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Business scandals are always with us from the South Sea Bubble to Enron and Parmalat. As accounting forms a central element of any business success or failure, the role of accounting is crucial in understanding business scandals. This book aims to explore the role of accounting, particularly creative accounting and fraud, in business scandals. The book is divided into three parts. In Part A the background and context of creative accounting and fraud is explored. Part B looks at a series of international accounting scandals and Part C draws some themes and implications from the country studies.
Wiley Federal Government Auditing. Laws, Regulations, Standards, Practices, and Sarbanes-Oxley - Roldan Fernandez
The most practical, authoritative guide to Federal Government auditing Now in its second edition, Wiley Federal Government Auditing is authored by four CPAs who are partners at Kearney & Company, a CPA firm that specializes in providing auditing, accounting, and information technology services to the Federal Government. This single-source reference provides you with up-to-date information on applicable laws, regulations, and audit standards. Created for both professionals and others performing Federal Government audits, this guide condenses the abundant, complex criteria for Federal Government auditing into concise, accessible topics you'll refer to frequently and presents: An easy-to-navigate format that allows you to find needed information quickly Detailed guidance on what, why, how, and by whom Federal audits should be made Discussion on internal control over Federal financial reporting Recent developments in auditing standards Federal financial statements, budgeting, accounting, and more Coverage of the scope and work required in an audit of Federal departments and agencies Examples of Federal audits Separate chapters devoted to auditing and evaluating Federal IT systems; performance audits; procurement and contract audits; and grant audits Written in a non-technical style and complete with helpful exhibits, this guide is a «go-to» reference for government auditors, Inspectors General, public accountants, military comptrollers, legislators, state and local government auditors, budget offices, financial managers, and financial analysts. The content also applies to contractors and grantees, universities, and other nonprofits and organizations that have repeated financial dealings with the Federal Government.
The easy-to-use, do-it-yourself desk accounting and auditing research database FASB's online GAAP Codification system. The convergence of U.S. GAAP and International Financial Reporting Standards. EDGAR filing and research system. RIA Checkpoint and CCH. Accounting professionals and practitioners need to understand these research databases to reach solutions and achieve maximum results for the organization. Highlighting each pertinent database, Accounting and Auditing Research Databases shows you how to conduct research using a host of databases including RIA, CCH, AICPA's Online Library, FASB Codification, GARS, and eIFRS. Highlights each specific database Step-by-step guidance to research resources Explains how to conduct research using databases including AICPA's Online Library, FASB Codification, and eIFRS Enables you to understand accounting and auditing research to reach solutions Accounting and Auditing Research & Databases: A Practitioner's Desk Reference focuses on the practical aspects of professional accounting and auditing research with step-by-step guidance to research resources to provide you with the skills you need to improve within your organization.
This uniquely accessible, breakthrough book lets auditors grasp the thinking behind the mathematical approach to risk without doing the mathematics. Risk control expert and former Big 4 auditor, Matthew Leitch, takes the reader gently but quickly through the key concepts, explaining mistakes organizations often make and how auditors can find them. Spend a few minutes every day reading this conveniently pocket sized book and you will soon transform your understanding of this highly topical area and be in demand for interesting reviews with risk at their heart. «I was really excited by this book – and I am not a mathematician. With my basic understanding of business statistics and business risk management I was able to follow the arguments easily and pick up the jargon of a discipline akin to my own but not my own.» —Dr Sarah Blackburn, President at the Institute of Internal Auditors – UK and Ireland
The regulatory framework for financial reporting, auditing and governance has changed radically in recent years, as a result of problems identified from the Enron scandal and more recently from the drive to implement global standards. In a key regulatory change, a company audit committee is now expected to play a significant role in agreeing the contents of the financial statements and overseeing the activities of the auditors. Finance Directors, Audit Committee Chairs and Audit Engagement Partners are required to discuss and negotiate financial reporting and auditing issues, a significant process leading to the agreement of the published numbers and disclosures, and to the issuing of the auditor's report which accompanies them, but which is entirely unobservable by third parties. Reaching Key Financial Reporting Decisions: How Directors and Auditors Interact is a fascinating, behind-the-scenes examination of this closed process. The authors draw on the results of face to face interviews, and an extensive survey of finance directors, audit committee chairs and audit partners, and present nine company case studies highlighting the process of discussion and negotiation and the methods by which the agreed financial reporting outcome was reached. Detailed analysis of the case studies: Allows those involved in the process to benchmark their behaviours against those of others Enables a comparison between the previous and current regulatory environments to see what has changed, and sheds light on the sorts of behaviours the current regulatory framework encourages Evaluates the effectiveness of the changed regulatory regime, providing evidence relevant to current policy debates concerning the value of audit, IFRS and the relative merit of rules-based versus principles-based accounting standards in relation to professional judgement and compliance The unprecedented access and unique insights offered by this book make it invaluable for audit firm staff and partners, audit committee chairs and company directors involved in agreeing the published financial statements, as well as those who have an interest in the financial statements, but do not have access to the negotiation process.
