
Make your message stick with expert help from this classic trainer's resource How to Run Seminars and Workshops is the classic guide for trainers and presenters in any industry. Packed with clear advice and real-world practicality, this book covers all aspects including planning, setup, delivery, coaching, and more—including valuable guidance on selling your services. This new Fourth Edition has been updated and expanded, with new information on training simulations, self-marketing, and online delivery. New templates and worksheets help you sell your presentation more effectively, and insider tips leave you equipped to handle any situation that might arise. Novice presenters will find extensive guidance for every phase of the process, and even veteran presenters will learn how to fine-tune and adjust their methods to suit their audience and mode of delivery. Most trainers and presenters know all they need to know about their chosen topic, but very few know how to present it effectively. For more than a decade, this book has been training the trainers—from behind-the-scenes preparations to «in the pit» performance and working with trainees hands-on, straightforward guidance shows you how to: Capture and hold the audience's interest with expert pacing and visual aids Take advantage of new technologies that make training more accessible Prepare each session thoroughly to avoid mistakes, malfunctions, and delays Offer effective feedback, fine-tune delivery, market your services, and more As training departments shrink—many disappearing entirely—more and more companies are turning to keynote and workshop delivery as a way of reaching key clients. Podcasts are replacing live training, and new technology is continually changing the way presentations are made. Professional trainers and speakers must understand the nuances of any audience/delivery permutation, and tailor their methods to match. How to Run Seminars and Workshops is a trusted resource for presenters seeking to boost their effectiveness at any level, in any industry.


Vital guidance to ensuring the future of your firm G2: Building the Next Generation provides financial advisory firms with a clear roadmap to management succession. Based on the author's 17 years of experience with over 1,000 firms, this book provides a systematic process to help you identify, develop, and install the new leadership that will guide your firm's future. Extensive statistical research backs proven strategies for structuring management and succession, overcoming obstacles, selling equity, and more, while expert guidance walks you through the process and warn you of potential pitfalls along the way. A generation of entrepreneurs used their talent and ambition to build an industry; to ensure that their success lives on, those leaders now face the formidable challenge of succession. With the future of your firm at stake, how do you recruit, train, mentor, and develop the next generation of professionals, owners, and leaders? This book shows you how to find the people you need, and develop them into the leadership your firm deserves. Identify and develop future leaders from the pool of existing and upcoming talent Structure management and management succession to ensure successful transition Begin selling equity to your firm's next generation of leaders Learn smart strategies for dealing with setbacks along the way The next generation of leaders will shape the future of your firm, but collectively, they will define the future of the entire advisory industry. Firms who succeed in developing their best talent will continue to thrive—those who fail will be left with a great car, but no driver. Getting this right may be one of the most critical points of your career, and it isn't something that should be left to chance or «gut feeling». G2: Building the Next Generation gives you a solid, grounded, systematic approach for ensuring your firm's long-lived success.


Adopt the investment strategy that built Warren Buffett's fortune Invest Like a Guru provides an invaluable resource for high-quality-focused value investing, with expert insight and practical tools for implementation. Written by the man behind GuruFocus.com, this book expands on the site's value strategies and research tools to provide a primer for those exploring pathways to higher returns at lower risk. The book begins with an insightful explanation of high-quality-focused value investing concepts, then quickly moves into practical, detailed guidance on analysis, valuation, key factors, and risks to avoid. Case studies demonstrate real-world application of various analysis methods, and the discussion walks you through important calculations using real examples. Author Charlie Tian draws upon his own experiences and lessons learned to provide true insight on high-quality-focused value investing as a strategy, providing both reference and expert advice in this singularly useful guide. Warren Buffett once said, «I would rather buy good companies at fair prices than buy fair companies at good prices.» That's how he built his fortune, and his method is what we now call high-quality-focused value investing. This book shows you how to determine what constitutes «good companies» and «fair prices,» with practical tools for real-world application. Learn the principles and concepts of high-quality-focused value investing Understand the analysis process and valuation of prospective investments Avoid the value traps that can trigger permanent losses Study clear examples of key ratios and calculations We can't all become the next Warren Buffett, but we can boost returns while reducing risk using the right investment strategy. High-quality-focused value investing provides a path to profit, and Invest Like a Guru is the one-of-a-kind guidebook for getting on track.


