
In the vast, unnamed metropolis of Hello … Hello, art and commerce have finally and completely conjoined; stylish cafés serve up zebra mussels and the air is thick with a gentle rain of sparrows plummeting down from the mirrored office towers. Everywhere, people are falling for an edgy new fashion accessory: a shiny ball filled with poison that hangs from a delicate chain. In this oddly peaceful world, Cassandra, a salesgirl at a clothing store called the Abyss, meets a charismatic ad man named Ben in the graveyard where she is mourning her lover, the last true artist on earth. They find themselves helplessly attracted to one another. Ben walks Cassandra home and invites her out to dinner, which leads to sex, marriage and a house in Semi-Residentia. Then comes baby. All one and a half inches of her. Hello … Hello, nominated for several Dora awards, including Best Play and Best Musical, is a tragic, comedic and curiously erotic attack on western society’s predilection for escapist consumerism and entertainment. If the boy-meets-girl musical is the shiny happy ball, then the content of the play, and its characters, are the poison held within.


This remarkable autobiographical play by the award-winning author of Building Jerusalem and Martin Sloane, is a Russian-doll-like play: concentric stories enveloping each other. A writer is told, in confidence, a terrible tale of murder and injustice and he promises never to repeat the story. Goodness is the writer breaking his word. Recently divorced, Michael Redhill goes to Poland to get away frm his life and to do some research on the Holocaust. Thwarted by witnesses unwilling to talk, he returns home via England, but in London is introduced to someone who can tell him a 'real' story of evil. Through this reluctant witness, Redhill learns of a genocide. He encounters, through the memory of the storyteller, an alleged war criminal, about to be put on trial. But this is an old man with Alzheimer's who can no longer remember the time his crimes were allegedly committed. Has his guilt dissolved with his memory? Could he be pretending to be ill in order to escape punishment? The witness conjures for Redhill the war criminal's passionate and beautiful daughter, who will defend her father at all costs. There is also the prosecuting attorney, who has much in common with the old man whose destruction he seeks. As well as an uncomfortable attraction to his daughter. Each is drawn to the other. All is witnessed by a female prison guard – the one who tells the playwright, years later, what really happened in the quest to give a nation some closure. Everyone's story is compelling, and the ending is as unexpected as it is shocking. Who do we believe? A prison guard still wounded by history? A writer suffering from heartache? A dying war criminal? What is our responsibility? Who does memory serve? Did the past really happen? And if it did, who has a claim on it? Goodness is a play about what happens in the gaps between experiencing, telling and hearing.




On Evergreen Drive the past collides with the present.<br><br>Erika K. Hunt has lived an idyllic life. A married mother of two, she has a loving sister and a reliable best friend. Each day she questions her love, devotion and awareness. A comfortable lifestyle steadfast by her husband&#39;s side has begun to disintegrate. In just a few short weeks, lies surround her, and her marriage is in jeopardy. <br><br>If the people you trust most can betray you, then where does hope reside?<br><br>Evergreen Drive delivers a series of punches through the fragile walls of Erika&#39;s sanity, a narrative that will leave the reader stunned. Can she love her husband, without ever really knowing him?<br>


Damaged by Dames and Drinking is a lavishly illustrated collection of haiku, one line poems and streetwise observations on bartenders, the drinking life and New York City. A collection of poems that begin with a jolt: &quot;Alcohol&#39;s magic is murder by degrees/ slow enough to be irresistible.&quot; The short poems explore dark dive bars and in brief thumbnail sketches, the women who work in them. Many of whom agreed to be photographed for this book. Yet it is the poems that speak the loudest. RpVerlaine&#39;s arresting images show an eye for lyrical detail: &quot;closing time/ the bar empty as Casanova/ going up the stairs alone.&quot; <br><br>Yet, this 46 pg. 62 poem collection also deals with relationships and a love for New York City the poet does not glamorize: &quot;The young fisherman/bringing home what they&#39;ve caught/ from street hookers.&quot; Which is not to say there isn&#39;t a lot of humor in this poetry. Excessive drinking can often lead to tragic/ comic events: &quot;Debating wisdom/ of gifting her Christmas knives/ after vomiting in her dresser/I mistook for toilet.&quot;<br><br>These vignettes like the poems of the bartenders are illustrated with color photographs of models that together form a loose narrative where the author tries to quit drinking, joins/ quits A.A. and drifts through various relationships. They are documented with bemused detachment and sly insight: &quot;Sure, no strings attached/ shows you how even bondage/ gets complicated.&quot;<br><br>Written in the spring of 2016 and covering the preceding eight years, Damaged by Dames &amp; Drinking is urban, accessible, wise and often laugh out loud funny. Inspired by artists as diverse as Ikkyu, Charles Bukowski, Lou Reed, Richard Brautigan and the comedy of Mitch Hedberg.<br><br>It is a collection of poems and pictures which capture a place and time, yet endeavors to remind one at every turn, what it costs.


Foreign agents operate in countries of interest in times of peace, belligerence, and war. Their purpose is to seek pertinent information and pass it on to the country of their allegiance, and be open to opportunistic means of causing havoc and unrest among the local populace.<br><br>In 1941, Germany&#39;s vision of world domination sparks several baffling murders in the city of Los Angeles, The striking figure of Erika Willets, whose biography is as imposing as her physical appearance, adds another dimension to a puzzle whose pieces do not seem to fit. Although the modus operandi, locations, and background of victims differ, it appears there may be linkage. A newspaper reporter and a detective are unwittingly thrust together to find answers to the recent killings.<br><br>American Fr&Atilde;&curren;ulein evokes an interest in Erika, whose persona parallels the beauty and the beast, and reveals a spy mystery with heightened emotions and an out of box storyline.


The plays selected for this anthology reflect the issues and styles typical of the new wave of dramatic writing in Russia.<br><br>New drama flourished (almost) exclusively in small spaces, often in dingy basements that employed and accommodated small numbers of people. The big theaters largely turned a blind eye to what was happening on small stages and in backrooms in playhouses, libraries and community centers in a few chosen hot spots around Russia &mdash; primarily Moscow, Yekaterinburg and Togliatti. In many cases, they took actively hostile stances toward it. This would change, however. And by the beginning of the century&#39;s second decade, new drama was threatening to become a mainstream phenomenon. Not every theater staged plays associated with new drama, but almost every one began staging plays influenced by the themes, methods and language of the new drama movement.


In 1969 a young chemist, Arthur Weiss, is recruited by an anti-war group to convert uranium into plutonium for the construction of a nuclear bomb. Arthur is told the bomb&#39;s only purpose is to establish a bargaining position with the government-that it will not be detonated. But as Arthur&#39;s involvement deepens, particularly relative to the group&#39;s attractive leader, Billie Lee, his life begins to spin out of control.


Flight of the Forgotten is the true story of one of the most closely-guarded American military secrets of all time. It is intriguing, controversial and thought-provoking. The story traverses 50 years, two generations and the realities of our physical world. The triggering event is the tragic loss of an American Eighth Air Force bomber crew in 1945 under mysterious circumstances while enroute home after the end of World War II. The loss represents a 50-year-old aviation mystery, officially &quot;forgotten&quot; by the US Government until the deceased airmen return to solve the mystery of their own fatal crash.