
Become a more effective leader—cut the jargon and say what you mean Leveraging. Strategizing. Opening the kimono. Unlocking human capital. Trying to nail that BHAG. All on a go forward basis. These are only a few examples of the jargon-ridden language that is too often the mainstay of business communication. Jargon frustrates, confuses, and generally alienates listeners. Yet it's also everywhere, and using it can often seem like a mandatory requirement for anyone who wants to establish credibility in a professional workplace. To be an effective leader, you must be brave enough to be the first to drop jargon in favor of simple, coherent language. This can be difficult if you've spent years immersed in business culture, but Leading Through Language will show just how much you've come to rely on jargon, why it's holding you back, and how to trim it away to more effectively convey information and ideas. Understand why jargon is reviled, yet ubiquitous Learn why «business speak» gets in the way of business Discover what kind of language influences and inspires others Convey ideas with clarity, energy, and conviction Approach all communication as an act of leadership Communication often falls by the wayside in favor of more measurable data-backed performance metrics; but good communication has the power to improve metrics in every area of an organization. Leading Through Language is the business world's much-needed guide to true leadership communication, showing you how to eliminate idle talk and master compelling communication.


Leverage your brand of leadership for maximum results Unleashing Your Inner Leader: Executive Coach Tells All presents the premise that there is a powerful leader inside each of us. The focus is on real life exercises and case studies to help you discover, release, and leverage your inner leader: to reach heights in your career that you never thought possible. The book discusses the individual’s impact on the organization and which professional behaviors most frequently demonstrate leadership competencies. Conduct a “forensic intervention” to find out what is going awry in your professional development, or what has gone wrong in the past, and craft a strategy to overcome obstacles, gain unmistakable clarity about yourself, and focus your abilities to match organizational needs. Great leaders start their assessments from the inside out, and their passion is so strong that it permeates their organizations and builds the culture, regardless of rank. They inspire their teams by sharing the spotlight and encouraging coworkers to excel, operating with clean authenticity to maximize results. Unleashing Your Inner Leader helps you recognize where you fall on the leadership spectrum, and provides practical advice for shaping your brand of leadership to capitalize on your authentic capability and potential. You’ll find expert insight as an executive business coach guides you to: Evaluate your strengths, values, and personal impact to craft a vision for the world around you Discover what’s holding you back from maximum effectiveness Tap into your undiscovered potential, and inspire your team to excellence Recognize what it will take to move you and your organization to the next level It is often very difficult for leaders to see their own greatness, unlock it, and use it in a practical way to get results. Be the spark that ignites your team, and steer your own development toward becoming an impactful leader with Unleashing Your Inner Leader.


Supercharge options analytics and hedging using the power of Python Derivatives Analytics with Python shows you how to implement market-consistent valuation and hedging approaches using advanced financial models, efficient numerical techniques, and the powerful capabilities of the Python programming language. This unique guide offers detailed explanations of all theory, methods, and processes, giving you the background and tools necessary to value stock index options from a sound foundation. You'll find and use self-contained Python scripts and modules and learn how to apply Python to advanced data and derivatives analytics as you benefit from the 5,000+ lines of code that are provided to help you reproduce the results and graphics presented. Coverage includes market data analysis, risk-neutral valuation, Monte Carlo simulation, model calibration, valuation, and dynamic hedging, with models that exhibit stochastic volatility, jump components, stochastic short rates, and more. The companion website features all code and IPython Notebooks for immediate execution and automation. Python is gaining ground in the derivatives analytics space, allowing institutions to quickly and efficiently deliver portfolio, trading, and risk management results. This book is the finance professional's guide to exploiting Python's capabilities for efficient and performing derivatives analytics. Reproduce major stylized facts of equity and options markets yourself Apply Fourier transform techniques and advanced Monte Carlo pricing Calibrate advanced option pricing models to market data Integrate advanced models and numeric methods to dynamically hedge options Recent developments in the Python ecosystem enable analysts to implement analytics tasks as performing as with C or C++, but using only about one-tenth of the code or even less. Derivatives Analytics with Python – Data Analysis, Models, Simulation, Calibration and Hedging shows you what you need to know to supercharge your derivatives and risk analytics efforts.