A one-stop shop for background and current thinking on the development and uses of rates of return on capital Completely revised for this highly anticipated fifth edition, Cost of Capital contains expanded materials on estimating the basic building blocks of the cost of equity capital, the risk-free rate, and equity risk premium. There is also discussion of the volatility created by the financial crisis in 2008, the subsequent recession and uncertain recovery, and how those events have fundamentally changed how we need to interpret the inputs to the models we use to develop these estimates. The book includes new case studies providing comprehensive discussion of cost of capital estimates for valuing a business and damages calculations for small and medium-sized businesses, cross-referenced to the chapters covering the theory and data. Addresses equity risk premium and the risk-free rate, including the impact of Federal Reserve actions Explores how to use Morningstar's Ibbotson and Duff Phelps Risk Premium Report data Discusses the global cost of capital estimation, including a new size study of European countries Cost of Capital, Fifth Edition puts an emphasis on practical application. To that end, this updated edition provides readers with exclusive access to a companion website filled with supplementary materials, allowing you to continue to learn in a hands-on fashion long after closing the book.
Project Management Accounting. Budgeting, Tracking, and Reporting Costs and Profitability - Kevin Callahan R.
Praise for Project Management Accounting «Let me start with what the Second Edition of Project Management Accounting is not....it is not an inch wide and a mile deep. Instead, it provides multiple lenses to anticipate both intended and unintended consequences through sound principles of Project Management and accounting as well as inquiry focused on both risks to the project and reputational capital. It should be on every decision makers bookshelf to pick up and remind them of their essential foundation when they face a major project or the risk of mental myopia.» —Barry van Dyck, PhD, Recruiting and Admissions Director, EMBA, Mendoza College of Business, University of Notre Dame Acquire the accounting knowledge and skills to become a top-performing Project Management professional Project Management accounting involves much more than just understanding how project income and expense impact the general ledger. To truly succeed in today's competitive business environment, project managers must also understand how to budget resources, determine ROI, and track costs and expenses for projects as well as become adept at strategy and executive decision making and portfolio management. With its focus on accounting, Project Management Accounting: Budgeting, Tracking, and Reporting Costs and Profitability, Second Edition is designed to enhance the business skills of project managers at all levels of experience. Now in a fully updated second edition, Project Management Accounting clearly explains step-by-step how project expensing (for both internal projects and outside vendors) should be capitalized or expensed in order to keep the budget on track and improve profitability. The proficient author team of Callahan, Stetz, and Brooks culls their decades of experience to show readers how to achieve the greatest tax/cost savings by helping them determine what portion of the project can be capitalized. This Second Edition of Project Management Accounting includes current case studies and sample checklists to help professionals hit the ground running by immediately applying concepts to their own business scenarios. Here, CFOs, controllers, project managers, and accounting managers will discover how to: Understand risk assessment from an accounting and auditing perspectiv Maximize project outcomes by leveraging accounting and financing tools and principles Improve each project's profitability by understanding its costs and benefits Analyze their business's financial information to choose the right project, every time Apply proper accounting principles to a project Develop a project budget based on a company's financial performance and needs Project Management Accounting provides the knowledge and skills to become proficient in Project Management and maximize the profitability and ROI of any project.
Дисциплина «Лабораторный практикум по бухгалтерскому учету» является дисциплиной вариативной части профессионального цикла обучения по направлению подготовки 38.03.01 (080100.62) «Экономика» (профиль «Бухгалтерский учет, анализ и аудит»). Методические указания содержат описание структуры практикума и рекомендации по его организации и выполнению. Методические указания подготовлены с использованием справочно-правовой системы «Консультант плюс».
Новый закон о налоге на профессиональный доход (он же налог на самозанятых) породил много вопросов и домыслов в СМИ и интернете: что начинается тотальный мониторинг личных счетов, что это дополнительный побор и новый способ задушить бизнес-активность.Цель книги – объяснить простым языком положения нового закона и показать несостоятельность домыслов, а также простоту процедур для налогоплательщика от постановки на учёт до уплаты налога.Книга будет интересна как начинающим предпринимателям, так и работающим по трудовому договору (да-да, можно и работать, и вести маленький бизнес в рамках этого налогового режима!).
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Автор произведения Дмитрий Евгеньевич Нестеренко
First update in 4 years! As fluctuating oil prices, off-shore drilling, and other energy-related issues impact the way your clients conduct business, it i essential to have a keen understanding of the domestic and international topics and trends facing the oil and gas industry today. This 2018 edition includes over 200 pages of invaluable guidance to help accountants improve their industry knowledge, fine-tune their strategies, and provide high-quality services to their clients. This publication provides important technical guidance, summarizes new standards and practices, and delivers «how-to» advice for handling audit and accounting issues that will be critical to your success. Key Features of this title are: An updated illustrative representation letter that contains industry-specific representations. Discussion and interpretive guidance associated with FASB ASC 606, Revenue from Contracts with Customers