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A clearer, more accurate performance management strategy Over the past two decades, performance measurement has profoundly changed societies, organizations and the way we live and work. We can now access incredible quantities of data, display, review and report complex information in real time, and monitor employees and processes in detail. But have all these investments in collecting, analysing and reporting data helped companies, governments and people perform better? Measurement Madness is an engaging read, full of anecdotes so peculiar you'll hardly believe them. Each one highlights a performance measurement initiative that went wrong, explains why and – most importantly – shows you how to avoid making the same mistake yourself. The dangers of poorly designed performance measurement are numerous, and even the best how-to guides don't explain how to avoid them. Measurement Madness fills in the gap, showing how to ensure you’re measuring the right things, rewarding the behaviours that deserve rewarding, and interpreting results in a way that will improve things rather than complicate them. This book will help you to recognize, correct and even avoid common performance measurement problems, including: Measuring for the sake of measuring Assuming that measurement is an instant fix for performance issues Comparing sets of data that have nothing in common and hoping to learn something Using targets and rewards to promote certain behaviours, and achieving exactly the opposite ones. Reading Measurement Madness will enable you to design a simple, effective performance measurement system, which will have the intended result of creating value in your organization.
A one-of-a-kind resource walking you through one complete fraud investigation, from the original tip to conviction in court Anatomy of a Fraud Investigation is an engrossing read and a valuable resource for fraud investigators, auditors, or anyone who suspects fraud may be occuring in their organizations and is unsure as to how to act. It details all phases of a fraud investigation from the first suspicion of fraud to the final judgment in court, through the eyes of a forensic accountant. In each phase, the author provides insights based on his twenty-two years as a forensic accountant from where to sit at the table when you bring the suspected fraudster in for questioning, to how you protect the key sources of information that the suspect will try to destroy once he or she realizes they are under investigation. In-depth analysis of a fraud investigation Based on an actual investigation conducted by the author Each chapter contains valuable tips and key considerations, providing subtext for why decisions were made and bringing to light potential risks A fascinating, insider look at a fraud investigation, Anatomy of a Fraud Investigation helps you better understand fraud detection, investigation, and prevention-from the inside out.
Discover the tools for knowing the costs your company should cut, without impacting its ability to deliver goods and services New from Steve Bragg, this book provides the tools for determining which costs a company should cut, without impacting its ability to deliver goods and services. It explains how to use throughput analysis in order to locate bottleneck operations in a company, which in turn dictates where capital investments should (and should not) be made. Delves into process analysis, to determine where excess resources are being used in a business process Describes the total cost of ownership, showing how a single purchasing decision actually snowballs into a variety of ancillary costs Shows how to create and use a spend management system to reduce procurement costs Shows how just-in-time systems can be used to eliminate inventory costs Cost Reduction Analysis: Tools and Strategies provides examples to show how much cost can potentially be eliminated to avoid drastic action later that can imperil your corporation's direction and future.
An all-encompassing guide to the elements and basics of fair value With the important role fair value is playing in the creation of a converged set of global accounting standards, demand for products in this category is growing spectacularly. The elements and basics of fair value are covered, including risk, dealing with the SEC, and details on legal responsibility. In addition, sample financial statements are included, along with tables, recommended applicable techniques, and management checklists for those who are responsible for preparing and approving of financial statements. Written by the Chairman and co-CEO of the International Association of Consultants, Valuators and Analysts (IACVA) Includes sample financial statements of both U.S. and foreign companies Appropriate for anyone involved professionally with finance—managers, accountants, investors, bankers, instructors, and students—The Professional's Guide to Fair Value is a reliable reference on the ins and outs of fair value financial disclosure.
Cash Flow Analysis and Forecasting. The Definitive Guide to Understanding and Using Published Cash Flow Data - Timothy Jury
This book is the definitive guide to cash flow statement analysis and forecasting. It takes the reader from an introduction about how cash flows move within a business, through to a detailed review of the contents of a cash flow statement. This is followed by detailed guidance on how to restate cash flows into a template format. The book shows how to use the template to analyse the data from start up, growth, mature and declining companies, and those using US GAAP and IAS reporting. The book includes real world examples from such companies as Black and Decker (US), Fiat (Italy) and Tesco (UK). A section on cash flow forecasting includes full coverage of spreadsheet risk and good practice. Complete with chapters of particular interest to those involved in credit markets as lenders or counter-parties, those running businesses and those in equity investing, this book is the definitive guide to understanding and interpreting cash flow data.
