
A comprehensive guide to understanding and auditing modern information systems The increased dependence on information system resources for performing key activities within organizations has made system audits essential for ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information system resources. One of the biggest challenges faced by auditors is the lack of a standardized approach and relevant checklist. Understanding and Conducting Information Systems Auditing brings together resources with audit tools and techniques to solve this problem. Featuring examples that are globally applicable and covering all major standards, the book takes a non-technical approach to the subject and presents information systems as a management tool with practical applications. It explains in detail how to conduct information systems audits and provides all the tools and checklists needed to do so. In addition, it also introduces the concept of information security grading, to help readers to implement practical changes and solutions in their organizations. Includes everything needed to perform information systems audits Organized into two sections—the first designed to help readers develop the understanding necessary for conducting information systems audits and the second providing checklists for audits Features examples designed to appeal to a global audience Taking a non-technical approach that makes it accessible to readers of all backgrounds, Understanding and Conducting Information Systems Auditing is an essential resource for anyone auditing information systems.


Every supply manager's essential desktop tool with in-depth, authoritative coverage of each topic Leaving no stone unturned in covering all aspects of the procurement and sourcing functions, The Procurement and Supply Manager's Desk Reference, Second Edition is filled with everything every organization needs to know about the key roles and responsibilities of a procurement professional. Presented logically to match the flow of the procurement and sourcing functions, the book is filled with practical aids such as step-by-step guides to each segment of the process, as well as checklists and customizable forms. The new edition of this essential book provides an easy-to-use road map for the procurement and supply manager in the new millennium. Coverage on how to select suppliers and measure performance Reveals the easiest way to drive continuous improvement in the supply base Features tips on providing value to the organization Helps you identify those strategies that will work best for your business for years to come Written for the worldwide profession of procurement and supply management, The Procurement and Supply Manager's Desk Reference, Second Edition offers detailed coverage and tips with an eye toward incorporating proactive strategies and best practices.


Представлены статьи преподавателей, аспирантов, магистрантов и студентов, в которых рассматриваются актуальные проблемы и перспективы развития современных социально-экономических преобразований в экономике. Для студентов и преподавателей высших учебных заведений экономических специальностей.


В журнале освещаются проблемы реформирования российской системы бухгалтерского учета в соответствии с международными стандартами финансовой отчетности; вопросы создания и внедрения национальных стандартов (ПБУ); основные системы международного бухгалтерского учета; образовательные программы по основам международного бухгалтерского учета. Рекомендован ВАК Минобрнауки России для публикации научных работ, отражающих основное научное содержание кандидатских и докторских диссертаций по следующим отраслям: экономические науки (08.00.00); юридические науки (12.00.00); информатика, вычислительная техника и управление (05.13.00). Реферируется в ВИНИТИ РАН Включен в Российский индекс научного цитирования (РИНЦ) В этом выпуске: – Концепция клиентского капитала в интегрированной отчетности: анализ теоретических основ – Предложения по реформированию фундаментальных основ предприятия, акционерного общества и социального интереса посредством экологического учета (Часть III) – Налоговые обязательства как объект внутреннего контроля в организациях потребительской кооперации – Методологические и практические проблемы формирования налоговой обязанности по налогу на доходы физических лиц, выявляемые при налоговом консультировании и многое другое!


The fastest, easiest way for small business owners to master the art and science of bookkeeping This updated and expanded second edition of Bookkeeping For Canadians For Dummies gets small business owners and managers up and running with the knowledge and skills you need to keep your books balanced, your finances in order, and the CRA off your back. From tracking transactions and keeping ledgers to producing balance sheets and year-end reports, you'll master all the important terms, procedures, forms, and processes more quickly and easily than you ever thought possible. Features approximately 25 percent new and updated content tailored for Canadians–the only Canada-specific guide to bookkeeping Includes clear and concise instructions on keeping the books, tracking transactions, recognizing assets and liabilities, and keeping ledgers and journals Packed with up-to-date tax information, including complete coverage of recent changes to the tax codes most important to small businesses Serves as an indispensable resource for small business owners who keep their own books, as well as those interested in a career as a bookkeeper Provides small business owners with highly-accessible, step-by-step guidance on creating professional financial statements and operating business accounts