The Compliance Revolution—Practical, Powerful Changes for Strategic Organizational Value Compliance is absolutely critical in creating a robust and resilient organization, one which is trusted by clients and contributes to market stability. Firms must approach compliance differently in order to meet these standards. Written for compliance staff, regulatory organizations, and senior management, The Compliance Revolution explains how key changes in compliance affect underlying principles, practices, roles, expectations and values. This valuable resource for global practitioners assists in navigating compliance requirements and implementing solid protection for a sound organization. Author David Jackman presents a coherent model for understanding and applying key developments in regulation and compliance. While the model is based on financial services, it can be applied to any sector and industry. It identifies five critical compliance components: Start-up, crises, expansion, sustainability, and outcomes-led focus. You will also discover: Why compliance is worth spending money on What your firm could and should be doing differently The importance of ethics in compliance and regulatory challenges How to create a pro-compliance culture Ten principles of good governance and why good governance matters How to employ judgment-based compliance The features and benefits of corporate maturity The Compliance Revolution is a crucial asset for all those with stakes in compliance—board members, compliance managers, and employees. David Jackman outlines key compliance challenges and reveals the practical tools and techniques required for successful practice. The insight, examples, and strategies in this comprehensive guidebook will help you and your organization achieve increasingly efficient, substantially more effective compliance procedures and practices.


The automatic filter against bad, irrelevant, outdated investing information Cocktail Investing takes a look at investing in a different, catalyst-driven light to form a more cohesive, globally relevant investing lens. With a focus on the intersection of economics, demographics, psychographics, technology, policy, and more, this book helps readers build a more profitable portfolio based on what they see everyday rather than following the herd on Wall Street. Industry experts expose the actionable, observable, and recognizable trends that surround us daily, and show readers how to recognize these trends for themselves and translate them into wiser investing decisions without getting sidetracked by media clutter and bad advice. Given today's ever-increasing deluge of information, the average investor faces the challenge of sorting through the babble to decipher what it means, and learn how, where, and why they should be investing given the current economic environment and the uncertain future. This book provides an 'off' switch, helping readers apply an automatic mental filter to the incoming cacophony, to filter out only what they can use for smarter money moves. Read the economy like a professional investor Filter out useless and misleading data Recognize 'go' signals, and identify the beneficiaries Identify cyclical and structural changes that have reshaped business models The economic climate has changed drastically, and traditional practices are no longer getting results. Modern investing requires a whole new approach, and Cocktail Investing is the clear, insightful guide for putting it into action.


2016 Book of the Year award winner by the Institute for Financial Literacy «Set it and forget it» investing, with less risk and higher returns Get Rich with Dividends is the bestselling dividend-investing book that shows investors how to achieve double-digit returns using a time-tested conservative strategy. Written by a nineteen-year veteran of the equity markets, this invaluable guide shows you how to set up your investments for minimal maintenance and higher returns, so you can accumulate wealth while you focus on the things that matter. Using the author's proprietary 10-11-12 system, you'll learn how to generate the income you need on a quarterly or even monthly basis. You'll discover the keys to identifying stocks that will return twelve percent or more every year, and how to structure your investments for greater security and financial well being. This method is so easy to use, you'll want to teach it to your children early to set them up for financial independence and help them avoid the problems that plagued many investors over the past decade. Dividends are responsible for 44 percent of the S&P 500's returns over the last eighty years. They represent an excellent opportunity today, especially for investors who have been burned in recent meltdowns and are desperate for sensible and less risky ways to make their money grow. This book describes a framework that allows investors to reap higher returns with a low-to-no maintenance plan. Set up an investment system that requires little to no maintenance Achieve double-digit average annualized returns over the long term Focus on other things while your money works for you Increase returns even with below-average growth in share price Market risk is high and interest rates are low, making it a perfect time to get started on a more sensible wealth generation strategy. With expert guidance toward finding and investing in these unique but conservative and proven stocks, Get Rich with Dividends is the only book on dividend investing you'll ever need.


What you need to know about your customers Now more than ever, every interaction you have with customers is critical. Customers today have unlimited information at their fingertips—and can influence the purchase decisions and behaviors of millions of others. With this comes a shift in the balance of power, and every company must come to terms with the fact that the customer is in control. Interacting with customers in the way they want is an essential business strategy and in many industries, the key to business success. Executives still refer to B2B and B2C business models, as though companies control demand by going to customers with products and services. But as Bill Price and David Jaffe (authors of The Best Service is No Service) show, a new business model is emerging in which the customer directs the relationship. It is becoming a world of «Me2B»—one in which the customer, not the business, dictates the terms of engagement. In order for your business to thrive, you must create positive experiences to fulfill a range of customer needs. Though the mediums for customer engagement continuously evolve, Price and Jaffe show that customer needs remain unchanging. In Your Customer Rules!, they define a critical hierarchy of seven needs that your company can meet and apply as a methodology. Throughout this practical guidebook, Price and Jaffe share examples of companies who succeed by meeting these seven needs, including Amazon, Apple, IKEA, Nordstrom, USAA, Shoes of Prey, Vente-Privee, and Yamato Transport, as well as those that didn't. Your Customer Rules! offers tailored advice for companies at every stage, from nimble startups to legacy firms with established customer service practices—and everyone in between. With a simple, elegant solution for driving lasting value for customers, Your Customer Rules! is a clear guide for strengthening customer relationships and competing on more than price. It is essential reading for executives at all levels—business owners, marketing managers, and anyone who works directly with customers.


