka edge.org ning PEN-klubi liige. Rolf Dobelli on zurich.minds ja selle järglase world.minds kogukonna looja ja kuraator – see on maailma juhtivaid teadlasi, mõtlejaid, kultuuritegelasi ja majandusinimesi ühendav organisatsioon. Dobelli kirjutab regulaarselt sellistele väljaannetele, nagu Die Zeit, FAZ („Saksa New York Times“) ja Šveitsi SonntagsZeitung. 35-aastasena hakkas Dobelli kirjutama, alguses romaane, seejärel käsiraamatuid. Tema kaks viimast raamatut kannavad pealkirja „The Art of the Good Life“ („Hea elu kunst“) ja „Die Kunst des klugen Handelns“ („Targa äriajamise kunst“). Rolf Dobelli elab Šveitsis, Bernis.
Implement the Common Core for ELA without all the stress A Non-Freaked Out Guide to Teaching the Common Core uses the often-neglected anchor standards to get to the heart of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS)—teaching students the skills they need to be college and career ready. Each anchor standard is broken down into its key points, and a discussion of each anchor standard's central purpose helps outline the context for each required skill. This easy-to-read guide gives educators the kind of clear explanations, examples, and strategies they need to feel comfortable teaching the CCSS, and shows how CCSS skills can be integrated into virtually any existing lesson plan. Getting a firm grasp of the anchor standards is the quickest way to start teaching the key concepts of the CCSS, and this user-friendly guide is designed to pave the way for both the first-time teacher and the experienced pro.
Get the most out of using your iPad at work
iPad at Work For Dummies provides essential and in-depth coverage for a variety of productivity-related tasks made possible on the iPad, from basics such as setting up and starting out with an iPad to tips on the best practices for enterprise-level word processing, spreadsheet creation, presenting, task management, project management, graphic design, and communication. Beyond that, it also includes down-to-earth examples of how to use an iPad at work, including synchronization, data backup, and communicating with Windows networks.
Written by an experienced and well-known iPad user, writer, podcaster, and lecturer who has taught many other professionals how to get the most from their Apple devices in the workplace, iPad at Work For Dummies goes beyond simple coverage of iWork to show you step-by-step the iPad's capabilities to quickly, professionally, and effectively create and interact with typical office documents and systems.
Covers the best software and practices for productively integrating the iPad into a work environment
Shows you how the iPad goes beyond use as an at-home device to make work easier
Includes examples that bring the information and instructions to life
If you're considering integrating the use of an iPad at work, or have recently begun and want to grasp the full spectrum of its capabilities in the workplace, iPad at Work For Dummies has you covered.
Информация о книге
Автор произведения Galen Gruman
Жанр Зарубежная образовательная литература
Серия For Dummies
A high-level, informal look at the different stages of the predictive analytics cycle Understanding the Predictive Analytics Lifecycle covers each phase of the development of a predictive analytics initiative. Through the use of illuminating case studies across a range of industries that include banking, megaresorts, mobile operators, healthcare, manufacturing, and retail, the book successfully illustrates each phase of the predictive analytics cycle to create a playbook for future projects. Predictive business analytics involves a wide variety of inputs that include individuals' skills, technologies, tools, and processes. To create a successful analytics program or project to gain forward-looking insight into making business decisions and actions, all of these factors must properly align. The book focuses on developing new insights and understanding business performance based on extensive use of data, statistical and quantitative analysis, explanatory and predictive modeling, and fact-based management as input for human decisions. The book includes: An overview of all relevant phases: design, prepare, explore, model, communicate, and measure Coverage of the stages of the predictive analytics cycle across different industries and countries A chapter dedicated to each of the phases of the development of a predictive initiative A comprehensive overview of the entire analytic process lifecycle If you're an executive looking to understand the predictive analytics lifecycle, this is a must-read resource and reference guide.