
Édition revue et mise à jour de LA ressource canadienne pour vivre une grossesse heureuse et en santé Partir du bon pied est votre guide pratique qui explique étape par étape ce à quoi vous devrez vous attendre dans la planification, la conception, le travail et dans tout ce qui touche la grossesse. Créée par la Société des obstétriciens et gynécologues du Canada (SOGC), cette ressource essentielle, qui en est à sa cinquième édition, contient les renseignements les plus récents pour vous aider à vivre une grossesse en santé. Dans ce guide écrit par les sommités canadiennes en matière de santé des mères et des nouveau-nés, les experts de la SOGC répondent à vos questions sur votre corps, votre bébé et votre vie durant la grossesse. La cinquième édition de cet incontournable regorge des renseignements les plus récents pour vous aider à démêler les faits des croyances. Pour que vous ayez une grossesse en santé, ce guide adopte une stratégie axée en grande partie sur la réduction des risques et met l'accent sur la période avant la conception du bébé et sur le début de la grossesse (les trois premiers mois après la conception). Grâce au guide Partir du bon pied, vous serez en mesure de faire les bons choix pour vous et votre bébé. Comme ce guide a été conçu dans un but pratique, vous pourrez l'utiliser comme cahier de note où inscrire tous les détails de votre grossesse, de vos suivis prénataux et de votre expérience d'accouchement. Le guide compte aussi un grand nombre de pages où vous pourrez écrire les informations importantes dont vous aurez besoin pendant la grossesse. Utilisez les espaces à la fin de chaque chapitre pour noter les questions à poser lors de votre prochain rendez-vous. Quand bébé sera sur le point de naître, vous pourrez consulter ce que nos experts ont à vous expliquer sur chacun des quatre stades de l'accouchement en plus de lire leurs conseils pour vous aider à vivre une expérience d'accouchement comme vous le souhaitez et à profiter des premiers moments avec votre nouveau-né. Une fois que vous serez mère, vous trouverez dans Partir du bon pied les conseils dont vous aurez besoin pour prendre soin de bébé et des renseignements entre autres sur les soins post-partum et l'allaitement.


Boost morale and productivity by leading with respect The Respectful Leader presents an engaging, thought-provoking lesson for companies seeking off-the-charts performance. Author Gregg Ward draws on 25 years of leadership consulting, coaching and training experience to reveal the secret to great results: respect. In this true-to-life business fable, he shares the story of Des Hogan, a CEO who discovers that disrespectful behavior on the part of his leadership team is eating away at his company's morale, productivity, and profits. At a loss for a solution, he meets Grace—a straight-shooting, self-described «little old lady» in the maintenance department. With her no-nonsense advice, he sets out to revamp the culture and turn his company around; but first, he has to turn inward and realize that his own behavior sets the tone for the company at every level. This enlightening, engaging and honest story will help you recognize and analyze your own behaviors and interactions, and show you how to create a winning culture based on leading with respect. Intimidation, micro-management and insecurity do not drive top-level performance. True success is built on free-flowing, trusted, and open collaboration between departments, levels, and specialties. This book shows you how to build respect among the ranks—from the top down. Learn the key respectful leadership behaviors that significantly impact morale Learn how to adjust your own, and others', attitudes to boost productivity, teamwork, and profits Benefit personally and professionally by leading from a place of mutual respect and consideration People perform best when they feel valued and valuable. And, when they are respected for their experience, talents and skills, they'll become personally invested in outcomes—both short- and long-term—and consistently go the extra mile. Respectful leadership ignites passion, innovation, creativity, and efficiency, while control-based leadership and intimidation breeds complacency and mediocrity. Which environment would better serve your company? The Respectful Leader shows you how to achieve sustainable success with a simple behavioral paradigm shift.


When women succeed, we all win. Breaking Through explores the mentoring relationship, and unravels its effects on women, businesses, society, and the economy. In 2010, author Martine Liautaud founded the Women Business Mentoring Initiative (WBMI) to support women entrepreneurs with the targeted advice and personalized guidance that can only come from a mentor. In late 2015, she set up the Women Initiative Foundation to broaden her action in favor of women in the business world. This book encapsulates the WBMI mission and other similar experiences inside international and US corporations, showing how mentoring and sponsorship can take many forms—and how each form benefits women in business. Through evidence-based narratives, you'll learn what real women have gained from both sides of the dynamic, and why they credit mentoring with the strength of their business success. These stories show how mentoring yields increased efficiency, improved financials, more effective management, increased innovation, a broader talent pool, and increased revenues, and how helping women succeed in business leads to increased philanthropy and improves community sustainability. Gender equality has made huge strides in the US and Western Europe, but this progress is only apparent in the junior levels of the workplace. This book shows how mentoring women entrepreneurs and women managers provides the key that opens the door to the new economy. Understand why mentoring is key to women's economic advancement Learn how mentoring yields tangible benefits beyond the workplace Delve into the experiences of real mentor/mentee pairs Consider the effectiveness of various types of mentoring Despite the increasing opportunities for women in business, statistics and pervading stereotypes suggest that true gender equality is still far on the horizon. Mentoring and sponsorship can be tremendously helpful to women looking to achieve great things—the wisdom of experience is a powerful asset in business strategy and decision-making, and the mentor/mentee relationship benefits everyone. Breaking Through makes a compelling case for the effectiveness of mentoring, with real women's stories of success.