Grasp how mobile, big data, and analytics are combining to change business processes Right Experience, Right Results: Improving Profits, Margin, and Engagement with Mobile and Big Data illustrates how businesses can use mobility, big data, and analytics to enhance or change business processes, improve margins through better insight, transform customer experiences, empower employees with real-time, actionable insight, and more. The book depicts how companies can create competitive differentiation using mobile, cloud computing big data, and analytics to improve commerce, customer service, and communications with employees and consumers. In the past, the technologies used to deliver personalized and contextual services were either unavailable, unaffordable, or reserved solely for the consumer market. Today, however, the next wave of computing—mobile, cloud computing. big data, and analytics—has provided the foundation for businesses to create adaptive, personalized applications and services. Delivered point-of-need, these smarter services allow enterprise products and services to meet the burgeoning demand for always-connected, accurate, and real-time information. Right Experience, Right Results: Improving Profits, Margin, and Engagement with Mobile and Big Data is your guide to the new way of doing things. The book includes: Real world examples that illustrate how companies across various industries are creating better business processes by integrating new technologies A three step action plan for getting started and overcoming obstacles An electronic checklist with numerous actions that help get you up and running with incorporating mobile, big data, and analytics A guide to drawing insight from mobile, social, and other sources to create richer experiences If you're a CEO, chief marketing officer, marketing director, or business manager, Right Experience, Right Results gives you everything you need to harness technology to breathe new life into your business.


A sleeker, more comprehensive approach to construction projects BIM and Construction Management, Second Edition is a complete integration guide, featuring practical advice, project tested methods and workflows, and tutorials for implementing Building Information Modeling and technology in construction. Updated to align with the latest software editions from Autodesk, Trimble and Bentley, this book provides a common sense approach to leveraging BIM to provide significant value throughout a project's life cycle. This book outlines a results-focused approach which shows you how to incorporate BIM and other technologies into all phases of construction management, such as: Project planning: Set up the BIM project to succeed right from the start by using the right contracts, the right processes and the right technology Marketing: How to exceed customer expectations and market your brand of BIM to win. Pre-construction: Take a practical approach to engineer out risks in your project by using the model early to virtually build and analyze your project, prior to physical construction. Construction: Leverage the model throughout construction to build safer and with better quality. Field work: Learn how mobile technologies have disrupted the way we work in the field to optimize efficiencies and access information faster. Closeout: Deliver a better product to your customer that goes beyond the physical structure and better prepares them for future operations. Additionally, the book provides a look at technology trends in construction and a thoughtful perspective into potential use cases going forward. BIM and Construction Management, Second Edition builds on what has changed in the construction landscape and highlights a new way of delivering BIM-enabled projects. Aligning to industry trends such as Lean, integrated delivery methods, mobile platforms and cloud-based collaboration this book illustrates how using BIM and technology efficiently can create value.


Steel your team against the unexpected by planning for uncertainty Extraordinary Outcomes presents an innovative approach to thinking and planning, giving leaders a playbook for dealing with uncertainty. Written by internationally recognized authorities on problem solving and creativity in organizations, this book provides an alternative outlook on business strategy and people management for leaders navigating uncertain waters, where the future is anything but guaranteed. The framework is the result of research in multiple fields and the authors' experiences with individuals, teams, and organizations, with examples from real-world situations that illustrate the concepts and dynamics at work to give readers deeper insight. The focus is on conquering uncertainty – eliminating it where possible, reducing it where it can be reduced, and embracing it when it's inevitable. Traditional ways of thinking and planning do not work in the face of an uncertain future. Frequently there are just no guarantees, nothing written in stone, and even a fortune-teller couldn't accurately predict the outcome. Extraordinary Outcomes helps leaders prepare for that, with strategies geared toward preparedness and embracing uncertainty. Learn why skills and talent are only two pieces of a bigger puzzle Discover how to better galvanize the team, and keep them motivated long-term Connect to a purpose that inspires enthusiastic engagement Conquer uncertainty, and develop a strategy for dealing with mistakes No one likes to be caught off guard, and the consequences can be severe at the organizational level. Leaders can't be psychic, but they can plan for possible outcomes and always have a solution at the ready. For those who like to have an answer for everything, Extraordinary Outcomes provides a roadmap toward an uncertainty-proof strategy for doing business.