Score your highest in corporate finance The math, formulas, and problems associated with corporate finance can be daunting to the uninitiated. Corporate Finance For Dummies introduces you to the practices of determining an operating budget, calculating future cash flow, and scenario analysis in a friendly, un-intimidating way that makes comprehension easy. Corporate Finance For Dummies covers everything you'll encounter in a course on corporate finance, including accounting statements, cash flow, raising and managing capital, choosing investments; managing risk; determining dividends; mergers and acquisitions; and valuation. Serves as an excellent resource to supplement coursework related to corporate finance Gives you the tools and advice you need to understand corporate finance principles and strategies Provides information on the risks and rewards associated with corporate finance and lending With easy-to-understand explanations and examples, Corporate Finance For Dummies is a helpful study guide to accompany your coursework, explaining the tough stuff in a way you can understand.


A timely look at the healthcare valuation process in an era of dynamic healthcare reform, including theory, methodology, and professional standards In light of the dynamic nature of the healthcare industry sector, the analysis supporting business valuation engagements for healthcare enterprises, assets, and services must address the expected economic conditions and events resulting from the four pillars of the healthcare industry: Reimbursement, Regulation, Competition, and Technology. Healthcare Valuation presents specific attributes of each of these enterprises, assets, and services and how research needs and valuation processes differentiate depending on the subject of the appraisal, the environment the property interest exists, and the nature of the practices. Includes theory, methodology, and professional standards as well as requisite research, analytical, and reporting functions in delivering healthcare valuation services Provides useful process tools such as worksheets and checklists, relevant case studies, plus a website that will include comprehensive glossaries and topical bibliographies Read Healthcare Valuation for a comprehensive treatise of valuation issues in the healthcare field including trends of compensation and reimbursement, technology and intellectual property, and newly emerging healthcare entities.


The only book on the market specifically designed to help audit staff stay ahead of inspectors This comprehensive, practical, and theoretical guide covers the key ISAs that underpin audit methodologies and the recently revised ISAs that cause practitioners the most concern. It is designed to enhance auditors' understanding of critical ISAs, reducing their dependence on methodologies to mediate and explain ISA requirements. Using plenty of examples, the book helps audit staff learn to tailor audit methodologies and remove redundancies, as well as form high-quality judgments with a thorough grounding in ISA to serve in discussions with file reviewers and audit inspectors. Features practical examples that appeal to auditors with technical responsibilities Covers key topics such as smaller audits, management override of controls, documenting judgments, and dealing with accounting estimates and written presentations Ideal for practitioners in companies and accounting firms, as well as auditing students Includes access to a companion website with constantly updating ISAs and case studies Mixing theory with practical examples, Core Auditing Standards for Practitioners provides experienced audit staff with key ISA-related information they need to succeed.


With easy-to-understand explanations and real-life examples, Management & Cost Accounting For Dummies provides students and trainees with the basic concepts, terminology and methods to identify, measure, analyse, interpret, and communicate accounting information in the context of managerial decision-making. Major topics include: cost behaviour cost analysis profit planning and control measures accounting for decentralized operations budgeting decisions ethical challenges in management and cost accounting


Migrating from MYOB to Xero is an opportunity to examine what information you really, really want from your accounting system, and also a chance to customise the data (and Xero) to suit those needs. This In A Day book is focused on exporting data from the MYOB file you’ve been using, preparing that data so it imports into Xero easily, and then importing the data into Xero. In no time you’ll be in the cloud with activated bank feeds. You’ll be reconciling data on your mobile phone, enabling your accountant to simultaneously access data, strategically managing your business and meeting your tax obligations.