The latest, definitive assessment of the state of free press around the world Attacks on the Press is a comprehensive, annual account of press conditions worldwide, focusing this year on the new face of censorship perpetrated by governments and non-state actors. Compiled by the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), the 2017 edition documents new dangers and threats to journalists and to the free and independent media. The risks are a combination of familiar censorship tactics applied in novel ways, and the exertion of pressure through unconventional means or at unprecedented levels. These censorship efforts range from withholding advertising to online trolling, website blocking to physical harassment, imprisonment to the murder of journalists. In the Americas, governments and non-state actors use new, sometimes subtle ways to limit journalists' ability to investigate wrongdoing. In Europe, authorities deploy intelligence services to intimidate the press in the name of national security. In Asia, governments block access to information online, and in some cases, punish those who manage to get around the obstacles. And throughout the world, terror groups are using the threat of targeted murder to compel journalists to refrain from covering crucial stories or otherwise self-censor. Attacks on the Press documents how these new forms of censorship are perpetrated and provides journalists with guidance on how to work around them, when possible, and how to ensure their own safety as well as the safety of their sources and people with whom they work. The book enables readers to: Examine the state of free media around the world Learn which nations violate press freedom with impunity Discover the most dangerous beats and regions Delve inside specific, increasingly complex challenges CPJ's mission is to defend the rights of journalists to report the news without fear of reprisal. Attacks on the Press provides a platform for direct advocacy with governments and the diplomatic community, for giving voice to journalists globally, and for ensuring that those journalists have a seat in discussions at the United Nations, the Organization of American States, the European Union, the African Union, and others.


The evidence-based approach to a more worthwhile portfolio The Index Revolution argues that active investing is a loser's game, and that a passive approach is more profitable in today's market. By adjusting your portfolio asset weights to match a performance index, you consistently earn higher rates of returns and come out on top in the long run. This book explains why, and describes how individual investors can take advantage of indexing to make their portfolio stronger and more profitable. By indexing investment operations at a very low cost, and trusting that active professionals have set securities prices as correctly as possible, you will achieve better long-term results than those who look down on passive approaches while following outdated advice that no longer works. «Beating the market» is much harder than it used to be, and investors who continue to approach the market with that mindset populate the rolls of market losers time and time again. This book explains why indexing is the preferred approach in the current investment climate, and destroys the popular perception of passive investing as a weak market strategy. Structure your portfolio to perform better over the long term Trust in the pricing and earn higher rates of return Learn why a passive approach is more consistent and worthwhile Ignore overblown, outdated advice that is doomed to disappoint All great investors share a common secret to success: rational decision-making based on objective information. The Index Revolution shows you a more rational approach to the market for a more profitable portfolio.


The complete beginner's guide to DSLR photography It doesn't matter if your camera says Canon, Nikon, or Sony on the outside. If a passion for photography is on your inside, this all-encompassing guide will be your new best friend. Packed with instruction on how to take your photos from so-so to stunning, Digital SLR Photography All-in-One For Dummies gives you all the easy-to-follow guidance you need to capture stills, portraits, action shots, and moments in time you'll be proud to share. Clocking in at over 600 pages, this no-nonsense guide covers it all! From controlling light, color, focus, and exposure to editing images to improve the final product—and everything in between—it's the only guide to DSLR photography you need. If you've caught the photography bug but aren't sure where to turn to improve your skills, you can bank on building an impressive portfolio with the simple tips and tricks provided inside! Set the right exposure in any situation Know when to use flash and when to turn it off Edit your images into masterpieces Take better photos of people and places Get ready to develop your photographer's eye and start snapping shots like the pros.


How leadership with love can make lasting changes, even in the toughest situations Lead Fearlessly, Love Hard offers real, actionable advice for those seeking to change the education system from within. While countless books, articles, and speeches decry the challenges disadvantaged students in low-performing schools face, no one has offered a clear path forward through these challenges—until now. Author Linda Cliatt-Wayman, principal of Strawberry Mansion High School in Philadelphia, grew up in the same North Philadelphia neighborhood where she now leads and fought every single day for the chance to become a part of the solution. Today, she is a turnaround principal and popular TED Talk speaker who helps children living in poverty achieve more than they ever thought possible. In Lead Fearlessly, Love Hard, she provides hope, optimism, and a call to action to help all students reach their true potential. Steadfast leadership and clear principles can overcome almost anything, and this book shows you how to focus your passion, apply your skills, and lead your students down the path to a better future. Discover and develop the leader within Take responsibility and move forward every day Give each student the critical interaction they crave Be a force for real, positive change in neighborhood schools Highlighting the intersection of strong visionary and strategic thinking with on-the-ground, day-to-day implementation, this narrative-driven guide tells the stories of real students and educators to show how clear principles and strong guidance can turn around schools—and the students they serve.