Get the inside scoop on what venture capitalists want to see in your startup as you hit the fundraising trail. This is the highly anticipated third edition of the best-selling book which has become the definitive resource for understanding venture capital fundraising. Whether you are an entrepreneur, lawyer, student or just have an interest in the venture capital ecosystem, Venture Deals is for you. The book dives deeply into how deals are constructed, why certain terms matter (and others don’t), and more importantly, what motivates venture capitalists to propose certain outcomes. You’ll see the process of negotiating from the eyes of two seasoned venture capitalists who have over 40 years of investing experience as VCs, LPs, angels, and founders. They will teach you how to develop a fundraising strategy that will be a win for all parties involved. This book is designed to bring transparency to the venture capital funding process and includes such topics as: How to raise money; What terms matter and which ones don’t; How to negotiate a fair deal for everyone; What makes venture capitalists tick, including how they are compensated and motivated; How companies are valued by venture capitalists; How all current structures of funding work, including convertible debt, crowdfunding, pre-sales and other non-traditional methods; How these particular issues change through different stages of financing (seed, early, mid and late); and How to avoid business and legal pitfalls that many entrepreneurs make. And as in the previous editions, this book isn’t just a one-sided opinion from venture capitalists, but also has helpful commentary throughout from a veteran CEO who has raised many rounds of financing from many different investors. If you are ready to learn all the secrets and ins and outs of fundraising, Venture Deals is an essential read.


Unlock explosive growth potential with the true model of modern leadership Thoughtfully Ruthless lays out the secret to rapid business growth by showing you how to magically invent more time, catapult your energy, and boost the productivity of your resources. Author Val Wright has worked with leaders of all stripes—from doctors to musicians to Fortune 50 C-suite executives—to help them unlock their potential and achieve the next level of success. Her experiences have shown time and time again that it's not the economy, or the market conditions, or the competition that's holding your business back. The secret to exponential growth lies within how leaders ruthlessly manage their time, energy, and resources in parallel. Everyone is on a virtual center stage with the whole world watching and reporting every move, leaders need to know how to be ruthless in a thoughtful way. This book shows you how to become that kind of leader, and how to adopt the habits, skills, and practices of some of the most successful business leaders of our time. You'll learn how to become sensibly selfish, how to spend your time and energy, and what issues to delegate or ignore so you can clear your slate to focus on what really matters to you. In a world where rapid growth is the new norm, we have input overload. Leadership is much-lauded but commonly under-practiced in business today. This book is designed to help you shape your leadership to drive business growth, get you promoted faster, and create a life that you love. Recover your time and energy away from black holes Focus on the factors that really impact your business Identify and build the all-star team you need tomorrow—today Create magnetic support and followership Learn the secret to pulling ahead of the competition With all the boardroom handwringing about products, the new consumer, and financial results, it's easy to get sucked into issues that ultimately have only a granular effect on real growth. Thoughtfully Ruthless leadership differentiates remarkable leaders and companies. This book provides a model for growth-oriented leadership, and lays out the essential practices you should start today.


Ensure Basel III compliance with expert analysis specific to Islamic Finance Islamic Capital Markets and Products provides a thorough examination of Islamic capital markets (ICM), with particular attention to the products that they offer and the legal and regulatory infrastructure within which they operate. Since Islamic banks act as asset managers, attention is paid to the regulatory challenges which they face in the light of Basel III, as regards both eligible capital and liquidity risk management. The authors of the chapters are professionals and practitioners, and write from experience. The editors also contributed to some of the chapters. The markets and products covered include Islamic equities, Islamic investment certificates (Sukūk) which are Shari'ah compliant alternatives to conventional bonds, and Islamic Collective Investment Schemes. The coverage of legal and regulatory issues includes an examination of the implications for ICM of securities laws and regulations and of Basel III, as well as collateralisation issues. Shari'ah compliance aspects, in terms both of the selection criteria for Islamic equities and of the 'purification' of impermissible components of income, are also examined in some detail, as are the implications of Basel III for eligible capital in general and for Shari'ah compliant capital instruments in particular. A similar analysis is also made of the implications of the Basel III requirements for liquidity risk management and high quality liquid assets (HQLA), including Shari'ah compliant HQLA. The book concludes with three case studies, two describing the ICM in Malaysia and Bahrain and a third which describes Sukūk issued as Shari'ah compliant capital instruments, followed by brief concluding remarks by the editors.