Learn the essential tools for developing a sound service-oriented architecture SOA Modeling Patterns for Service-Oriented Discovery and Analysis introduces a universal, easy-to-use, and nimble SOA modeling language to facilitate the service identification and examination life cycle stage. This business and technological vocabulary will benefit your service development endeavors and foster organizational software asset reuse and consolidation, and reduction of expenditure. Whether you are a developer, business architect, technical architect, modeler, business analyst, team leader, or manager, this essential guide-introducing an elaborate set of more than 100 patterns and anti-patterns-will help you successfully discover and analyze services, and model a superior solution for your project,. Explores how to discover services Explains how to analyze services for construction and production How to assess service feasibility for deployment How to employ the SOA modeling language during the service identification and examination process How to utilize the SOA modeling patterns and anti-patterns for service discovery and analysis Focusing on the Service-Oriented Discovery and Analysis Life Cycle Stage, this book will help you acquire a broad SOA Modeling knowledge base and leverage that to increase efficiency and productivity in the workplace.
Expert direction on interpretation and application of standards of value Written by Jay Fishman, Shannon Pratt, and William Morrison—three renowned valuation practitioners—Standards of Value, Second Edition discusses the interaction between valuation theory and its judicial and regulatory application. This insightful book addresses standards of value (SOV) as applied in four distinct contexts: estate and gift taxation; shareholder dissent and oppression; divorce; and financial reporting. Here, you will discover some of the intricacies of performing services in these venues. Features new case law in topics including personal good will and estate and gift tax, and updated to cover the new standards issued since the first edition Includes an updated compendium discussing the standards of value by state, new case law covering divorce, personal goodwill, and estate and gift tax, and coverage of newly issues financial standards Shows how the Standard of Value sets the appraisal process in motion and includes the combination of a review of court cases with the valuator's perspective Addresses the codification of GAAP and updates SOV in individual states Get Standards of Value, Second Edition and discover the underlying intricacies involved in determining «value.»
An indispensable hands-on guide to financial accounting In light of recent accounting scandals, it is critical that all financial practitioners understand and play by the rules of the accounting field. Starting from the assumption that the reader is not familiar with any accounting jargon, Mastering Financial Accounting Essentials presents material in a way that explains the key features of modern accounting step by step and helps you develop an intuitive understanding of accounting. Each chapter presents important accounting concepts, from inventory valuation methods and the timing of erosion of productive assets to how internal managers calculate ratios and trends to evaluate business efficiency. For those who need to understand the language and law of this discipline in order to communicate effectively with accountants and clients, Mastering Financial Accounting Essentials will be an indispensable guide.
A savvy examination of where people and value meet, creating the opportunity for fraud An essential reference for all business professionals, Detecting Fraud in Organizations: Techniques, Tools, and Resources explains the process of how people commit fraud, as well as how to prevent and stop fraud from occurring in your organization. Organized by business processes which succinctly describe how fraud manifests itself on a daily basis, the authors explain ways in which everyone can help guard against fraud by familiarizing themselves with its building blocks and methods used to perpetrate and conceal it. Filled with situational examples the book is accompanied by a website featuring fraud simulations, business process maps, and other useful tools for combating fraud. Focuses on the people who perpetrate fraud and those who are tasked with preventing and detecting it Uniquely organized by business processes for more relevance and easier understanding by those people working within organizations Shows how subtle factors play a large role in identifying and ferreting out fraud in addition to the traditional knowledge of fraud schemes giving people and organizations the edge they need to be successful in prevention and deterrence Companion website includes additional fraud simulations, business process maps, and useful tools The price of fraud can be devastating to your business. Detecting Fraud in Organizations: Techniques, Tools, and Resources equips you and others in your organization with essential information and tools necessary to proactively catch fraud, reduce losses, improve efficiencies and develop actionable controls.
A fascinating look at the unique nature of mergers and acquisitions in Asia The Asian market is heating up, and both local and international firms are looking to get in on the mergers and acquisitions (M&As) that are poised to play a pivotal role in the restructuring of all manner of industries. This restructuring will increase competitiveness, but to make the most of it you need to understand why M&As in Asia are unique. With Asian Mergers and Acquisitions: Riding the Wave in hand, you have everything you need to do just that. Packed with invaluable information on how Asian M&As work, the book points to the fragmented nature of Asian countries, markets, and customers, the rise of Asian economies and firms, and the growth of cross-border business driven by the need for companies to gain access to markets, technologies, and brands as key elements for understanding the market. Lays out guiding principles for Asian M&As, including identifying the drivers for creating value, mitigating cultural differences, getting the best expertise in pre- and post-merger efforts, and more Contains everything investors need to know to understand coming changes in the Asian market Details how Asian M&As differ from those in other countries Providing clear insights into Asian mergers and acquisitions and their inner workings, including do's and don'ts for successful investment, this book is essential reading for anyone looking to cash in—or simply understand— the rapid growth of Asian industry.