Win the mental game before you ever step out on the field Commonsense Leadership is the playbook for leaders who want to win. From rallying the team to hitting it out of the park, every leader needs to understand the mental game. It's what separates winners from survivors, and champions from second place—it's what gives your team the edge, and the strength to forge ahead through adversity. This book shows you how to boost performance with tips and advice gathered over 45 years of working with major corporations and world-class athletes. Whether your team battles on the field or in the boardroom, the mental component is a critical factor in determining outcomes—and left neglected, can become the number-one driving force behind failure. A winning team must be highly skilled, but they must also be resilient, motivated, attentive, and ready to charge the field. Skills can be taught, but the mental factor comes from the environment and the leadership. This book shows you how to boost performance, with real-world solutions for instilling that razor-sharp mental edge. Emerge from setbacks stronger and more agile Learn to thrive on stress and play on the emotional edge Build a culture and environment that fosters motivation Adopt practical strategies for leading your team to win When equal opponents are matched, winning ultimately comes down to mindset. Although sports analogies are ubiquitous in corporate leadership, the mental development aspect is too often ignored—but those who play the mental game and play it well have an unmistakable edge. Commonsense Leadership reveals the secrets to motivation and performance, with practical techniques for building a winning team.


Canada's premier resource for planning a happy, healthy pregnancy Healthy Beginnings is the ultimate guide to having a baby, with expert guidance through planning, conception, pregnancy, labor, and more. Developed by The Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada (SOGC), this book answers the hundreds of questions you have about your body, your baby, and your life during this exciting time, written by Canada's lead authorities on maternal and newborn health. You will find clear answers about keeping yourself and your baby healthy through each trimester, and what to expect as your body changes seemingly overnight. When it's time, it's time, and the SOGC's experts walk you step-by-step through each of the four stages of labor and delivery, with insightful advice to help you have the birth experience you want and enjoy your first moments with your newborn. When pregnancy ends, motherhood begins, and this book helps you start caring for your newborn—and yourself—with help from leading authorities on postpartum care, breast feeding, and all the information you will need as a brand new parent. Based on the national guidelines for care, this book provides clinically accurate information in an accessible, user-friendly way. From planning a pregnancy to taking care of your new baby, your questions are answered here, by the premier experts in the field. Understand what to expect from your body during each trimester Learn how to eat, exercise, travel, work, and play as your pregnancy progresses Get expert insight and advice for each step of labor and delivery Take great care of your newborn—and yourself—and find help when you need it Expectant mothers are understandably overwhelmed with information—everyone has «advice,» freely given, and sometimes questionable. How do you separate fact from superstition? Healthy Beginnings is the resource you can trust, with the most up-to-date answers on planning, pregnancy, delivery, and beyond.


Radical formula transforms your money and spiritual growth into global change The Awakened Millionaire is a practical manifesto guiding you to new dimensions of personal wealth, spiritual growth, and as a result, global transformation. Crafted by Dr. Joe Vitale, a famed millionaire, best-selling author, and star of the blockbuster movie «The Secret,» you'll discover a controversial formula that accomplishes what few believe possible: combining money and spirituality together to bring you more of both, while transforming you into a force for good in a world that desperately needs it. This book is a call to action, pushing you to wake up, stand up, and transform yourself into a powerful expression of your passion, your wealth, and your desire to make a difference. It is an invitation to become a true Awakened Millionaire, starting today. While most consider money and spirituality a blasphemous duo, Dr. Vitale shatters these social norms and shows you the true nature of money empowered with soulful purpose. At turns inspirational, motivational, and conversational, this page-turner ultimately narrows in on practical steps anyone can use to see instantaneous results, regardless of your past failures, current financial situation, or future goals. But his mission is not to simply transform you. Dr. Vitale's mission is to create a swarm of Awakened Millionaires transforming the world with every action they take, while enjoying personal luxury and soulful fulfillment new levels of money and spiritual growth can give them. The book reveals: How to turn your passion into wealth How to transform money into a spiritual tool How to create a soulful mission that changes the world If you desire both wealth and spirituality, this book finally reveals how.