What’s Wrong with China is the most cogent, insightful and penetrating examination I have read on the paradoxes and self-deceptions of Modern China, written by someone who has lived in the country and dealt with it day to day for decades. This book will be hated by the commissars, because it is a triumph of analysis and good sense. —PAUL THEROUX I sure wish I’d read this book before heading to China—or Chinatown, for that matter. China runs on an entirely different operating system—both commercial and personal. Midler’s clear, clever analysis and illuminating, often hilarious tales foster not only understanding but respect. —MARY ROACH From the Back Cover What’s Wrong with China is the widely anticipated follow-up to Paul Midler’s Poorly Made in China, an exposé of China manufacturing practices. Applying a wider lens in this account, he reveals many of the deep problems affecting Chinese society as a whole. Once again, Midler delivers the goods by rejecting commonly held notions, breaking down old myths, and providing fresh explanations of lesser-understood cultural phenomena.


Delve into gender lens investing and the reality of the female economy Women today are an unparalleled force in the global economy—as successful entrepreneurs, corporate executives and family breadwinners. Yet gender-based violence, the absence of women's legal rights and the persistent wage gap stubbornly remain. This paradox creates an unprecedented and underexplored opportunity for investors. Gender Lens Investing, co-authored by Jackie VanderBrug, Managing Director and Joseph Quinlan, Managing Director and Chief Market Strategist, of U.S. Trust, Bank of America Private Wealth Management, is the first book of its kind to examine, in-depth the advantages of integrating gender into investment analysis. While other books speak to growing numbers and influence of women, Gender Lens Investing moves from economic trends to financial strategy. Learn why gender is material to economic prosperity and investment performance Explore ways to use a gender lens to assess products, companies and sectors. Delve into the forces of positive social change supported by a gender perspective on investment choices Examine profitable and gratifying gender lens investment strategies Women are one of the world's greatest underutilized assets, and applying a gender lens allows you to identify companies that recognize this, or uncover the risks of companies that neglect it. A gender lens adds value across the investment community, but the impact reaches far beyond the bounds of portfolios to the economy and society as a whole. Gender Lens Investing provides expert perspective and real-world practical insight for investors looking to drive returns and impact.


Redefine what it means to be innovative The Innovative Mindset calls the accepted definition of innovation into question, urging you to consider how innovation might function as a behavior that you perpetuate, rather than an inflexible theory or corporate-defined initiative. By asking yourself what it takes to be innovative—and by being honest with yourself about the answer—you can incorporate innovation into your life much in the same way that you would a behavior to help you lose weight, increase your strength, learn to play the piano, or improve your relationships. This groundbreaking text helps you identify what you need to do in order to become more innovative and less fearful, and assists in creating a regimen that transforms how you act. Innovation has become one of the most popular buzz words of the Digital Age, and there is no better time to reevaluate the true meaning of a concept than when it is being touted by individuals and companies around the world. A fresh, practical understanding of innovation can revolutionize the way you think about work. Master innovation by reexamining what it means and how you can implement it as a behavior Explore the transformative power of the Mindset of Discovery in poignant, up-to-date case studies and improvisation-based tenets Spark innovation, maximize productivity, and increase profitability as a result of implementing the Big Five behaviors Boost performance as you foster and leverage your new approach towards innovation The Innovative Mindset reevaluates the nature of innovation and shows how a change in perspective can lead to more dynamic, more successful endeavors.


Leverage algorithms to take your investment approach to the next level Digital Wealth: An Automatic Way to Invest Successfully reveals core investment strategies that you can leverage to build long-term wealth. More than a simple review of traditional investment strategies, this innovative text proffers digital investment techniques that are driven not by people but by algorithms. Supported by asset allocation research, the secrets shared in this forward-thinking book have underpinned cutting-edge investment firms as they integrate algorithm-based strategies. In addition to presenting key concepts, this groundbreaking resource explains how these concepts can give you an edge over the professionals on Wall Street through details regarding achieving financial security and meeting financial goals rooted in a firm foundation in behavioral finance, portfolio tilts, and modern portfolio theory. Investment strategies have evolved from one generation to the next, and the ability to leverage new digital tools calls for another overhaul of traditional investment concepts. Investment techniques implemented by algorithm rather than by human monitoring can, in some cases, prove more successful. The key to a balanced portfolio is understanding what these algorithm-based strategies are, and how to best use them. Explore insights from multiple Nobel Prize winning academics that can give your investment strategy an edge Consider how technology can open up powerful techniques to mainstream investors, including tax-loss harvesting and automated rebalancing Discuss how cost minimization and a strategic tax approach can boost your portfolio's compound growth Identify strategies that support the long-term growth of your wealth Digital Wealth: An Automatic Way to Invest Successfully is an essential text for sophisticated individual investors and investment consultants alike who want to explore how digital tools can bolster financial success.